Monarch...Score contest rankings?


Active Member
I'm sure im not the only one who would like to see where we stand in the scoring contest. Would it be too much to ask for an update to see where everyone stands? I understand if it would, there are alot of people doing it, and i know most of us have better things to do....just wondering.
I agree with both nvhunter, and TOPGUN...

I would like an update also- but realize Curtis is probably very busy right now... :D

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Don't know him, know nothing about his life! Just thought that more than just me are wondering where everyone is!!
Hello All, I think I Have it all set up where we can hopefully see overall results after each contest. A MM member is keeping track and he is an accountant so he is extremely busy until after April 15th. So if you can hold on a few more weeks we will post a tally on everyone going into the last 8 contests, and hopefully each week after people will know where they stand. Remember your best 12 will count towards the bow. If you guess in less than 12 you will not be eligible for the bow, however you can play for the weekly prize. Just as a reminder it started with 15 and will end with 30. When results are posted please check for accuracy and PM with problems. So in all, just hold on a few more weeks and then you will be able to keep track of your results. If things go well we may have them up sooner. I'm glad people are enjoying the contests.
Curtis Wislon
thanks monarch i have been curious as well. I really enjoy these contest. its alot of fun with an opportunity to win prizes makes it more fun.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-11 AT 03:03PM (MST)[p]theox, you should be curious, you are kicking some butt!

I had about 100 other things to do, but I was curious as well so I went ahead and put it all together.

It's way to early to start messing around with throwing out the worst 3 scores and stuff like that so I'm just listing everyone who is technically still eligible to win the contest. I've got everything setup now so it should be easy to add each contest. It takes about 20 or 30 minutes to add each contest.

Through the 6th contest there have been a total of 296 different folks guessing in at least one of the contests, with 63 folks entering every contest so far.

I tried posting a link to the excel spreadsheet, but it didn't work so if anyone wants it send me a PM or email and I'll get it to you. It is fairly rough right now, but I'll clean it up later.

I may mess around and get some stats up on some of the contests. A few of them scored out pretty far off and some scored out with the average guess pretty darn close when it was all said and done.

I had to input all the numbers by hand and I am not perfect so I can make keying errors. I did some assuming on some of the entries where someone keyed in something like 149 2/9 I assumed it was 2/8 and someone guessed c3's elk at 140 or something like that so I assumed it was 340, but there weren't many that I had to do that with so I think it shouldn't end up affecting anything. If anyone notices anything that looks off let me know and we can check it really easy.

I was proud of my guesses so far and was thinking I was going to be close to the top, but looks like I'm right in the middle of the pack.

Still pretty entertaining for sure.

Thanks Monarch for running the contest.


EDIT - Looks like the pdfs aren't going to show up either. I'll convert them to images and see how that works.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-11 AT 02:47PM (MST)[p]Here's everything converted to images.

Here's the guys who've entered all 6 contests so far:



Those who've entered 5 contests:


And the one's who've entered 4 contests:


And after reading what MonarchTaxidermy posted above, here are the ones that have entered 3 contests. They are still eligible, but they won't be able to drop any scores and will need to enter every contest after this one.

Does anyone have any other format they think they would like to see these posted? I really don't want to mess around with throwing out the worst scores and all that this early in the game, but if anyone has another format they would like to see the results in I would be glad to do it.

I guess I could go back to each of the old contests and post the raw data and folks could double check me.

I have a separate tab for each contest in my spreadsheet so it would be relatively easy to go back and add it.

I'll update contest 20 now. I'll go back and add it to the others sometime soon, but I really need to get back to work now!
I don't think you should work to hard to find another format until the end. Thanks for keeping score. Everything looks spot on from what I can see.
WOW! Thanks npaden for the update and thanks to Monarch for doing this. This is a fun contest for sure and really helps with the field judging as well. I'm comin to get ya Theox! I'm down the list but if we both drop our worst 3 right now I'm tied for first with you! Here I come {>
Marley, try dropping the worst two scores and see where i stand. I be a playa! :)

Though i started of pretty crummy, i'm a coming on boys!! :)

It is pretty interesting. Being able to drop the worst 3 scores if you enter all the contests sure does put a twist on things. There are several folks who just have 1 or 2 big misses so far and are really close on the rest.

With 10 contests to go it is for sure anyone's race though.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-11 AT 00:45AM (MST)[p]Thanks for posting the stats!![/IMG] ~Z~
Thanks for posting the scores. I was sure that pretty much everyone was interested in where they stood. It just got alot more interesting i think, couple of close guesses and anyone could be in the game! Thanks
thanks for taking the time to do these contest npaden and of course monarch.

wow i cant believe im at the top so far. but all it takes is one or two bad scores to drop that.

Posting those scores sure did make it more fun

thanks again guys, i look forward to these contests every week!
Okay, I've got the details posted at the very end of each of the individual contests. I'll start doing that when each contest is finished. If you see anything that I messed up send me a PM or email and I'll check it. Pretty interesting results so far, we were pretty close on the average on the first two and then we've been getting progressively worse and worse with each contest. Good thing Curtis gave us that pronghorn contest to help us get close again!

Not sure if I will post the cummulative standings at the end of each of the contest posts or if I'll post here. I may be a little slow these first few contests on the cummulative standings, maybe I'll post those after every other contest or something like that.

I'm still planning on entering the contests, but to avoid any appearance of impropriety I'll forgo any prizes that I might win. I'll keep the bragging rights if I win anything though! :)
Here's the updated rankings. This isn't the prettiest image, but I think you should be able to at least read it. I'm going to have to rethink how I post these though because there are only 7 contests in this one with 8 more to go. The final spreadsheet will for sure be too small to read in this format.

I went ahead and updated this with the dropping the worst scores and figured out a way to do it automatically with excel. It changed things up quite a bit and I was shocked to see myself all the way up there in 3rd place! Still a LONG way to go though and I imagine the standings will shuffle around a LOT before it is all said and done. There are 66 folks within 15" of the leader so the leader could go from 1st to 67th with one bad guess.

As always if you see anything wrong, just PM or email me.




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