MM Tradition Question ??


Very Active Member
Though I have over 1000 on my post tally, I did
that by pretty much being a blabber mouth, and
getting off into other peoples business.

But I paid attention during that time I've staggered
through this little forum, and I have a question or two.

The main one is, What happened to the Turtle Hunt ????
It used to occur every spring, but as the Temp's are now
headed past 100, I've heard nothing about it.

Did I not get the memo, and it's dead now ?????

If that's a fact, I'm disappointed, But I'll get over it.
Would just like to know.

Another one, less big, but about time IMO,......
Need a Good story from UT Roy........

I'm old and set in my way's kinda like Rainman, so let
me know, Iff'n you don't mind.


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