Monster Muley stickers ?


Long Time Member
Have there ever been Monster Muley stickers ? If we had some to put on our rigs we would know when we came across another member. " Monster "
What do you guys think ? Is this a good thing or a bad thing ?
Sounds like a good idea to me. I have always wondered when up in the hills who i have talked to and who i have not.
Why not put your username under the sticker?

I would get one for sure, good idea. But if thier user name was on there, there might be a few more cases of road rage or drive by "tuneups" :)
I would gladly put one on my camper rig along with my handle. I have met 8-10 guys from MM and would enjoy meeting even more. Even the guys i've been in pissen contests with are good guys though i may not have thought so at the time.

Ok, i see in the on-line store where some cool looking Muley window decals are for sale. Been thinking a while on sticking one to the middle left rear of my camper with "sageadvice" painted on underneath it. My Question;

these are window decals, i need those that show well when stuck to metal. Will the window decals work or are there some available for my needs? Thanks!!

L-g yeh they are still available at the On-line store.

Joey---I do not see why they wouldn't work on metal as well as glass---they are sticky----but I have never tryed to put 'em on metal.....

Robb, Please forgive, i don't know squat about decals-stickers. My concern was that these stick to the inside of a window. Obviously, that wouldn't work for metal. Are you saying that these attach to the outside of the window? If so, yes, i'm in the game...Thanks,

I like the idea of having this sticker with my handle underneath it... I know there are companies that can make any decal you want, so you could get your handle made up for it...

My dad's decal is for sure on the outside of his truck sage- I'm pretty sure these are too...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Yeh--all outside window instal.

With the window tint I think they would be hard to see from inside instal...


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