MM Push-up Challenge!!!


Very Active Member
Take 30 seconds right now, DO IT, get off your butt as soon as you finish this sentence and do as many push-ups as you can!
I'm serious, do it now!
Still wavering!? Come on, it?ll take less than a minute, whether you're in your office, cube, kitchen, den, wherever, just get down a give me as many as you can soldier!
OK, now that wasn?t so bad was it?
Two questions, how many? How do you feel afterwards?
I'm setting the bar pretty low at 21, so don't be bashful. Feels good to get a little blood flow?n doesn't it. I'm going to do this every day for the next month and see where I'm at on May 1st. You?re welcome to join me, but if nothing else JUST DO IT this one time and let us know how you did.
Oh one last thing...

Slamdunk you're not allowed to participate on account you'll make us all feel bad.
22 and farted... I am done!
(does high centered on a furry spot count?)
Hey that's not fair to single me out forkwest! Lol

My record is 77 nonstop, but gurantee you i couldn't do 25 right now!

I have had NO carbs for 3 days and couldn't tear my way out of a wet paper sack!!

Challenge me on saturday, not even a steel cage will keep me in ;-)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
I'll have to get back to you on this one, I'm eating my Miracle Whip sandwich and my favorite ice cream Chunky Monkey.
Well I got 25, but I didn't go down quite as far as I should. I have 2 bad shoulders and they hurt to use so I went down as far as I could. Only lacked a inch or so.

Man I am gassed and my shoulders are on fire. I think that I will do that every day with you and see where I am on May 1st as well. Maybe it will help my shoulders out.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-08 AT 02:37PM (MST)[p]Hey albubba,

We are talking about only lacking a few inches on my push-ups nothing more then that. I dont lack inches in any other area.

At least thats what my wife says, but then again she says that she hasn't ever seen anything else to make a comparison with. So maybe I am lacking in other areas as well.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-08 AT 03:42PM (MST)[p]27 - feeling great! Breathing a little heavier and the heart is pumping but can type this just fine immediately after. Shoulders feel really good! Good thing - I have a chest and arms day tomorrow in the gym!

Not bad for 35 and 250lbs!

Trying to get down to 220 or 215. I plateau naturally at 250 and unless I really cut calories I don't lose a thing. I have been better this last week though and hope to be down to 248 by next Monday.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
30 seconds my axx. It took me that long to get down on the floor, then it took me 47 seconds to get back up .... so (1) I guess.

Laugh bumm holes ... you'll be there someday.

Post Script: I wasn't even breathing hard.

bet BOBCATBESS can do like 5-6 hundred!!!!!!!!!
(if you put a neck collar on him and a erect sailor under him!)
>I'll let you sit on my
>back and i'll get 57!!
> Skull Krazy
>"No Bones About It"

Lol well duh. Look at your arms and well everything. Thats no fair your a body builder and im not.haha

-Cody AKA BigBuck92
What type of "consulting" are you interested in....PM me if you'd like.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
I pulled off 25, Cody theres no need to lie about how many you did, :)

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
I could only put up 30 in 30 seconds as timed by my countdown timer on my watch, but I was damn near done anyway.

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