Moderators should moderate



The moderators on this site should do their job and moderate instead instigating attacks on other posters. I noticed that one of the moderators did just this in the General Hunting section under E-bay buck. If they cann't resist instigating the attack on another poster, then maybe they should not be a moderator. They should be discouraging these attacks instead of incouraging them.
Hey thats a great idea! We should also all go to the chatroom, hold cyber-hands and sing happy songs about love and friendship.

You freakin' sissy. Get over yourself. Dry your eyes and go to and hang out with others who find they can't take it here. Who really gives a fat rat's ass what the hell is said on this website if it is not slanderous. ITS AN INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD FOR CHRIST SAKE. One more time clueless. ITS AN INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD. Nothing more and you definately can't find the secrets to the universe here.

There are boatloads of boring trivial B.S. posted here everyday
and I find the blatent stupidity of some of the ignoramuses much more offending than anything the "moderator" has ever said.

Mind your own damn business. Don't tell others what to do, and if you don't like the radio station, change the channel! Duh.
I can only assume that this post is directed towards me. As for what I said, I fail to see how that was in any way offensive. It was all in good humor. If you are a regular member to this site I would hope that next time you would post in a "members only" forum. I think that members opinions would be much more respected if they posted them there instead of under fake names in the public forum.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-03 AT 08:32AM (MST)[p]Definitely lighten up, I have a lot of fun here with most every post. Life is way too short to be all serious and freakin stern. Take it all with a grain of salt. I give crap to Cass and Oldoregon but it is not because I don't like them. I don't even know them, I'm sure they are good kids! ;-) And if they gave crap to me I'll just slap it right back!!! I can take it.
Maniac, errrr, I mean BUCKSHOT. This has to be you as your the only one around here besides Cass and Old Oregon who is that atrocious of a speller. Plus you seem to be the only one around here that has a real beef with Huntsonora. Try not to be so transparent in your anonymous rants. Its beneath you man.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-03 AT 12:44PM (MST)[p]If you potty mouths could come up with something a little better than gay references and such, you wouldn't get your messages deleted. Occasionally someone will come out of the woodwork and rant, but for the most part we all know where most people stand around here. You don't have to be a Sherlock Holmes( No relation to John Holmes you pervert) to figure out where some of these anonymous posts come from. Its just fodder for our amusement.
i agree with Buckshot the moderates should generat positive additudes instead of negative, people,person,or persons are regusting informatiom not B.S. soppose to be a serious site if yoy want to B.S. go to another site. Jokes are but if you don't have any information then don't reply. Get The message.
Get your message? I cant even understand your message due to all of the misspelled words
English 101 man night classes,,, here's an idea... a novel one. "NO More Guests" problem solved,,... Drum if you guys disable the titty babies then ,, no more crying except the usual from OO and others , which is all good because they make me laugh. I need that in my day, thats part of the reason I always check the boards.. To laugh, and of course look at some of the finest big game pictures on the web..

To who ever sent the message of get the message. I would like to show you some stars and they are not in Hollywood either. Better check your spelling before you critcise someone else.
You know what? I think all of you should should send me a check for a $100. That way you wouldn't have time to argue about something so ridiculous. hehe Just Ol' PC.
Hey Buckshot,
Not only are you seeing stars, but you must being seeing planes! Because I swear to gawd you are living on Fantasy Island.

Mr. Roarke

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