MM Mafia meeting


Long Time Member
You all know the location. We just need to decide on the time and if we "Let" any new members in.


Please let the Godfather know in advance if you cant make it.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-10 AT 08:25PM (MST) by 1911 (moderator)[p] you better know the secret hand shake......remember what happened last got messy.

That was at the Stonecutter's Lodge not the Mafia silly.
Whoops...that was supposed to be a reply not an edit ....Sorry YD.

"That was at the Stonecutter's Lodge not the Mafia silly. " --1911 lol
>Rug you got stay longer than
>30 seconds. lmbo

lmao Just went back and got abused by 45,,,, Will you please take care of his penned up frustrations ????

45 you can thank me later !!!
Just don't expect Red and me to bring baked ziti and canolis. We've got business to attend to. There is this pest, HomerJ, to whack, a few promotions to discuss and some nasty business to deal with. It seems someone ratted me out...told Mr. TripleK about my goumada. Someone's gonna pay...

;-) LOL
Hey wait a minute, i'm part of the "mafia" and i didn't get invited to this meeting.........that must mean i'm being voted out!![/IMG]
No Slammy - you're still "in" - heck, you're a "made guy", you have the password! But still the Don needs to know you are in agreement, so glad that you chimed in.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy I dont know who you been talkin' to, but I was told to take Slammy down to the docks, nothing personal, just business:) LOL
Hold off on that CJ - unless you speak for the Captains - the only whack that has been approved is on the guy from Springfield, other than that, there's no need to go to the mattresses.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Get 45 out of bed Red, so I got someone to talk too...JB must be passed out in a lawn chair with a bag of Cheetos and an orange pecker.
No funeral if they can't find the body, Red. My boys better be thorough or they'll be sleeping w/the fishes too tho.

Whoooaaa whooooaa you must have misread my text.... "I said to strip Slammy down to his socks", an obvious reference to pat him down for weapons. I hope this message isn't to late or you'r going to end up with cement shoes feedin the fish with Slam.
LOL Roy, If thats the case can I have his Spider Pig. Closest thing I will get to the Spider Bull.

What meeting Is Homer J coming.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-10 AT 04:25PM (MST)[p]F-er I did do that and I found 10 boxes of 338 Lapua ammo taped to his body, He said it was for his buddy as backup on the Dutton? He said something about having nightmares about running out of Ammo on an Elk hunt and wanted to be prepared? KU-KOO if you ask me:) LOL Just playing PUNK! guys are killin me!! :)[/IMG]
I'd still be a bit suspicious about Slam. Last time we frisked him before the "meeting" we found 250 MusckleMilk bottles containing gunpowder strapped to his body. He gave us some jibberish about getting in shape for a hunt with some arrogant hunter from New Mexico so we didn't pay him much attention. Just tellin ya, keep an eye out for this shady character

There goes ANOTHER one of my keyboards ruined, this time with a bend of raw eggs, oatmeal and mullberry jam!![/IMG]
You guys made me choke I was laughing so hard, see you at the next meeting.

Some of you didn't check in I feel sorry for you.:)
Well if you guys decide you need new members I am ready to make my bones.. Just say the word..
The freak guy from NM has had enough. Think I'm gonna go perch myself above the next meeting and take out the punks in the operation. Slam, you gonna be textin me as the shots are fallin down and lettin me know doping corrections? I will stop by and let you shoot me up with the good juice, speed, and a couple bottles of muscle milk injected staright into my heart before we do this thing. I'll be a killin machine! Then me and slam will own the huntin world. We're gonna recruit feleno as our director of propaganda. We will change feleno's code name to Dr. goebbels. Slam can be scarface however stinky will be in control of the little friends and no disrespectin will be allowed. Time for a coue! Bessy will be in charge of keepin qtpie safe till the storm blows over.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Crap sniper fire from stinky...I guess we will have to hold our next meeting in the broad side of a barn just to feel safe..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-10 AT 11:38AM (MST)[p]lol snort!

If we remain spread apart he'll never hit us anyway. If we are gathered very close the person he is aiming at is safe but someone several feet away could be accidentally hit.

Edit: Did I get 86'd? I just tried to attend with the usualy password and couldn't get in. Did you change the password without me knowing it? I tried the usual "stinky is a dork" but got rejected.
I will be aiming first at bucksnort, yd will you stand near him please?

I also have a way to control things. Bessy first and foremost must be brought under my control. I have this part all figured out.


Next I will attempt to take care of NV and feleno. On second thought I don't think I will be able to get them apart. Seems they are always fighting and seem to like to fight. Guess I will just have to wait till they tire of one another one day.


The next target will be easy. All I have to do is aim for the food table and I can easily take out tripple K. I think we now see where she gets her name.


I think after that I will need to calm slammy down since he will have lost the love of his life. Don't worry slam I found your other girlfriend down town.


Just be warned guys don't go in the back bedroom when slammy and his new girl friend are back there. Eel had just arrived at the party and happened upon them and quickly ran back outside when I snapped this photo.


ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)

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