Mmmmmm, elk!



I'm headed out in two days for the Utah spike hunt. I'll be spending the weekend in the Wasatch and look forward to taking my first Utah spike. Sense I've never hunted in Utah, only Colorado hunting, my neighbor "SLIVER" is gunna work his magic to try and get my into the middle of it all. Wanted to see who else was headed out for the spike hunt this weekend. Where do you plan on going? Who are you going with? What do you plan on doing with your meat if... when you get it... steaks, ground, sausage, jerky? Stay safe and good luck!
Just out of curiosity, how much do they charge for an out of state spike tag? And why would you want to go out of state to shoot a spike?

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
Well good luck, course spike hunts aren't a slam dunk. I think the success rate runs about 10%.
He is a Utah resident, he just moved here from CO. Even with the low success rate, it is fun to get out and hunt elk, period!!!


Great question.

Similar question could be asked to all the folks from out of state that fill the Colorado forest each fall to hunt cow elk.

Answers for both folks could be:

1. To hunt with good friends.

2. Enjoys elk meat.

3. Wants to hunt, be in the outdoors, hunt new country, can get an elk OTC tag in Utah.

4. Can't get off work during a different season date.

5. Applied for an antlerless tag and was unsuccessful, so settled for and OTC Utah tag.

6. Has access to productive property in Utah, no knowledge of where to look for elk else where.

Most likely there are a couple dozen other logical reasons, everyone has a different vision and a different objective. Aren't options great?

Don't mean to lecture but I've been asked the same question before, figured I may as well take a minute and put an answer together for others who might be wondering. I guess I think there are a whole bunch of reasons for all kinds of hunting. Being out there, "interacting" is a favorite of mine.

Why would someone drive/fly to North Dakota to shoot prairie dogs? Some folks just love to hunt.

Ahhh, he's a resident. That makes sense.

2lumpy, you forgot the one about how SFW has made bull elk hunting in Utah a once in a lifetime deal so he is forced to hunt spikes. I drive to NoDak every year to hunt stinky ol ducks, so you got that part right.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
ill be headed out this weekend. i thoroughly enjoy the spike hunt. although there is a lot of people. but what would hunting in utah be with out all the people? ill be in cache valley hunting. ive been successful the last 3 years with the spike hunt so i hope my luck continues.

"Shoot Straight"
Whoops, hang on there, tall stranger, I'm thinking your Shotgun may have gotten a double feed.

SFW gets credit for a bunch of stuff but in 1989 there was no SFW. They came to the party in 1992 and became known to the public in 1993, as I recall.

Here a brief historic record of elk in Utah, prior to SFW.

"Elk were hunted under a limited entry hunting system until 1967 when the Board of Big Game Control adopted an ?open bull? hunt strategy on most large elk units. Smaller elk units continued to be managed as ?restricted permit? or ?limited entry? type hunts. That hunting strategy continued until 1989 when a ?yearling only? regulation was initiated on the two largest elk herds, the Manti and Fishlake. Yearling only was later replaced with a ?spike only? regulation and expanded to other units."

The concept came from an experiment done in the State of Washington that Dwight Bunnall with the Utah dwr had gone up to see. The Wash. results had produced a lot of mature bulls, they said. The hunters in Utah were sick of killing most all of the bull elk as yearling and figured it was worth a try. (Mind you we were nervous because we didn't trust the dwr but you can see what the results were from the photos of elk posted on MM is week, Dwight was right, we were wrong, on the elk!)

So.........while it's just great sport and all kinds of fun to bash the SFW boy's, they get a pass on this one.

This was elk hunting on the Fish Lake, circa 1985. Compare that to what get's posted today. Damn those spike only units! Can you find Bocephus?


I moved to Utah from Colorado and haven't hunted Utah yet. I did a little big game hunting with buddies in Colorado and A LOT of waterfowl and upland bird hunting. 90% of the reason I'm going out this weekend is to get out of the house! A lot of work with little play the past few months and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my vacation days from work then to get out in the mountains, freeze my butt off, and get my chance at being in that 10%!

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