MMA Dream Match?


Very Active Member
I know that there are a few MMA fans here. If you could have any match involving current fighters, who would it be and why?

I will go the obvious route and say St Pierre and Anderson silva. This one could actually happen if one of them is willing to move a little weight. It would be awesome.

I have to say that the Pulver vs Faber fight on sunday is one of my dream matches as well. The 2 most dominating fighters in the world at 145, it should be epic.


I saw someone on another post mention Kimbo Slice vs. Brock Lesner. Thats one I would love to see. I think it would look like a street brawl slug fest.

I can't wait for the Faber/Pulver matchup on Sunday eiher, probably won't last long. I think Faber will submit Pulver.
Yeah, I saw the Swanson/Pulver match I thought it was funny too. Swanson looked like a fish out of water flopping about trying to get out of that choke!
LAST EDITED ON May-28-08 AT 09:48AM (MST)[p]The Faber vs. Pulver fight, isn't that going to be this comming Sunday on the VERSUS CHANNEL??


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