Monday Night Football


Well, my team fell apart tonight, i'm leaving at 3rd quarter.
5 turnovers in just 3 quarters.......i can't take one more.
Denver....WTF??? :-(

Slam, I turned the tv off after the 5th turnover also. It looked to me like he threw that one to NE! Sometimes they're the Broncos and then you turn around and they're the Denver Donks!

It was making me think Cutler had money against his own team, those interceptions he was throwing were absolutely PERFECT the other team!! x(

That game just made me HURT!!!! We have had sooo many chances to go up more games on San Diego and just can not do it!!!! We SUCKED lat night!!! I can not believe how bad that game was!!!! Might be a longer year than I thought!
That is for sure! I can't freakin even run period!

Maybe you ought to go and help the Broncos!
They could use someone with some musCLE!!!!
> If
>you liked the cowboys you
>wouldnt have this problem!!!

THE COWBOYS???? LMAO!!!! They are worse than the Broncos! They got their HEADS handed to them by the RAMS!!!! LOL!

But SLAM....did you see we lost Boss for the year and Champ for at least 4 to 5 weeks!!!!!!! THIS YEAR SUCKS!
It's going to be a tough rest of the year for our donkeys, but i'll never count them out till it's over..........and it's FAR from that now! :)

Cowboys, are you serious?? Lol ;-)

Actually i DO have Romo on my UNDEFEATED 7-0 fantasy team!!


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