MM Crossword Puzzle #3


Long Time Member
Good luck :)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-10 AT 06:23AM (MST)[p]Hell
Yessir both correct.

good luck, there are some toughies in there... and a few funny ones
Disregard a few typos in my questions, i didnt proof read it.
c'mon i know many of you only have GED's or are not out of high school yet but there are some easy ones you can get to help out the others. Kilo, where are you?
I already got all the easy ones now gettin a headache tryin to figure out the hard ones. I'll pm ya what I got thus far so I don't give any away for others that wanna try on their own. lol just don't tell me I got anymore wrong or I'll think I'm stupid!!

F-er how come 21 down and 22 down the word STRIPPER does not fit? I also tried IMPORT or OUTOFSTATER for 21 down but hey did not fit either? JK/LMAO I have quite a few down I will PM them to you. nice work today F-er, and it is not even Friday. You have outdone yourself this week:) Take the weekend off without pay!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-10 AT 11:22AM (MST)[p]Feline,
I am here now just seen this C/W and know the answer to #10 across...I will be there in 15 days.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-10 AT 11:59AM (MST)[p]kilo I hope you get "leid" once getting off the plane and while you are there a couple times. Maybe you wont be so itchy on the nuke button when you get back:)
I don't use the NUKE button much anymore...too many other newbies making a point.
Getting Lei'd is for first timers, I am there for the seafood and sights on the beach.
Ransom and his buddy are going from the Airport to the beach to check out the "sights" before going to his house.

LOL, Who is in charge of chumming this trip? have you guys planned that? Or do you draw straws from your coconut and liquor drenched beverages every evening?
It's official.....Feleno is obsessed! I'll bet he's got Monster Muleys tattooed on his inner thigh!! Maybe Feleno is really Big Brother cuz he's been taking notes for years on each one of us. That's some scary sh!t right there. Frickin' hilarious, Feleno. When I get to work tomorrow, I'm printing this out so I can spend every waking hour finishing it. Too damn funny...

31 across......"Get in that kitchen and cook me a Lean Cuisine, B!!!!!!tch!!"

Oh, that's too many letters.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-10 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]glad you boys are getting some humor out of it.

I've gotten a handful of PMs and emails wondering about 21 Down which no one has got yet.
Pretty woman in Utah: TOURIST

Hope that helps :)
6 across stinkystomper

6 down should be dutch not swede I believe because 5 across should be yukondall. right? might need some help with the utah ones not getting those.

Stinky not sure about 16 down, my wife's make her sink like a rock. :p lol
hatter, next time tell the doc to use saline or silicone not lead lol. That may cure the migranes you are experiencing.

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