Monarch's Score Contest Rankings - Thru #22


Active Member
Here's the current score contest standings.




I'm trying to figure out the best way to post the results to keep them legible and this time I left out the part where the spreadsheet computes the worst scores and throws them out. If anyone wants to see that part let me know and I can email you a pdf or the spreadsheet if you want.

This week shows how volatile results are right now as downhill went from 18th last week to 1st this week with his winning guess for contest #22.

You can get a feel for which folks are going to swing by looking at the highest score that is getting thrown out. If they blow a contest and that score counts next week instead of thier current worst score, you can see that they are in jeapordy.

I was a good example of that this week. Last week I was in 3rd but my worst score that was getting thrown out was 9.125 from week 17. I blew this weeks contest by 12.625 so all of the sudden my 9.125 counted in my score and I dropped down to 10th place.

theox blew contest #22 even worse, but he had some much smaller scores that were previously being tossed out so it he actually moved up from 4th to 2nd in the standings.

Pretty interesting stuff!

As always if you see anything I messed up on let me know and I'll get it fixed.

I just went back and looked at my spreadsheet that has the computations on it for dropping the scores and that made it easier to see the guys on the bubble! ;-)

marley needs to keep it together, he is getting his 15.125" difference from week 21 droppped right now. If that got added to his score it would double his score from 15.000" to 30.125" and he would fall all the way from 5th to 68th!

sageadvice is right there beside him with a 14.75"'er as his last score being dropped. That would drop him from 7th to 69th.

I'm not much better with a 11.25"'er getting thrown out.

NoDoe was sitting pretty after week 6, but after missing the last 2 contests they have a 20.5"'er sitting there as their only score getting thrown out. Would hate to see that sucker end up in the net score.

downhill and theox are both sitting pretty good with 5.50" and 6.0" getting thrown out for their #3. theox is in better shape with his #2 throw away score being 7.625" compared to 12.25" for downhills though.

I think if we stick with the typicals I'll give the edge to theox, but after this weeks contest if there are anymore trashy nontypicals to come theox may be in trouble!!
Guys that I see with potential to start moving up if we get a few more hard to guess scores are:

hunt30 has the most potential. He has a 6.625 and a 6.0 as his 2nd and 3rd drops. Plenty of room for those to move into his net score if there are some bad guesses from some of the guys ahead of him.

Twoshooter has some room to move up as well with 8.875 and 7.375 as his #2 and #3 throw aways.

I don't see anyone moving from 18th to 1st anytime soon like downhill did this week though!
>What was "Score Contest #16"? I
>didn't realize I missed one.

That was C3's elk. You need to check the mule deer, elk and general hunting forums for the contests.

I have no control over when they show up, I just arrive after the battle is over and bayonet the wounded! ;-)
I thought there was only going to be one throw out score? How is your net calculated?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-11 AT 11:11AM (MST)[p]If you enter every contest there are going to be 3 throw out scores.

There will be 15 contests and the best 12 scores are going to count.

My current formula requires that 5 scores count through week 8. If you've entered 8 contests then you get to drop 3 scores. If you've entered 7 contest then you get to drop 2 scores, etc. If you've only entered 5 contests you don't have any scores to drop and I don't include anyone that hasn't entered at least 5.

Everyone can enter the weekly contests but you will end up needing to have entered at least 12 contests to be eligible for the cummulative grand prize which is the bow.
npaden, thanks for the updates and such. I still don't remember where the three thowouts came from.

The original setup was to count contests #12 - #30 and you had to have guessed 14 of the 18 to win. Somewhere in there it changed to only score contest #15 on and the number of ones you needed to enter also changed. I thought there was only one throw out after that point.

Just curious as I have oldmanitis these days and can't remember where anything is much less the rules for a contest from a few months ago :)

I can see why you are confused. He spelled out the rules on the contest on your bull! ;-)

The only thing that is screwy is that if we go to contest 30 there will actually be 16 contests instead of 15. I asked Curtis about that last week and he made it sound like we are going to actually stop at contest #29 and keep it at 15 contests. He was going to clarify that when he posted the next contest.
Add in scores from 12,13,14 and I think I would be sitting pretty. LOL

NPADEN how would it stack up with those scores in play.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Add in scores from 12,13,14 and
>I think I would be
>sitting pretty. LOL
>NPADEN how would it stack up
>with those scores in play.

Beats me.

