Montana 213 Anaconda Sheep Tag



I was drawn for a 213-Anaconda sheep tag. I plan to do the hunt on my own. Any information about the unit would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think BuzzH's dad had a tag for there last year, you might shoot him a PM and ask.

Congrats on the tag! Hope you kill a booner. Do a yahoo people search in Montana for Lester Kish. He killed a 200 point ram there before the die-off. Also, give Jack Atcheson a call. I'm sure he'll share some info with you. Try to see if Tim Magness still lives in Anaconda. Do you have any of Duncan Gilchrist's books? He talks about some of the general ram haunts in 213. Best of luck to you.

So you let the cat out of the bag, huh?

My brother talked to Lester Kish last week. Lester hasn't been to the unit in 3 or 4 years, but that's not to say he wouldn't be a good contact.

Next time I talk to my bro, I'll get Lester's number.

Talk to ya soon.


You dont have anything to worry about but a good time in that unit.

If you go later in the season, the rams will be low, as in on the highway.

My Dad drew the tag last year and finding rams was not difficult. I looked at around 50 different 3/4 curl and larger rams. The best 3-4 rams I could find were in the 180-185 range...lots of 165-175 class rams. The unit has a pretty nice variety of horn shapes...rams with lamb-tips to older broomed off rams.

If you have a specific horn shape in'll find it with a minimal amount of looking.

You wont have any trouble if you can hike a bit and know how to use glass.

Heres the ram Dad decided he couldnt pass up. Officially net scored 183 3/8.

First of all congratulations on drawing a permit. I have a friend in Anaconda that has been putting in for 28 years and has not drawn. I grew up in Anaconda and some of my good friends still live there. I am definitely not an expert on the unit but I know a little and can get you some more information. As stated earlier the rams will be on the highway in November when the hunt is still open. I had a friend kill a 180 plus ram with a work vehicle this year. There were at least 3-4 good rams killed on the highway. They are starting to cross the highway and utilize habitat that they had not previously occupied. I walked into the unit in May and saw 4-5 rams still hanging around low. You are lucky you will get a great ram. Just about any unit in Montana is going to be as good as almost all units in other states. I will send you a PM. Don't hesitate to call me. My buddy has access to some key land in the unit and hunts it for elk quite a bit and sees some great rams. November cannot come soon enough for you. Shop around and find a good taxidermist!!!!!!!

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