MM Online Purchase


Long Time Member
Not sure if you are aware that MM is starting to carry some of its own line of outdoor gear and selling it here online. Check out this great daypack I bought and took to our trip to Paris last year. If they'd make this thing in camo it'd probably compete with the upper end Eberlestock packs.

That's funny. I laughed so hard that I almost soiled myself.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
Feleno -

Are those designer shorts you bought in Paris?

I hate to say it but they kind of make your ass look big..

But maybe it's the camera angle..
I appreciate your concern butt I'll have you know I was wearing sunscreen. Safety precautions taken.

Man that hurts bad! I paid a lot of money for them things in an upscale store in Pari. I guess I shoulda been honest with myself and joined the MM Fat Club.
This post could fall under the weirdest thing you have seen in the woods. Yes those shorts do make you look fat just a little.LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I think that if you got a good waxing some of the boys out there might hit on ya. You gotta git rid of the butt hair and the beard first. Then those shorts might work. That pic is still way too funny.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
It looks like this thread went a whole different direction then I intended. I started this to promote the MM online store and you all twist and turn it and make it all about my Daisy Dukes. I'm a saddened and disappointed in you guys.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-10 AT 06:19AM (MST)[p]Feleno - First, I feel the need to offer my sincere apologies for the unkind and hurtful remarks I made about your photo. Sometimes I speak before I think and it's just wrong.

I have to admit that the Daisy Dukes and the backpack made for a very "smart and attractive combination" and lets face it you have always been the tip of the sword when it comes to fashion.
From the expression on your face I can tell you felt very man pretty and special.

I'll bet your wife has never been more proud of you then she was that day and I am certain she was the envy of all the other women and some men...

She was one lucky woman to be able to walk around with arm candy like that. There are probably lots of people here on
Monster Muleys that would have traded places with her given the chance and maybe even a few women as well.

I feel better now and I hope your not angry with me.



I failed to mention one thing, the hat really completed your ensemble. Did you purchase that in Paris or is it available from the MM online store?
Feleno I'm going to kill you dude-waking up to that while trying to have my morning coffee!!!Lord have mercy.....


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