Monser Muleys Fantasy Football League and Pick 'em!!!


LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-07 AT 11:31AM (MST)[p]OK - the leaves on the hills are starting to turn, there is a crispness in the mountain air in the mornings, the elk are losing their velvet and beginning to test their voices and the boys of fall are donning the pads and smacking each other around in two-a-day practices getting ready for their up-coming season!


Well I AM! So - for your pleasure, I have created the innagural MONSTER MULEYS FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE and the MONSTER MULEYS PRO PICK 'EM LEAGUE! (we could even do a college one too if we want!)

Both are free to whoever wants to join and are relatively easy. The Pro Pick 'em allows up to 50 players and you don't have to worry about tracking individual players - just teams, pick the winner from the head to head match up each week and trash talk to your hearts content! It will not be a knock out league, but will be based on cumulative weekly points so we can see who is the best football prognosticator! (However it will be ME - of course!)

The Fantasy league is a little more invloved and only the first 15 that e-mail me at [email protected] will be allowed to play! Priority will be given to B.F.E., ELKOHOLIC, norby, and JohnQPubic as they have already expressed an interest so there is enough room for 11 more (If there are more requests, we could set up another league - don't want anyone to feel left out - it is too diluted though to have a good competetive league with more than that!)

If you want to do the Pick'em - here is the info:
Group ID #: 28122
Password: muleys

Here are some easy instructions if you are new to this:
1 - go to
2 - scroll down to box that reads PRO FOOTBALL PICK 'EM
3 - click on SIGN UP NOW,
4- click on SIGN UP - this will prompt you to enter your Yahoo
ID and password - if you don't have one already - follow the
steps to set one up.
5- sign in with your existing (or new) Yahoo ID
8- enter the GROUP ID # (28122) and PASSWORD (muleys)
9- create your pick set name and set your picks!


I've got Boss Hawg in the ground - some root beer on ice and ALL MY ROWDY FRIENDS ARE COMING OVER TONIGHT! That's right...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
OK - BYE BYE! Take your piggy and go home! By the way - my new football is made of REAL BOSS HAWG pigskin and you can't touch it!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Well Roy sounds like fun, have never done this stuff before so I signed up for the pick em game. Thanks for getting it started. Jim
Is there something I should be doing now for the FFL on Yahoo or are we waiting to fill the league and then start it up- also did you say it's a silent draft or a live draft- I'm stoked! when will this go down (I assume in the next few weeks) I'll be around just off and on.

OK - I have received quite a few responses but there is still space available in the Fantasy League! Right now - 7 spots left! Here's what I will do. I will give you until Monday morning at 8AM CST to let me know you are interested via e-mail. Around that time, I will send out a mass e-mail to all who have contacted me with the league ID and password. Then everyone will have until Friday 8/31 to get their picks prioritized and I will set it to auto draft on 9/1. The NFL begins with a Thursday night game on 9/6 and then the bulk of the games begin on Sunday 9/9. So that will give everyone plenty of time to get their line-up set too. If you have any questions regarding the league settings / points system, e-mail me and I will be glad to reply.

I am ready for it to get started so I can whoop some butt!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, Do you play head to head each week? We normally start 1 qb, 2 rb, 3 wr, 1 te, 1 defense, 1 kicker, 1 d, 1 db, and 1 dl. If you can only get 10 or 12 teams that should be fine. Either way you boys can decide who will take second place!

Please sign me up if you have room. I tried clicking on the eamil thingy next to your name but it wouldn't work. PM sent.

Oh, can I still draft Elway???
Yeah - you can draft him, but he won't score you any points! - I'll count you in.

There are still a few spots available!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
awholelottabull wrote:"Roy,
I would love to play but I'm not around until the first week of October. I.m afraid I would be too far behind by then. Thanks for going to all the trouble of arranging this."

I hear your pain, one of the few drawbacks to what we get to do for the next month I suppose. I love fantasy football, but being in the hills for a month+ makes it difficult to do. Good luck to those who play.

RE: League Full!

All right! We got enough now for a good league so we are full! Now we just need everybody to register and set their preferences so we can draft. If you have sent me an e-mail and haven't received the league info yet, let me know ASAP by either sending me a PM or posting here. I should get back to you pretty quickly. If there are still more people that want to do it, we will need to get another league going. Let me know and I will do it!

Thanks! This should be fun!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
RE: League Full!

Hey Roy, I meant to ask, how many owners are you expecting (10-12-15)? Trying to figure out how many players will draft each round so I can set my draft list in just the proper manner to smoke you guys.


OK fellas - here we go. We have 14 teams now with 14 players and no cream puff bye week! There have been a few questions by some guys who haven't really done this before so here are some answers for you. First - the draft is an auto-draft. That means that you don't necesarily get to select your whole team. What you do is set your pre-draft rankings (by going to your team page and editing your pre-draft rankings) - it is pretty easy and you can exclude the players you don't want to draft (like JohnQ who is exculding LT, Manning and Harrison because they are injured, retiring or getting kicked off the team - according to him.) I am in the process of moving today and tomorrow so I won't be available to start the draft actually until Monday morning so you have the weekend still to tinker. If you have any questions, e-mail me and when I get the puter set up I will answer.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

OK - The draft has happened! Sorry it took so long to get it started. I moved this weekend and things are still in boxes. Took a while to get the computer hooked up and online with a new DSL connection. So go ahead and check your teams out! Looks like NORBY was the lucky winner in the LT sweepstakes and CABugle landed Steven Jackson while WAmuleyHunter got LJ. It's going to be a blast! Get your line-ups set - play begins on Thursday!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
RE: Set your picks and lineups!

OK - the season starts tomorrow night - make sure your picks are set in the pick 'em league and that your fantasy lineups are set!

There are still plenty of spaces available in the pick 'em league, and it only takes a few minutes a week. Instead of playing one of TripleK's trivia games, you can waste your time on some football picks!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
RE: Set your picks and lineups!

Roy as I previously indicated, I have never done one of these pickem things before. I made my pics and when I go to the group picks it looks like I am the only one that has. Is that correct and if so is there some reason to wait until the last minute to make the picks?
RE: Set your picks and lineups!

Nah, I've made my Picks too and it looks to me like I'm the only one as well. I'm sure we'll see once the season starts or something.

RE: Set your picks and lineups!

Boy, you guys are lucky I'm not in your league. I'd kick everyone's butt! I'm in another league where we had a live draft. I got hosed and ended up with the tenth pick in a ten team league. I still got Rudi Johnson & Reggie Bush as my main RBs, Mark Bulger as my QB with Jay Cutler to back up. Bernard Berrian, Reggie Brown and Larry Fitzgerald as my wideouts and NEW ENGLAND as my defense. Vernon Davis at TE and Olinda Mare as my kicker!

Come on, I'll take you all on!!!!!!!!!

OOPS, wrong league!
RE: Set your picks and lineups!

Still lots of room in the pick 'em league!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
RE: Set your picks and lineups!

HUH? I thought you guys had your league. I'll join if you have a pick 'em league that hasn't drafted yet.

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