Modern Tech. good or bad?



I am not trying to start a cyber war just wondering what people think of all of the modern technology out there these day's and is it good or bad for the hunting sports. Here are a couple of my sore spots.
1. Trail cams. I have 3 trail cams and use them all the time. Modern tech has got new trail cams now that have solor pannels to keep batteries charged and send you pics to your phone or e-mail. To me that is going to far.
2. Muzzleloaders. One thing I do like about my home state is that they have kept ML's primitive. If they are going to give out special tags for late season and rut hunts for the primitive weapons they should be primitve. A ML with a scope and all the other modern tech that can shoot 200+ yards is not
3. Long range rifles. Some of the hunting show's now day's have guy's shooting critters at 600 and in some case's out to 1200 yards. This has got guy's thinking that they can go out with there average caliber and scope and do the same, which is simply not true. With the right gear it can be done. I guess it just would take the fun and sport out of it for me to shoot a critter at that range.

As a sportsman of 30 years I hunt with rifle, bow and ML's. I will never bash a fellow sportsman for the way he or she hunt's or scouts as long as it is legal and ethical. I have said it before and will say it agian...we as sportsman nation wide have to support each other in these current time's wether you agree with the tactic or not. If the things I have mentioned are your cup of tea then that's great, I won't talk smack. HAWK
About 95% of all the new garbage that comes out on the market I don't agree with.But I have most of it in my closet.
And as long as we have states that sale 3 times the tags that a area can hold.The limits will never stop to a guy trying to gain the advantage
To each his own. You can have every gadget known to man and still eat tag soup!

Where do you draw the technology line?
I agree if it is legal use it. Does that mean I agree with everything out there, no but that is why everyone has their own opinion.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
The world changes. Technology is advancing at a most incredible rate. You can pick and choose to use whatever is available, or affordable.

It's still a matter of choice..... and tolerance toward people who do not make the same choices as you do.

I'm 63. If I just go back half my life and compare what we thought was hi tech then...... what a hoot!

Give it another 30 years. I cannot even imagine!
There are several new-tech items which I find objectionable BUT we are all brothers in hunting and we'd better stick together.

As long as it's legal I'll accept whatever another hunter wants to do.

The rude behavior is an whole other issue!

I think its changing the sport for the worse, it takes so much of the mystery and adventure out,and in my opinion a lot of intangable things are being lost. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it, but I really miss the 70s and the 80s, there is something about not knowing whats really out there, and killing a deer or elk no one else has seen and one that doesn't have a name. Technology also takes opportunity away from a lot of hunters and I hear talk among nonhunters about what a joke western big game hunting is quickly becoming.
Great post's guy's...I was waiting for the hate mail. I agree with everything. Modern tech might be good it might be bad. One thing is for sure it is here to stay.

The 4-wheeler thing is another topic all together. I own One and use it as responsible adult but, there are allot of MORANS out there that give them a bad rap. HAWK
Here are a few ideas that a being kicked around at the Department of the Interior.

You must purchase a permit to leave a trail cam unattended on federal land.

No vehicles with a wheel base narrower than 60".

No vehicles with a weight less than 1/2 ton.

No chemical or organic baiting of any animal.
I love new things and want the best of everything that I can afford. Do I always take advantage of the capabilities, no but I like to have new things and what are considered the best. Just me personally, no more no less. We all walk a different path in life and good luck to each of us on our own path.
Each year, we sportsmen increase our advantage over the game we pursue. As I see it, if we want to keep enjoying all these great "advantages" we have over the game, then the only way to balance things out is to have fewer tags.
Something is going to have to give.
I personally would like to see sportsmen (game agencies) put some hard restrictions on ourselves and look out a bit more for the wildlife we hunt.

I'm as guilty as anyone. I bought a cool new rangefinder this year that takes into account the angle of hills. Crazy!!! Also bought a bow that is something quite special compared to what I was shooting 10 years ago.
Just like many of you, I bought the stuff to improve my chance of getting a deer. And it will improve my chances greatly. BUT, when everyone does it, and everyone improves their chances greatly, our wildlife is going to feel that effect, because more will die. At some point, the only option available to keep the herds strong is to issue fewer tags.

Is that what we want? Fewer tags? I personally LOVE to hunt, and would much rather hunt with equipment from the 1960's every year, rather than the best equipment in the world every 10 years.

I think deep down, most of us sportsmen have an idea where this sport is headed. It's been headed this direction since the beginning of time, but in the past 50 years it has gone nuts, and the past 10 years.....SUPER NUTS!!!

What will the next 15 years bring?

I'm not that old, but when I compare hunting in the late 80's to how I do it today, I'm amazed. How about those who compare the 60's to today????

I guess in my opinion, Modern Tech. is both...good and bad, depending on what we want down the road. I will say, I want to be able to go on hunts, in areas with mature bucks, every year. If I have to do it with a 1960's recurve, fine. I would rather that than to only get to hunt every 5 to 10 years with the best equipment known to man.

Brian Latturner
Brian et al;

Yes and no! Yes, we all want the advantages of modern technology but, no, we don't want to hunt once every 4 or 5 years.

You hit the nail on the head! Something has to give. WE HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OVER THE WILDLIFE LIKE NEVER BEFORE.

We have also taken the romance out of the hunt because of all the gadgets. (I have them all too)

How do we put the genie back in the bottle? How do we regulate that a hunter cannot use a scope or a rangefinder or a compound?

I don't have the answers. I only have more questions!

I am in agreement with the orinal post and share Founder's concerns.Here are some of my personal lines in the sand:

1)High fence-Not for me under any circumstances.Artificial.Not hunting.

2)Trail cams-Fun for seeing what game in your area. Remote "real-time" monitoring goes too far.

3)Muzzleloaders-What OP said.If a special season is involved primitive should mean primitive.No in-lines and no scopes.

4)Long-range shooting(over 500 yards) should be kept at the range or the prairie-dog towns. This crap is getting ridiculous.

5)Range finders-No problem for me as I think they greatly help prevent poor shots. (Angle compensating no problem either.)

6)GPS-Love 'em. Saves lives.

7)Scent lok-It doesn't work anyway so who cares?

8)4-wheelers-Use should be restricted to same roads as vehicles.

9)Bait/Feeders-Grew up with them here in TX but not really my cup of tea.OK for supplemental game feeding but would be fine with me if couldn't hunt over them. Bears-no problem with baiting as couldn't really hunt without them in some areas.Case by case deal I guess.No prob with foodplots.

10)Crossbows should be limited to firearms/muzzy seasons.If you don't have to draw it it is not bowhunting IMO.

Just a few of my thoughts...
I guess I have a different train of thought as I would rather have a quality experience periodically than fight the masses each and every year. I have not hunted Utah general season by my choice for years. Technology is going to get only better, imagine what the next five years will bring. The last five years have brought numerous changes and I think the next five even more. I did the high fenced thing once and can say been there done that but it is not my cup of tea but it is for others. The only problem I have with long range shooting is those that don't know their equipment and how to use it. If you know how to use it and studied it, I say have at it. I think rangefinders and GPS are standard stuff. It makes me sick when I see how many archery animals are wounded and lost, I realize the same happens with muzzle and rifle but more with archery in my opinion. I do like the newest and best and will continue down that road not only in hunting but in everything else as well. I do think that ATV's are a big issue and again it is no so much the machine as it is the operator going where they should not be going. But in the same token we love to ride horses and who am I to say something to ban ATV's when we are using horses. Different strokes for different folks.

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