Monster Dead Head Ram


A friend found this old worrior in Colorado




WOW, the find of the year.
What process do you need to go through in Colorado to be able to keep it?
In Colorado, you don't need to go through any process to keep the head. Congrats, finds like that are definitely not around every tree!
wow awesome find , sure would like to find one of those some day with my arrow sticking out of his side. Thanks for the great pic.
My understanding is it has to be plugged with a metal tag and thats a Federal Statute not a State One...thats what I had to do with mine I found in Wyoming....By the way Great Find!
It's not a Federal regulation. Colorado will not plug pick-ups, because only plugged rams can be sold here. Reduces the chance of poaching and selling rams as "pick-ups".
About a decade ago my brother found a ram about the size of the one above. Since we didn't know the law, we called the District Manager for the area and he said we didn't have to do anything, but he was interested in where the ram was found. Incidentally, that was the second ram my brother found. Now that's luck!

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