MM's Biggest Perv/Pervs?



I'm from back east & I often lmao at some of the stuff posted here.
After a fashion you kinda get a feel for different people.
So let's take a Vote on MM's most pervacious member.
My vote goes to RACKMASTER,number 1 PERV on the planet.
Post em up please...............
LMAO good question? Feleno your postings are more for the benefit of man kind right? To answer the question just look at those who follow F-Dude around, myself included.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-09 AT 08:54AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-09 AT 08:38?AM (MST)

Here is my short list:

6 - Feleno (Would be higher but has managed to keep SOME decency as of late)

5 - NVBighorn (Recent recepient of a Major Award)

4 - 1911 (Don't let his wife's presence around here fool you, nor the fact the he is a decorated officer of the law - he really enjoys those strip searches!)

3 - TripleK (You don't even want to get caught in a late night chat room with her!)

2 - Rackmaster (Goes without saying)

1 - D13er (Undisputed King)

Dishonorable Mentions:

Slickrock (maybe he should be mentioned twice!)
JakeH (in a respectful and tasteful sort of way)
Eelgrass (can be a dirty old man!)
Kilowatt (I am sure he and Eel share some e-mails that could get them in serious hot water with their wives if they ever found out)
mywifeishotterthentiffany (newcomer has a nice stash of hot chick pics, mostly of his wife however)
Manny15 (there are certain side benefits to being a preacher - hearing raunchy confessions ranks near the top)
Overton (there is a good reason why he seldom leaved Kona - too many good beaches I suppose)
Roy (yes me - lest I am called out for being a hypocrite - though I do repent quickly and have excellent control of my thoughts!)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Gosh Roy, thanks, I am truly honored. Do you think the winners will be in People magazine or anything like that?
I just forwarded this thread to my wife and she is very proud of me for not making the list!!! Im in good shape tonight:) LOL
Real cute there boz
Just cuzz you don't post a bunch of perv stuff doesn't mean you're not enjoying every bit of it around here,did you let her know about the 'enjoying it' part?
Roy's probably right,D13 is up there too,somebody just forwarded me "the helicopter ride" clip and I see it originally came from no other than yours truly:JB
Wow. What an honor indeed! I think we may end up in one of those other awesome checkstand mags like US Weekly or OK!, NVB. Hell, I could even put us in my mag. Half the Basin would know what I'm talking about since they all read, lurk and/or post here. LOL

Hey Roy...can I borrow your binoculars, please? I need to see what my neighbor dude is up to...Oh! I mean I am going to do some winter "bird watching". LOL
Moosie has to be on that list.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I'd have to say F dude followed by never-catch. You don't see a lot of him on here as of late cause he started school but man if you met him in person wooboy watch out!
Roy thanks for the Dishonorable mention.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
What about Wiszard? He'd hit anything.



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