monstermuley apology


I would like to apologize to two fellow monstermuley freaks like myself lol. To dleonard3 and longshooter338. Sorry for being negative and letting my jealousy get in the way of my true colors. I know that you guys are stand up guys and I feel bad for my negative comments towards the both of you. I hope you won't hold a grudge, for life is to short and maybe if im lucky one day we can share a week of hunting and have storys to tell in the distant future. You both are die hard hunters like myself ane again sorry for being a #####. To don sorry for calling you names and to kody sorry for being a jerk about spike hunting. Anyways best of luck and I hope you have many more successful hunts in the near future.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-10 AT 06:22AM (MST)[p]Aaron sometime it the hardest thing to do is to say sorry. I know it still hard for me to say it sometimes.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
By chance did a Milwaukee's Best Light beer can land on either one of you today? Just kidding...
>By chance did a Milwaukee's Best
>Light beer can land on
>either one of you today?
> Just kidding...

LOL...I don't care who you are, that's funny!
Now you have to apologize to the whole state of Millwaulkee, lol. I don't know what thread you are talking about where you bashed those two guys Aaron and I don't need to know. But it takes a big man to apologise. Your welcome at my fire anytime. fatrooster.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-10 AT 10:39AM (MST)[p]When did Milwaukee secede from WI and become it's own State.;) But yea, I wouldn't throw a Milwaukee's Best at my worst enemy.
I have to agree its milwaukees beast for sure. I am almost certain that it comes from all the beer spilt on the floor mopped up than put in the can. Why let it go to waste when even cheap drunks need a cheap beer. LMAO
Never having drank the stuff, I once bought a 30 rack of Milwaukee Select for 11 or 12 dollars just because it was so incredibly cheap. It makes Milwaukee's Best seem like Fat Tire. I have never seen my buddies turn down free beer and it ended up sitting in my fridge for weeks. What other terrible domestic drafts from Wisconsin do you guys want to talk about?
Back in college a buddy of mine used to drink Buckhorn, should have been called Buckpiss. That stuff was horrible.

Back when I used to go to the bar me and my buddies would buy a bunch of beer and drink in the parking lot because it was cheaper than drinking inside the bar. After getting a good buzz we would then go inside and drink. After doing this for awhile I noticed that I was the only person buying the beer. I switched to cheap beer and then nobody wanted to drink my beer and so they started buying thier owne again. Millwaulkees Best was one of those beers. Thanks Millwaulkee for saving me money and getting me drunk when I was young and dumb! fatrooster.
AARON84, I never gave it a second thought after we came eye to eye and i think a hell of a lott of you for posting most men wouldnt and yes your welcome at my fire anytime truely !!!!!

Takes a man to make an apology for anything.
Credit to you. Figure it means something to you.
Far as Milwaukee's Best is concerned, I still like it at fish camp mixed with about one-quarter Clamato per jug down on the River.
Seems that when we are in WY Miluakees Best is all the stores sell over there. I can't stand the stuff. I'd rather drink warm goat milk! And, yes, I have drank warm goats milk and it's not as bad as Miluakees Best. :)

T&A Inspector
Geez......Do you guys need a loan?

I am the poorest guy on this site, but NOBODY, NOWHERE, NO TIME, should have to drink that stuff!

Way back when.....Lucky Grocers had a store brand of beer called "Made Rite".......wrong!

Milwaukee may have some crappy beer, but those Texans hold the record for beer brands that are real drain scum.

By the way, the apology was a "stand up" thing. Hope you guys are all good now.

......It won't inspire me to apologise to some who I have insulted on line, but I am a comfortable with my role of "resident argumentative azzhole". Every site needs at least one.

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