Mont. 'Groaner' Goat


Long Time Member
New issue of Eastmans Hunting Journal, page 64, our own 'Predator' has a great read on her Mont. goat hunt.

Way to go Lisa and a great Goat to boot!

Thanks for sharing with us all.

That was sure a nice surprise, I had no idea that was coming out......brings back some fine memories of beautiful country with good friends.

Look forward to doing that again with you, Please! How'd the scout trip go?

Bicycling is the best activity you can do for bad knees. My ortho loves that I don't run anymore.

Makes 'em sore, but they don't HURT.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-06 AT 07:03AM (MST)[p]I just wanted to say congrats to you Predator, on the great goat, and to having your story in Eastman's. Its always a treat to read a story that is about one of the regulars around here. Anyway, congrats again and I really enjoyed the story.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Awwww, thanks ND, I'm glad you like it. I really enjoy sharing stories about our passion with folks!

Great job on the billy and the article. I just got done reading it on the plane as I flew over yellowstone this morning. There is definitely some wild and rough country up in Montan. You did an excellent job writing and bringing us along with you. How is the knee healing up?

Did you find the broken horn?

CS, you flew right over the stuff, it is pretty crazy country, huh!


The knee is as good as it's gonna get, it turned out I actually not only had the meniscus and ACL, but a chondyle fracture. Surgery fixed most of it, I have half an ACL, and the knee swells up everytime I push hard. But hey, at least I can still push hard, right? I'm looking at having a second surgery probably within the next few weeks, but first I'm gonna backpack the Grand Canyon!

The horn was completely shattered into little bits; it looked like a shark had bitten it off. The billy tumbled over a ledge and landed headfirst in the scree. The taxidermist made it look perfect though, don't you think?

Congrats on the story pred....was a good read. What an awesome looking mount!!! They are amazing trophies for sure.
Where's that pic Predator? In the Mads or Gals? Just curious, I got skunked on my goat hunt in the Mads last year.


The taxidermist did a great job on the goat! I really like that mount and he did, what looks like a seamless job on the busted up head gear.

Have fun in the grand canyon and take care of that knee.

CS bout you? Was yours a tough hunt? What time of year did you get him?


Lisa and the 'Warden' are down in the Grand Canyon doing a North to South Rim back pack trip.... for 7 days...

Be about a week for her to answer ya.....

DAMN that is a great mount. I will be hunting goats in BC SOON and would love to have a mount like that.

Hi Horn, sorry I missed your question. Mine was 327, and he was taken in mid-October. We played a risky hand with the weather, but I really wanted a long-haired billy.

Larry showed me pics of years past when they were in chest deep snow, so I really count myself lucky.

Honestly, the whole hunt was filled with little things that convinced me the entire thing was endorsed by God himself.

Yeah, I agree. That is beautiful country. I was on the border of the two units a little bit.

I was there in Nov looking for that long hair, but everything was white!! Wow does that make it hard to glass goats!



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