It takes about an hour per contest to get the scores input and computed so I don't plan on going back and putting all those scores in there just to see how it would have come out.

Give me 3 hours of your time and we could probably work something out!

OK but only 5 minutes at a time,I'm a slow typer. I have MM life to lead. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Last week was brutal! look at how far off some of us were on that buck that was over 300.

If we ever do it again, I think there should be a rule that you get penalized for guessing over the actual score.

This has been fun and Im getting my tail kicked!

I just wish I had enough guesses to get my bad guesses tossed.
Here was my scores for #11,#12,#13,#14

Score #11 186 3/8 Guess 186 3/8 0
#12 134 7/8 135 7/8 2"
#13 246 7/8 245 1/8 1 6/8
#14 143 3/8 146 2 5/8
so I think I was rolling along pretty good. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Yeah Gator, you were!

I was doing pretty good on the lope and regular muleys too, in this contest, until i hit the Elk, Moose, and this last big non-typ buck. I still don't see over 300". i actually scored him at 255, same as theox, but i gave him 7 or so more inches figuring i may have been low. Little did i know just how low i was.

I never claimed to be any good at all guessing Moose, Elk, and big ol monster Non-typical Muley scores... unfortunately not near enough experience with them.

Is there no contest this week?

Joey that last one kind of rocked you a bit but remember that score will get thrown out. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
my first guess was going to say 300 but when I did the math and I still came up with 265.

I'm defiantly not good a judging a buck with that type of mass and all those extras! Shoot first and ask questions later is my moto.

When I look at it to this day I kick myself for not going with my gut. especially when he said it was sitting next to a 300" muley and to me it looked like it was equally as impressive.

Is Monarch going to post the measurements, and I guess there is no contest this week?
I'm with Sage, Theox, Marley, and a few others who took a beating in this one. I've never had to score a 300, so I'm eager to learn where I went wrong.
I thought he was over 300 too, but I kept looking at them side by side and thought he was about 10" smaller in the inch dept. and blew it by think him out too much.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Funny you guys mention "gut" feeling because that's exactly what I did end up doing. I kept trying to do the math too and then kept going back to the pic with both the bucks next to each other. It said the one was a bit over 300" and I did feel with the mass and hight this one was real close. So yep, I guessed and got really, really lucky.
Hey All. There will be a contest starting Sunday and I will post the bucks measurements here in the next day or so. It does go over 300 trust me. I wish you could see him personally!!! Just need sit down and get things going. Anyway don't get comfortable because there are some major twists coming so anyone can still win. Thanks for the support.
Curtis Wilson
Curtis, Just an idea and it's your contest to run but here's my input. How about a contest that is based on judging animals that the most of us might come across, try to figure in the field, and then decide to shoot or not. I myself got excited about this contest even though not starting off so well, because there actually is some skills in scoring bucks in the field and from pic's.

Not sure what your "twists", where anyone can still win, are but as long as they are based on skills rather than pure luck or having known of the animal before hand, i'm all for it. Thanks again!!!

Joey, great idea and believe me I appreciate any feedback. I have gotten plenty lately. I hope you don't find this to be too offensive. Most animals will be in that area because that is mostly what we mount. We all see plenty of those 140-170 bucks and plenty of average animals. ( i am assuming these are the animals you hunt? ) My thinking was to throw some variety in a try and separate some people that were close and make people go out of their comfort zone. I really thought more of the history of this buck was worth the contest. As far as skill and luck, I have to disagree with you. Ask everyone who has won the contest so far and I believe luck played a major part. Luck is a big part of our sport. I know skill plays a major part also. My goal is just to provide some entertainment for some of us who love the outdoors. I believe many people could guess within 10 inches of a a buck in the 140-180 range. How many off us could guess within 10 on a buck that goes from 230-300? Probably the most skilled scorers will have an advantage. I see you guessed 39 points off on the last buck so maybe a little luck is what you need? That is why I am dropping the lowest 3 scores so in the end if the skilled scorers have a bad day it really wont hurt you in the long run. I am trying to make this as fair and fun as I can. These are pictures and I know it sucks but my goal is just plain and simple. TO have fun and maybe learn something new about scoring animals along the way. I believe in trophy hunting and believe scoring the animal in the field is fun and challenging for myself. But for others? I also know many people hate the contest and think scoring animals is ruining hunting. Joey I don't mean to be so harsh, but if you were in my place and have taken in over 20 PM's on how to make this contest better or even to stop it because of scoring is ruining our sport you might feel the same. I can't or will I try to make everyone happy, in fact I am beginning to wonder if these contests are really worth the hassle. should someone else do them or should we just cancel them? I was hoping to bring us sportsmen' together and meet some new friends along the way as part of these contests. As far as animals being known beforehand, well thats out of my control. Someone has killed or seen every one of these animals. They have probably put a tape on them and get pretty close. Our official scorer drives over 1 hour per week to score these animals and only him and myself know the scores. I can't help it a friend of a friend has seen the animal and maybe had an idea of what it scores. As far as what people will come across in the field and want to kill will vary greatly also. Where do you live? How money do yo have ? How many deer have you killed? Do you eat the meat? Rifle, bow, muzzleloader, etc....... I have know idea what people are after or what they will kill. So, Joey if you have lost your excitement for the contest no one is forcing your hand to play and if it is not what you like I am sure you can start up a contest and it will be just as great. The twists coming up will be scoring more that one animal at a time and combining the scores. However, someone could still get luck and totally miss-score all the animals and get close on the total. I hope this answered everything you covered. I know you probably meant no harm but I think it has finally just boiled over for me. Now with all that being said, feel free to fire back at me or even give me a call. Funny thing is that you and me are probably a lot alike!!! And as somebody else put's it on this forum. Joey you would be welcome at my camp or fire anytime.
Curtis Wilson
WoW Curtis, Did you get it all out? WTF!!!! I hope so.

