MMA or Boxing?


Long Time Member
been some good boxing matches on recently, the latest being margarito v. mosely but i'd still rather watch a good MMA fight. what you say?
MMA for me Brettman! :)

MMA!!! Anyone watch the Fedor Vs. Arlovski fight the other night?

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
twasn't much of a fight, the guy looks unstoppable. Hopefully Lesnar and him can hook up down the road. If the wife knew how much i was paying for PPV events i'd be in serious trouble
I enjoy a good boxing match - I was raised on the sport. But I can't stand it when two fighters just clinch all the time and stall out to the end. Waste of time. This is what I am seeing more and more in boxing. There are very few good fights in boxing any more it seems. The Margarito fight was pretty awesome though. Also - boxing is almost strictly PPV, HBO or Showtime - very few free fights anymore.

MMA provides a lot more action - the contact is more brutal and even more technical than boxing. However I can't stand fights that go to the ground and don't progress, but at least it is only three rounds and it gets over. I am a wrestler and have done some Judo and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu so I love how it combines both sports and I love the science behind it. Also MMA has Spike TV, and other prime-time events - even if it is after the fact in many cases. You still get to see all the fights even if you don't get the PPV's - which doesn't happen in boxing unless you have HBO or Showtime.

So that being said - right now MMA has a bigger head of steam in my book. I think a lot of the better boxers are going MMA at an earlier age too - their careers last a lot longer - they don't get as punchy and probably will be able to make a lot more money in MMA over the long run.

I am definitely going to watch Penn vs. St. Pierre - too awesome to pass up. Can't think of any boxing match out there right now that will do that for me - yea - MMA hands down.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Been a boxing fan for many years and just in the last few years got hooked on MMA & UFC them both.

I can't believe that WWF or WWE or TNA or whatever its called now days is still around. I was flipping through channels a few days ago and saw it and some clown called "shark boy" was on there. I had to call my wife to come see how stupid it was. That crap has gotten beyond ridiculous!


MMA is way more exciting!
A MMA fight card will usually have several great fights along with bonus for submission of the night, knockout of the night, fight of the night ect..
And the fighters are progressively getting better, training harder, better training camps, better nutrition, becoming more skilled and better all around fighters.
There is new talent being introduced with shows like the Ultimate Fighter.
There are a few different promotion companys now and that is better for us the consumer as well as the fighters who are being paid more which means more incentive.
MMA is progressing,I am a bigtime fan!
I tend to be an old fud'dud purest..

But Boxing, as a sport..period a
Fraction or what it used to be.

And that's a Damned Shame IMO.

The "Sweet Science" has turned into...

..I don't have a word.

I REGRET what professional boxing has become. shouldn't have been that way.

don't get me started.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-09 AT 10:07PM (MST)[p]After getting hooked watching MMA...Watching a regular boxing match is about as boring as bank fishing sober..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

From a man that aint bank fished sober in
SEVERAL years....I tend to agree with your

Larry - you are catching my drift pal! Feel the same way - love the science of boxing but good boxers don't exist too much any more. More brawling and holding. - No stick and move or long round strategy being employed. I agree it is a farce and a shadow of what it once was.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I like both, but there will never be a MMA fight to rival Leonard vs. Hearns or Leonard bs. Hagler. Some of those old welterweight and middleweight fights are classics that'll stand for all time. Some of the old Wilfredo Benitez fights were also great.

Now, have to root for the local boy, Uriah Faber. He's a local kid who graduated from UC Davis, and runs a gym downtown.

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