MM March Madness 2010


LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-10 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]Anyone interested in playing March Madness Tournament Pick 'Em???

Join MM MM 2010!! You click the link below - sign in to your Yahoo account (or get one if you don't already have one)

Or if you are already logged on to Yahoo - you can still find the group by inputting the ID# and password when prompted.

Group ID#: 111580
Password: muleys

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-10 AT 09:38PM (MST)[p]I signed up. How much time do we have until we have to make our picks? I need time to study.:)


Never mind. I found it.
March Madness!!!!! What an amazing day of basketball so far. I can't believe how many close games there has been. BYU tried to give their game away, but Florida wouldn't take it. My bracket is way off!
Gotto give Muzzhunter credit so far...he picked Old Dominion to upset Notre Dame AND Murray St. over Vanderbilt. Very, very nice! Using a crystal ball is definately considered cheating!

Thanks Steve, I had some luck in those. I think my luck is running out here real quick though. Seems like a lot of upsets this year. This sure is a lot of fun though!

Tied for second right now but it is not looking good. My possible point total is low and I will most likely start to fall soon. Whoever is byusucks is looking good.

eel I think you are going to make a huge comeback buddy!

Why I ever picked Utah State to win let alone win twice is beyond me. Home town homer I guess.

Any thoughts guys?
Rug, I feel your pain man! I didn't know much about A&M this year so I put down USU. When I herd what A&M had done this year I was gonna change my pick, but got home too late. Oh well! I think I'm gonna start dropping like a rock, lol! You're right about BYUSucks though, that bracket might be a winner. I guess we'll find out if eels can jump if he comes back and wins this thing!
>That would be me that has
>byusucks. I was looking good
>but right now, I am
>not winning one current game.

Well after tonight it should be interesting to see how we all come out. I am not to hopeful but the points get bigger and anything can happen.
These later rounds are going to kill me. It seems if I had a team lose they were supposed to go a long ways.
I'm surprised how close it is. First to last place is only seperated by a couple of points. The future possible points is pretty close as well.


3 out of my final 4, both of my finals teams and my winner out, well it was fun while it lasted. For shame!

My bracket is DEAD.

Ok so I hope Kentucky wins it all now.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm just glad I don't have any money bet on my bracket! That kid from N. Iowa that hit that 3 with 30 seconds left has got some huge balls for taking that shot. Great game.
Anybody else go to the Sweet 16 last night? My son and I were at midcourt on the 9th row. It was an awesome night of basketball. Guys hit some huge shots under extreme pressure. Ticket prices have totally bottomed out. Brokers are taking this one in the shorts.
Well I guess thats the end of that, nothing but red left on my bracket. I'm just going to have to savor my brief run as #1. It was a long brutal fall. Cant wait 'till next year!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-10 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]Congrats to LCHGUIDES - who correctly picked the best bracket in this year's tourney! For his prowess he will receive the following:

3 salvaged "specimen" cups (can't confirm whether they were ever used or not though).

1/2 can of Wolf dipping snuff. (I guess its fresh - I just found it on the side of the road this morning).

1 "gently broke-in" University of Texas Longhorns baseball cap (not really "One size fits all" anymore - unless ALL means the same thing as "big-ass head").

1 year of complete Monster Muleys bragging rights and the title of "Best Basketball Bracket Picker 2010".

Congrats! PM me for actual prize distribution and eligibility questionnaire and requirements.

It was a crazy year with many upsets and darkhorses rising to the top that made for a lot of ties down the line and so close competition. So thanks for all who played. It made Eelgrass feel like a young man once again, if even for a few brief fleeting moments.

Here are the final standings:

Rank Bracket 1 2 3 4 Semis Finals Points Possible Pts
1 lchcguides 22 20 16 8 16 32 (Duke) 114 114
2 Pman 21 20 20 8 16 0 (Kansas) 85 85
3 Logslinger 21 16 20 16 0 0 (West Virginia) 73 73
4 111580 23 14 12 16 0 0 (Kansas) 65 65
5 3pointers 20 20 16 8 0 0 (West Virginia) 64 64
6 byusuxs 23 22 8 8 0 0 (Kansas) 61 61
7 bigbuckman2 21 16 16 8 0 0 (Kansas) 61 61
8 Wiszard's Winner 20 14 16 8 0 0 (Kentucky) 58 58
9 westTXhunter BU 23 14 20 0 0 0 (Baylor) 57 57
10 kick ass winning bracket2 23 18 16 0 0 0 (Ohio St.) 57 57
11 muzzhunter 23 16 8 8 0 0 (Kansas) 55 55
12 eelscantjump 21 18 16 0 0 0 (Kansas) 55 55
13 Youtawn 21 16 16 0 0 0 (Kansas St.) 53 53
14 huntmancam 19 14 12 8 0 0 (Kansas) 53 53
15 Troutsniffer 23 20 8 0 0 0 (Kansas) 51 51
16 March Sadness 22 16 12 0 0 0 (Syracuse) 50 50
17 Modena Ghost 19 14 16 0 0 0 (Kentucky) 49 49
18 Roy's Half Court Prayer * 21 12 12 0 0 0 (Kansas) 45 45
19 blue_duck 25 14 4 0 0 0 (Kansas) 43 43
20 DeadI 23 16 4 0 0 0 (Kansas) 43 43

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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