Mom's Perfect Christmas Tree


Long Time Member
This is my latest "Friday Nights in a Small Town" installment for The Edge Magazine, a Uintah Basin Magazine. This is the true story of a special Christmas tree Roy and I will never forget. LOL
What a great story! The memories came flooding back! As I grew up, my family always did the Christmas Tree Hunt, but, sadly, we've done the ol' artificial trees the past several yrs. and all the yrs. as the kids grew up, so they missed out on experiences such as you've written about- except the yr. of the tree hunt from hell. Started early enough, kinda like a deer hunt with a pre-dawn breakfast, headin' out with excitement and anticipation, but then: hundreds of trees passed; not quite right... break for lunch, and try a different area with same results with still no tree!At dusk, darkening quick, did not want to spend another day looking, and we found a perfectly-shaped pinon! Next morning at daylight, discovered halfway up, our beautiful tree had a forked, but perfectly parallel trunk; no problem, we can live with that; but nailed a pine cross-brace stand with a large spike...the result: two perfectly-shaped half-trees!! I did not want to go through the agony of another all-day hunt, so that year we bought a Charlie-Brown tree from the local Scout Troop- might have been a bad hunt, but the memories! The kids still remember our Charlie-Brown Tree Christmas!!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-09 AT 06:11PM (MST)[p]***EDIT****

Due to censorial constraints placed upon me by persons who may have disagreed or not completely understood the sarcasm that laced the previous post I have been forced to remove my comments and replace them with the following:

"Yes - that is one of my favorite childhood memories. I can still smell the juniper in our home and feel the warmth of the family as we held hands and sang numerous joyous carols together in perfect bliss and harmony. Just what Christmas is all about. Yea memories!"

You may now take these feelings with you to indulge in the blatant consumerism that drives our country's economy and fills us with the hope that only the almighty dollar can purchase.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
sorta reminds me of thursday nights in harlem. only more ghetto. you honkeys crack me up.

Jenn, Christmas comes from the heart, not from the tree. Good reminder!

Having said that, dang! It's not even Thanksgiving yet. Christams???:) j/k


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
>Having said that, dang! It's not
>even Thanksgiving yet. Christams???:) j/k

Yeah, but it's a Day After Thanksgiving it's Thanksgivingish. It works. Don't make me edit you like I edited Roy. ;-) lol
OK Jenn, you win,:)

But I am NOT playing Twisted Sisters version of Oh Come All Ye Faithful for at least a month. Blame Roy, he brought it to our attention!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

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