

Very Active Member
Having read too many of Dude's posts I think I now understand his position when he claims that he is a Moderate. The dictionary provides the following definition:

"contrarian 1. a person who takes an opposing view,especially one who rejects the majority opinion, as in economic matters. 2. disagreeing with the proceeding against current opinion or established practice."

It seems to me that whenever someone tries to say Dude is liberal or a democrat he goes to great lengths to argue why he disagrees with the liberals and democrats. And of course he very clearly disagrees with anything viewed as favorable to the Republicans or conservative point of view. His "Moderate" or self proclaimed "Centralist" position is just another way of him saying he likes to take the view contrary to anything being advanced. That way he can always find a reason to argrue with you. Even if he thinks your argument is so dumb that it does not even deserve the effort or time to respond.
>Having read too many of Dude's
>posts I think I now
>understand his position when he
>claims that he is a
>Moderate. The dictionary provides the
>following definition:
>"contrarian 1. a person who takes
>an opposing view,especially one who
>rejects the majority opinion, as
>in economic matters. 2. disagreeing
>with the proceeding against current
>opinion or established practice."
>It seems to me that whenever
>someone tries to say Dude
>is liberal or a democrat
>he goes to great lengths
>to argue why he disagrees
>with the liberals and democrats.
>And of course he very
>clearly disagrees with anything viewed
>as favorable to the Republicans
>or conservative point of view.
> His "Moderate" or self
>proclaimed "Centralist" position is just
>another way of him saying
>he likes to take the
>view contrary to anything being
>advanced. That way he can
>always find a reason to
>argrue with you. Even
>if he thinks your argument
>is so dumb that it
>does not even deserve the
>effort or time to respond.

Sort of like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After awhile you realize the pig likes it. Not that I'm calling anyone here a pig. I wouldn't do that as I'm too polite.

Sort of like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After awhile you realize the pig likes it.


I've never read that definition before, I like it.

I agree with some things the right does and some things the left stands for, I disagree with both of them also many times. why do you think the greatest president of all time, TR, started the Bull Moose party? he was fed up with the republicans, and he was one. I'm not sure how else you could be a moderate, both parties can be idiots, you just have ton sort it out for yourself . I like to think if you're smart you can be a moderate, if you're dumb just live and vote party line like they tell you to, the queen of England would tell us what to do today if some early Americans had followed like sheep.

Come to think of it that wouldn't be all bad, no little Bush as president, sweet.

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