When you said, "great idea and believe me I appreciate any feedback." Were you being sarcastic, i guess so?

Hey, i appreciate the Contest and you taking the time and effort to do it. As far as the rest of it, as i said, it's your contest.

thanks monarch and yea i agree i struggle with the non typicals. for some reason i just couldnt get any higher than 255 but o well
haha i missed something big somewhere. ha
so i cant find the original post what are the prizes of the overall contest?
i remeber there was a bow involved. thats all i remember
Curtis,It sucks that you feel that way this early in the contest but I understand why.Rather its taxes,work or family there always something that needs to be done and 99% of us know how much time this consumes in your week.
I for one feel this is the funnest thing that has happened on this site in the 6 years I have been coming around here.
If theirs anything I can help with shoot me a P.M and I would be glad to help.
Honestly don't want to make this about me. Joey WTF is right! I shouldn't have said anything. Sorry, you did not deserve that. I Have no problem with the time. In fact I look forward to seeing others enjoy the contest. I was just fed up with all the mail I have been getting from people I don't even know who are afraid to leave there real names and would do it this way or that way etc... That is fine. I really just don't understand how so many people who love the same thing can disagree over so many things. Sage sorry man I really do understand your point of view. It makes sense to me. I think the combination of this last week pushed me over for a bit. But to be truthfully honest, man it sure felt good to let a little air out. I will have another contest up tomorrow. Have a little fun and see how close you get.
Thanks again for the support
Curtis Wilson.

P.S. Been married exactly ten years today!!!! I have a feeling Joey that I may need some of that luck we talked about to get lucky tonight! Ye_HAW
Thanks for taking your time, I look forward to it and was doing good on the typicals, antelope and elk but it looks like you separated the men from the boys with the NT's and the moose, thanks again

Not a problem Curtis! Like someone else said, this is one of the funnest things ever done since i've been here with MM. I do appreciate your efforts.

Maybe some of the other comments are from guys like me who want to do better. I have always been a competitor, always will be i guess. I'm not one that has to Win at everything i do, i've won plenty of things in my day, but i do always try to do my best. It's easy to take it out on someone else when it's yourself that's not doing so good.

My advice, do your best and take the rest with a grain of salt...and good luck with getting lucky on your anniversary!!

Hey Curtis!! Know what I think!! I think when you post up the biggest mass measurement on last weeks buck...people are guna chit!! Awesome buck...that last pic of both monsters received quite a bit of my attention last week!! Ya know what else I think!! I think if you make us score a bear or anything elses skull...I'm guna chit!! LMAO!![/IMG] ~Z~
I hope the next one is about pheasants. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Personally I think you should do all kinds of animals, big and small, just like you have been! the ones that are hard to score will separate the men from the boys.
And who cares about those that are going to Bitc.h and moan because its not how they want it.
Thanks for putting this on, it has been fun and will continue to be fun.
This contest is awesome! I like the variety and the twists. Thanks for taking the time to put it on. Waitin' for the next one and no beachin' here.

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