Monster B&C AZ Antelope for Lil Debbie! Video!! 87"



LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-12 AT 11:19AM (MST)[p]We were blessed to be able to hunt with Debbie Wesch with her unit 7 AZ Antelope tag! We hunted and took the big buck we call Stumpy on the first morning of the hunt. We hunted this buck the year before with another hunter but the buck left for a different unit and we were not able to take him. But thats ok because clearly he was meant to be Debbie's buck!

Click on the link! Thanks for looking, I hope you enjoy the video!



Lance Crowther
Timberland Outfitters
AZ sure knows how to produce monsters. Congratulations to the little lady and the high quality video crew! That was a fun watch

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