MM in the local paper today!!!


Long Time Member
Unfortunately it was because some poacher decided to show off a buck here they killed illegally. This is my back yard and I was interested to see the outcome. they got hit pretty hard, considering a guide from down south was convicted/charge with way more and ended up with only $18,000 total restitution. He was running a business and making money. These 2 got hit with $12,000+

Anyone have a pic of the buck? I can't find it anywhere. I would love to see the stud.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-13 AT 10:31AM (MST)[p]Found the link by following the info on the paper.

Certainly a shame when animals get poached.

MM pic

should work now
Hey 0ne_dryboot! It worked for me and I just sent it to you in an email. It is a giant killed by a good looking gal!
>What a shame. Got a
>little too greedy...

Sounds like they got a lot too greedy.

Shay Trulove's hunting license had been revoked for reasons that weren't immediately available, according to Perry and Groves. He was allegedly caught hunting twice previously while under revocation, and the length of suspension was extended, Groves said.

?Shay has been in trouble with the division frequently,? Groves said.
They had their day in Court, Guilty!!


I think that they got off pretty easy!! Too easy!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
That does it!

I've Hunted all my Life trying to get that Buck for the Wall!

I still haven't got him!

F'it,I'm gonna Poach one just like everybody else does & take my chances!

Maybe even Post My Buck and Mug on MM just once!

Ah Piss on that!

I'm having too much Fun Hunting PISSCUTTERS every year,I don't wanna Foul that up!

I'll keep doing things Legal & let all these other Law-Breakin Bittches take all the Credit with their Fake Phony F'N Ilegal Kills!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
The POACHING SOB has been in trouble numorous times!


You're SHITTIN ME Right?

There arte alot of people that will chance a Buck like that for 12K!

How bout a 250,000.00 fine,take all his Guns,take his f'n Wheelers,take his Truck,take his Right to buy a license away from him in every State(Not that he ever had one!)Throw their Asses in with Bubba for 20 years & Maybe,Just Maybe some of this BULLSHHITT will stop!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!

The first thing you need to kill a monster muley is Ultra white HD teeth! Then purchase a 2 way radio and helicopter and you're set. Oh lastly be willing to break the law over and over and over and over and over. Repeat steps 1-3 every year. Maybe you, sir Bess, can be known as Mr. MULEDEER
Well booty!

Are them the things I haven't been doing all these years to Succeed?




That Hillicopter has sure been a Tool I've always needed but never had!

You Guys really think 12K will replace/restore the Damage these JACK-ASSES have done over the years?

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
> The first
>thing you need to kill
>a monster muley is Ultra
>white HD teeth! Then
>purchase a 2 way radio
>and helicopter and you're set.
> Oh lastly be
>willing to break the law
>over and over and over
>and over and over.
> Repeat steps 1-3
>every year. Maybe you,
>sir Bess, can be
>known as Mr. MULEDEER


The fine should have been at least double that. It would have slowed the damn poachers down for next time they see a 230"+ buck!

I love it when we take "Hunting Privileges" away from poachers.
That is like posting a sign at a bank "Robbers Check in Guns Here"

Send them to Jail or fine them 100k, now we have deterred crime.
I've Spent way more than 12K over the years trying to Harvest a Buck Something like that one!

I still don't have Him!

Chances are I will never get him!

But I'll Keep tryin!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
I've goy to go with Bess on this one. The fine needs to be at least triple of that and probably should involve a little jail time.
The real solution to this is simple. Since there has been so much greed in the past few years involving TROPHY SIZE game animals, a few changes will slow it down.

The game depts. of each state need to set standards for what is considered a trophy size animal. Maybe using the B&C guidelines will do. Then they need to change the laws to when you illegally take a trophy game animal, it is a FELONY crime if convicted.

Upon conviction, the suspect loses all hunting rights for life, and since he/she is a convicted felon, there goes their rights to possess any firearm for life. For game violations felony convictions that should include any weapon capable of taking game such as bow & arrow, crossbow Ect.

Also no plea bargains allowed on felony charge unless suspect is willing to pled guilty to the felony charge and not dropped to a misdemeanor.

Agreed! Not that we have deer that big but I'm contacting G&F in my state suggesting that we change punishment for poachers. I also believe it should be a felony otherwise some people will just take the chance of not getting caught.
"considering a guide from down south was convicted/charge with way more and ended up with only $18,000 total restitution. "
Who was the guide?? Was this guide from my area?
Wow that was a great looking buck. Sad to see him taking by a poacher.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Much of this discussion has focused on the size or the antlers. Does it matter how big the antlers are in a poaching case?

I do not think that there should be any less of a fine for poaching a doe or forkhorn than for shooting a 200" buck.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-13 AT 09:10AM (MST)[p]I agree with idelk,

Size/sex should not matter. All poaching events should be treated equally harsh.
Why not just give them the death sentence. That would stop them from killing any more deer????
I agree with RELH. I have said for years poaching should be a felony.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
So the other issue just settled was Robert Peck. Had multiple charges from illegal outfitting and other issues I am sure. His amount repaid was only $18,000 which seemed really low considering the guy probably made 2-3 times that much income guiding illegally.

Then this gal takes 1 animal illegally and is at 3/4 of that fine. While it all sucks, I am not sure that either penalty was enough. Most hunters spend way more money in search of a 190 class buck than the $12,000. When you add everything up, gas, equipment, tags, etc.

One other thing, yes poaching is poaching. However as a society both sportsmen and non-hunters have always placed higher value on trophy animals. It is very difficult to manage any hunting system that produces 200+" bucks. Between the added cost of management and the increased value that everyone places on trophy animals I fully understand why we have the Sampson law.

I do wish however that the fine and penalties were all higher for idiots like this...

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