Monster Learning.


Long Time Member
Has anyone seen the side banner ad for Monster Learning?


Ect. Ect.

Well, one of our own clicked on the ad. Long story short, it turns out to be a Cinderella story for someone who never thought he could make his full potential.

Yes, our very own Eel got into a prestigious institute of higher education. Way to go Eel. I for one am very proud of you.

Don't believe it? Well here he is on his very first day at the new school.


I would have grateated too if I could have got in.

Believe it or not, I did attend a school of higher learning for awhile back in the 60s. They wanted me to go to classes during duck season. Screw that!

1911, that cartoon is actually pretty good because I used to go to the school early to get a good parking spot. The place was pretty well deserted when I got there. As a practicle joke one morning, I took the door handle off of the inside of the men's bathroom (while proping the door open with my foot). No way the next guy in could get out until someone else came in. By the way, that solid brass handle is on my old duck boat to this day!

See! I did get something out of college.:)


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