MM'ers at the EXPO?



LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-10 AT 11:29AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-10 AT 06:48?AM (MST)

Well,EXPO time once again!
Met some highly respected people again this year.
Run in to many I already knew & some I've never met in person.
I don't think I can remember all of them?

1911 & Lil Red,first time.
antlerick,first time.
Tag is still alive,still in Utah,just letting everybody know.
one_dry_boot & wife,first time.
YELLUM & Friends first time.
NUNYA,many times.
Prism & his crew,many times.
PUNK & MS PUNK again.
stinky & Qtpie,again.
MOCEPHUS & his Dad Mike from Nevada,been a while.
John W. & others with the MDF
LowCountryElk,great guy.
10_r,K.L. from the SFW
I did see several locals & I drove 140 miles just to see local game wardens,lol.
I made 8 trips past the MM booth,Founder & Browtine nowhere to be found,don't think they wanted to see me anyway..........
Anyway,lots of great people,nice to take a day & BS with alot of good friends.
He must have looked in the mirrow and than ran like the Posse was after him.

I sent my son out there with my little brother with specific instructions to kick one person in the nuts and ##### slap another, but he's too nice of a kid. ;-) lol

My brother said it wasn't hard to find all the Vernal people. They were all crowded out in front of the beer tent. Same crowd that stands out around the beer shack at the Dinosaur Round-Up Rodeo. LOL I guess some things don't change even when the location does. ;-)
Yep, was cool to meet a few new guys and talk elk. Something I'm not used to doing. Stinky ain't that big. Heck, I ran him over with my wheelchair and thought it was a speed bump. :)

Good luck to all who applied for expo tags.
I had alot of fun yesterday at the show.
Some very nice mounts.
Sorry I missed you HOW. I had a small window to go and went friday morning. Visited with AWLB and Prism for a while! Saw Stinky and QT Pie as I was leaving. Did not have time to go visit. Sure were some great bulls and bucks there. Hopefully a few of the MM crowd pull a tag or two!! Good luck guys and gals!
1911 and I went Saturday, we only ran into H O W, Punk, and Ms punk, Every time we passed the MM booth, no one was there.

It was nice to finally meet, some of the MMers in person.

Name tags would have come in handy,I only recognized Punk by his massive arms lol, and H O W by the line of people, waiting to talk to him lol.

Good luck on the tag drawings all of you.!!! ;)
Lil Red,
You should have taken over the MM Booth and if anyone asked you who you were, tell them you are the new owner and there is going to be big changes to come..........LMAO

I was there Thurs, Fri and Sat helping folks out in the lobby who still needed to apply for permits. Talked to a lot of great people. Good luck to everyone in the draw!

uhhhhhh yellum.... that was so not cool. next year im bringing my boat anchor and gonna tie it to the back of your wheel chair. lets see ur crippled arse untie that. maybe that'll keep u from running the little guys over. rofl! I was glad to see bessy again. tell him goodbye on mm again. we were suppose to keep his idenity a secret so u know who doesnt ban him. hey silent stalker, why ya gotta ignore me nthe misses? i didnt know u were a stinky hater to lol. I'm really a nice guy. I got to meet tons of people from mm. i cant remember all their names but everyone i talked to were "good people". hope to meet more of my fellow internet loosers next year.

btw; maybe i will actually get to meet slampunk next year.
ROFLMAO. But then I'm always rolling on the floor. :) I'll try and drive sober next time. It was great talkin to you and the mrs. Good to both of you on the hunts this year.

Sorry Stinky,

Not a hater but on a very tight schedule that morning and when I saw you across the way I knew if I went over I would never make my appointment as we would end up talking for a while. Sorry excuse I know. Wish I would have seen ya earlier. I would like to meet you and your family. I will make more time next year!! Good luck guy's. You gotta believe!
It was good to see you again. I finally was able to get Big Mike out to one of the expo,s. If your ever over towards the Elko area look me up. Maybe we can drag Deke out of the house for a beer at Muleys.
Hey Moe,
Good to see you & your Dad again.
Tell Deke & Bemis I said Hi.
Ya,If I ever get over that way I'll dang sure look you guys up.
Talk at Ya later!

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