MM on FB!


Very Active Member
I asked Founder and he thought it would be cool to have a monstermuley fan group on Facebook. Search "monster muleys" and you will find it easy enough. It is a closed group, so just put your MM username in the request to join. See ya there!

Note: I know there are pervs on facebook. There are pervs here, at the park, at the store, and at church. Just be smart. These sites can be great if used right.

Does anyone know if FB got the virus issues taken care of. I know for awhile there FB was having issues with virus problems spread from one user to another. I have not been there for a long time because of that.

Maybe I'm not searching right but I can't find it. I did find a guy named Mester Mule who is now my friend. Seems like a nice guy, other than the perverted serial killer part.
>Does anyone know if FB got
>the virus issues taken care
>of. I know for
>awhile there FB was having
>issues with virus problems spread
>from one user to another.
> I have not been
>there for a long time
>because of that.

I haven't seen any problems.....If you want, PM me, I have links to 3 freeware programs that we use on thousands of our supported users' boxes. Run monthly they take care of most anything out there.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-09-09 AT 08:36PM (MST)[p]Sweet, i'm there!!

I didn't see a place to type my MM user name, just a "request to join".

>Maybe I'm not searching right but
>I can't find it. I
>did find a guy named
>Mester Mule who is now
>my friend. Seems like a
>nice guy, other than the
>perverted serial killer part.

LMBOROFL :) Holy crow !!!
Request sent - though there was no prompt for user name. You guys should know who I am though...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
i is added none ya look familiar to me....that must be a good thing


has anyone seen my kittie

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