Monroe Unit Rifle Deer Tags



My Dad and I drew tags for this unit. We have never set foot in this unit. I was planning on trying to get there a few days prior to the season opener, so that I can get a lay of the land and maybe locate some deer. I am hoping for some advice from you guys. Where are some good areas to camp? What area in the unit is a good place to start looking for deer? Thanks for any advice in advance. Burt
All I can say is good luck. I don't know the unit well but I know that this unit has been in bad shape for years. I will be curious to see how it works out for ya.
>All I can say is good
>luck. I don't know the
>unit well but I know
>that this unit has been
>in bad shape for years.
>I will be curious to
>see how it works out
>for ya.

What do you mean by "bad shape" Are you talking about trophy quality? It had the highest success rate for any weapon season out of all the general deer units last year at 64%
That means there is 64% less deer on the unit than the year before. LoL In all honesty, the unit has been hammered the past few years and the herd is struggling to get back up. That is why the division shortened the season on this unit a few years ago. You can still find a few decent bucks if you put in your time and miles on the boots. Good Luck
Well since there are no Deer on that unit, where is a good area to camp?
>Well since there are no Deer
>on that unit, where is
>a good area to camp?

LOL, I see you have some spirit! Good for you.

I've not hunted the unit for years. We usually hunt across the street so I can't speak of specifics in your unit but you'll do just fine, see deer, probably shoot a couple and have a wonderful time. Keep digging.

It's a beautiful spot in the world!

Thanks Zeke! We will hunt hard in search of a good Buck, you can bet on that. I train all year around so that when I draw a tag I will be in great condition. My Dad and I have been blessed with good health and Dad is training now for our hunt. My 1st priority is to have a great experience with my Dad. He is 79 and our time is getting shorter and shorter to do these things together. We will have a great time. The killing something is not the priority here. Where should I set up my camp guys.

Slinginlead and Moose332 thanks for the info. I really appreciate the information.
Was it a armed camping trip or did you find a few bucks.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Had a great hunt with my Dad. We saw a couple of really good bucks but just could not get it done with them. They know that those cedars are there sanctuary. I think I wore my Dad out trying to get him one of those bucks. If I can figure out how to post a picture on here I will, so you can see the one we harvested. Dad didn't fill his tag, but it wasn't due to a lack of buck. Just could not get the big one in the correct location at the right time. All the guys that say that unit is not very good should get out of there vehicle and hunt a little. The big one isn't just going to jump in the back of your truck. There were so many negative posts about this unit that I was a little discoraged prior to the hunt, but know that it's over I would not have traded that general tag for another. I also loved the fact that you could stand on top of that mountain range and see for 100 miles in any direction on a clear day.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-14 AT 01:11PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-14 AT 12:56?PM (MST)

Here are the pics! I am not very good at this so I hope the pictures come out. I would also like to thank Paul from Wyoming for his help getting the buck to the top of the mountain and taking a great picture of my Dad and I. We had never met Paul in our life before that day, and he heard the shot so he went to investigate. I think he could see we had our hands full so he just jumped in and helped us out. We were very lucky that day. Thank you Paul! I hope I can repay you some day.
Glad you guys had a good time!
That is a real nice buck. I don't know why
people bad mouth the unit either; I have never failed
bagging a decent buck from the Monroe unit.
Great buck.....I sent you a pm. On the main forum page, you'll see a red flag? Click on it and you'll be able to find my note to you. Again, congrats on a really nice buck. Did the scope bite you?


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Well I am glad that you were able to harvest a nice buck congrats!! I guess I need to change my hunting location cause I did not see much for shooters. I know people don't like to give out info on there hunting spots but I am open for suggestions. Where do these bucks go for the rut? I would like to go see them. Hey again great buck!!
I sent a pm back Wisard. Yes I was hoping no one would notice the bite mark. That was a first for me, I am a little embarrassed about it.
Very nice, Glad you was able to get a good one.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
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