Monster Yukon Ram


Long Time Member
2007 Kluane Auction Sheep Tag. Guided by Bart Lancaster. Rumor is the ram scores 185.
Wow! Bart's the man. that is an awesom looking ram no matter what the score.
WOW!!! A 180 class Dall is more rare than a 200 point bighorn. What a ram! Congrats to the guides and hunter.
That is a huge ram. Absolutely awesome. I pitty the taxidermist who has to mount that animal. Look how short the hair is on that ram.

What a great ram! Dalls are so beautiful, just a dream right now but maybe someday eh...Thanks for sharing it...
LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-07 AT 11:36PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-07 AT 10:40?PM (MST)

WOW, that IS a monster. With those black hairs that ram will have to be scored as a stone for B&C. Most likely a Fannin ?

LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-07 AT 03:49AM (MST)[p]>WOW, that IS a monster. With
>those black hairs that ram
>will have to be scored
>as a stone for B&C.
>Most likely a Fannin ?

That is a great ram. According to OVIS if it has only a small amount of grey in it the owner can choose which class of sheep to enter it as.

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-07 AT 07:42AM (MST)[p]That hair is so short, I think the grey you are seeing is just the skin from under the front leg.?. Not policing, just an observation. How many rings do you guys count? I came up with 9. A perfect ram, in my opinion.

What a hawg ! I'm guessing its a fannin. Looks like lots of Grey and brown to me. Interesting shot placement. C.C.
Awesome ram!
He looks to be at least 12yrs old to me, though it's tough to tell from that angle.

That hole far back could be an exit or entrance from a shot other than broadside.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-07 AT 12:30PM (MST)[p]Kelly Wiebe and Bart Lancaster guided the clint Mr. Foster to this great ram. Kelly, Guided last years hunter to a 176 BC ram. He called me Monday July 30, And told me about the ram. When he called he could hardly talk he was so excited.

Kelly is great guide and even better person, If you ever get a chance to hunt with him do so. Bart and Kelly are cousins. They work alot together.
What a ram!

By demonstrating mid-180 potential, the price of next year's Kluane auction permit will go through the roof.
I have a Lancaster video. The hunter looks like a guy they took on two desert sheep hunts in Mexico.

If that ram is over 9 years old he ate really well. All of his lower teeth are in real good shape, looks like he could make quite a few more winters.
I hope the hair on those sheep are a little bit longer when I get to the NWT on Tues.
I think he looks even bigger in that 2nd photo(if thats possible), maybe it's because you see the whole body in relation to his huge horns.
I'm with HT about next years Kluane auction tag amount, It's going to be off the scale!
And that is the hunter(Name?)off Barts DVD's who hunted Deserts in Mexico 2 consective years.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-13-07 AT 08:06PM (MST)[p]I finely got to take to Kelly again. He said it is all white , not one black hair in it at all, 100% Dall. Green 182. Bases were 14 inchs. Measurments 1st qt 13 5/8, 2nd qt 11 4/8 and 3rd qt 7 4/8 length was 44 on both.

Sorry it took me so long to get bad with you guys. Okie

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