MM members son dies


Very Active Member
Please keep Shawn Gregory (Bemis) And his family in your prayers. I dont know details but his 11 year old boy accidentaly shot him self at the end of July in Wendover NV. I was lucky enough to guide Shawns wife Mellissa into an area I knew well in 07 when she drew the P.I.W tag. Once we found the animal I stayed back with there two boys and got to watch there excitement as they watched there mom and dad stalk and kill a buck that pushed 190 inchs. Finding kids more polite would be impossible. Rest in peace Luke!

My prayers goes out to his family.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Sorry to hear that!
Always have liked Bemis's Family & Friends!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Having just gone through this.... I want to send my condolensces and prayers out to his family. It is my wish that they can find a sense of peace in this time of trial.


Has anyone seen my kittie?

I don't know much about Bemis but I cannot imagine anything more difficult than losing a child. I am truly sorry to hear about this. They are in my thoughts.
We to lost a daughter...there is nothing that can heal the pain except time.

May you find peace within yourselves and family.

My prayers are with you.

aka muleyman
that should bring every family member to reality. very sorry to hear this. i cant even begin to imagine.

reast in peace child.

wow, just cant even think of "what if it were my own kid", very,very sorry to hear
I can't imagine what that family must be going through. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

I am so sorry to hear about Shawn losing his son like this, way too early in life for this to happen. Shawn and I have talked by email over the years but never could meet up in Wendover. Your family is in my Prayers.

My heartfelt sympathy.

This is never easy, and happens way too often in our world. Unfortunately, we are all helpless in these situations.
I have a son who is 11 years old. I can't imagine the pain they are going through right now. I send my condolences with a heavy heart. I am so sorry to hear the news.
I cannot imagine the pain of losing one of my boys.

I'm so very sorry for them; prayers sent.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
It's unimaginable and I always wonder how parents can go on. My kid is my life and nothing else matters. For those that find the strength to go on, you should write a book or story to help others understand.
My prayers for the family.May God grant them the strength they will need to get through this.
My heart and prayers goes out to Family and Friends. So sad! I can only imagine!
A Dad or Mom shouldn't have to put their son to rest. May he be in their hearts forever!

I'm terribly sorry for your loss Bemis and family, i couldn't even imagine what your going through.
He will still be with you on every hunt you go on :)[/IMG]
My thoughts and prayers are with the family of this poor kid, may they have the strength they need to get through this trial.
Can't even start to imagine the pain of this tragedy.
Hope We can all meet in Huntin Heaven some day.

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I would like to add that Shawn and Mellissa are GREAT parents. Everything they did envolved there sons. There are a model family![/IMG]
Shawn, you and Melissa are in my thoughts and prayers.
With my most sincere condolences, God Bless.


Prayers out for the family. Truly sorry to hear this. I hope you all find peace and know your son is in good hands now.

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