Monster BC California Bighorn


Long Time Member
Looks like there may be yet another contender for the #1 Califoria Bighorn in the World. This ram was taken last week in BC by a DIYer in a General Open Season. Apparently Rick Berreth green scored it @ 193". 43 1/2"X42 1/2" x 16 1/2" and broomed!!!


LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-07 AT 06:05AM (MST)[p]Beautiful ram! Congratulations!

But next time, take out a bandana and wipe the blood off the animal's face before taking pictures. Only a few moments care makes for much better photos.

Great animal!
HOLY SH*T!!!!!!!!!! Animal of my dreams.....

Are you sure about the flavor of bighorn that is? That a very classic looking Rocky Mtn. Bighorn. He doesn't really look like a California Bighorn much at all. The coloring, body size and horns all look very much like a ROCKY.

Either way, that's one incredible ram. He's a very lucky hunter to encounter such a magnificent bighorn.
What a fantastic looking ram. If that is a true cali, I think it would be a new World record by 7 or 8 inches!!!!
That is a pure Cali. I heard it was shot in the Junction area, where most of the transplants that have gone to the US came from.

Yes it should be the new British Columbia record but only by a few inches as I beleive the current BC record is about 190 B&C.

Current record is 191 5/8" taken in 1968. It should be close after shrinking.

Beauty of a ram.

I guess I can forward that email now!! LOL!!

Bighornbob or Stonesheepsteve,
Do you guys know what that Kamloops ram taken last year scored after the 60 day? Didn't the green score have it in the #1 spot. This new ram looks bigger to me, but I'm just a muley nut and ain't a sheep nut like you guys.

When you gonna post up your 07 buck here????
LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-07 AT 08:47PM (MST)[p]That Kamloops Lk ram greened 186" but I don't know what it ended up going after drying. The green score put it in the #3 spot with roon to spare. I believe the #2 ram went 189" but that's going from memory. Those guys that took the #1 and #2 ram were veteran sheep hunters unlike the guy who took the new big ram. Him and his partner were both rookie sheep hunters.

My Buck?? I thought these guys are used to seeing truely big bucks! I just watched some of Terry's Muley Crazy videos. Now those are bucks!!!!

That's an incredible ram for a California Bighorn. I had no idea that this area was producing such incredible sheep.

I am not surte if you read it right but the ram is a California Bighorn that was shot in British Columbia. Not a bighorn shot in California.

The area where this sheep was killed is well known for producing big heads as many from the late 60's and early 70's are way up there. The old #1 and #2 were shot from the same heard by a couple of buddies a few days apart. Like I said this area of BC is where many of the original sheep transplants started from. Most of the California Bighorn herds across the western states have blood that originated from the Junction herd.

Thanks, I did understand that this ram is a California Bighorn that was shot in BC. I guess I wasn't too articulate in my phrasing when I posted. I guess it's one of those things where I knew what I meant, but maybe nobody else did?!?

What I was trying to say is that for a California Bighorn, regardless of his area of origin, that is one hell of a fine ram!

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