MM Christas Party!!!


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-08 AT 05:10AM (MST)[p]The Annual MM Christmas Party was a bit more interesting than I thought it would be. For the 3rd year in a row I wasn?t invited and had no clue where it was being held so I was forced to pay a finders fee. Team Mossback was looking for some offseason work so it turned out great for both of us and they had me there in no time.


This time around it was held at this well-to-do MMers house


Once inside a quick look around at the deep fried Twinkies and smothered nachos should have been a clue this wasn?t going to be your average Christmas party. Someone mentioned the tree farm growing in the back forty and it started to make sense why the get-together was kept secret.

The party gave me a chance to put some names with faces. They say sometimes things are better left alone and this would have been one of them times.


BFE was the first person I met. He seemed to be a little awestruck by all the celebrities but did his best to fit in, posing for pictures at every opportunity. Later in the evening he pulled me aside and told me his MM name was an acronym for Begging For Estrogren. I wouldn't have guessed. Funny thing was for the past several months I thought he was a male but I left the party more uncertain than ever.


I hadn't a clue what Slamdunk looked like but I heard he was ripped. When I saw this drunk guy working the crowd I could see he really was ripped. Slam, I don't think Beckinsale could pick you out of a lineup of 10 year old boys. You may want to follow up that Muscle Milk with some Dianabol shooters and chase it with some Turnibol. dry_boob still tipped him a few dollars then Slam offered him a $20.00 private lap dance with his camo undies and I never saw either of them the rest of the night.


I met some guy named Awholelottabull. After seeing pictures of his trophy room I realized he knows nothing about elk. Turns out he is a bad speller and his game room was full of rounded, concaved dishes, hence his real name Awholelottabowls.


Model_70 brought his new gun and seemed to be very proud of it and the gay turkey tail feather mount he did himself. Really nice fella, thats fabulous.


NVbighorn showed up with his trusty old gun, said he was hunting bobcat. Oddly enough he looked like the love child of Matt Damon and Julie Andrews. A bit burlier than I expected but for a guy that size he could sure belt out the show tunes.


Speaking of entertainment, 1911 was there with his Banjo Hero game. Looked like he was strung out on booger sugar but the guy has some serious talent and didn't miss a chord.


Browtine was there, he had security duty, keeping the unruly in line. Unfortunately he had to leave abruptly when he got a call over the radio about a taser party happening up on US 40 outside Vernal.


Even met the iron fisted MM moderator Nochawk He didn't stay long either, said he was off to a BBQ. He introduced his lovely wife Eva then left. Still can't place that face but he looked very familar.


I've see AndyMan at the gym from time to time and recognized him right away still looking very buff. Nice delts ladykiller, they'll all want to get you under the mistletoe.


BeanMan, known for his world famous BBQ, toted over his newest and greatest creation. I guess sometimes being a Walmart Greeter does have its perks huh?


Tageater was there dressed as Santa to entertain the kids. Turns out he wasn?t feeling real well for some reason and spent most of the night resting quietly in the back yard.


Then there was Berrysblaster. I was under the impression he got his name from some place he worked. Turns out it had a whole lot more to do with how he looked... kind of like a walking infommercial for Viagra. When they do another remake of Willie Wonka I think you'll have work.


Got to meet the famous Bobcat the cyber kitty. He holds a grudge like Khomeini and still hadn't forgiven me for taking a jab at his wife and told me to get ready for a ?holiday tune-up?. He struck his Karate Kid pose, leaped and hung in the air like Jordan then fell to the ground. He did land on all four feet though, then scampered off. Way to cowboy up!


Eel and Kilo arrived together, seemed like real nice guys. Was obvious they weren't getting any younger though. Eel (on left) couldn't remember where he was and Kilo thought KKK was hitting on him until he realized the hand on his knee was his own. No one told me they'd be showing up with Abe Vigoda which was a nice surprise.


I met D13er and Ransom hangin out in the backyard tossing vomit. I'm not sure if they had to much of Chef?s cooking or they caught a glimps of the ?girl? FamilyMan bought for.... errrr brought to the party, but neither one of em seemed like real chatty fellas.


Apparently Stanley?s wife had to much to drink. Passed out on the ground and didn't look all that comfortable so Rackmaster, being the gentleman he is, put her on the table so she wouldn't get dirt in her Busch. Good thing she wasn?t a redhead or things could have got messier than they did once the cameras stopped rolling.


Biggest surprise at the party was when Fugitive was caught in a back room spooning with a sheep after a few rounds of eggnog. The look on both their faces was priceless. This photo is all I can post at this time but don't be surprised if you see the video show up on EweTube.


They even had a wrestling ring set up in the back yard where MM members took there off-season frustrations out on each other. Seen here is Roy subduing Manny with a move he called the Fruit of the Loom Tomb of Doom. I'm not sure who suffered more.

All in all it was a lot like a carnival freakshow minus the midget tossing and cotton candy but you can bet i?ll find a way to make it back next year.

Merry Christmas boys!
LOL Faleno!!!




THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
Glad to get some recognition for my BBQ. Just dump a pig in and wait a few hours. I was hoping for some pic's of Triple K though.

Great job Feleno! Hilarious. Starting the nuke count though!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Thanks guys, i tease ya cuz I like you.

Roy, i think I made it fairly nuke friendly???? all in good fun.
Thats the way to start a Monday. The old Bobcat sort crotched out showing off his moves. Might be a little advertisement going on there. Possibly pre pisscuttin form.
Nice job Feleno. Well worth the wait. Wish you'd have gotten my good side though.

I am disappointed there are no pics of TripleK. Looked like she was having a good time while I was there. Who knew a nice wholesome basin girl could jump out of a cake like that. It was like she'd done it before.
From what i could tell that was your good side!

I did get several pics of Triple K but none of them were PG rated to conform to the MM rules. her agility took me by surprise to and there's no doubt she has a night job with an "entertainment company".
I ended up as a walkin viagra advertisment???? sweet know i know why kilo keeps talkin to me he wants a discount on the product! lol ;-)

Wildlife population control specialist
After reviewing this montage of madness again the only question I have... well, I have lot's of questions... but the one I will ask is...
Which one is Roy?
LMMFAO....that is some funny stuff......I'm not sure but I think the punch was spiked...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


Well have to congradulate you on this years party, pretty sneaky of you. But Cuz Abe caught you on camera before you slipped away, doing what you do best.

Next year you might be considered as a "guess" AFTER THE PARTY IS DONE, always need a good house cleaning.

Actually thats a rather flattering photo of me. once the undies came off around midnight things got a little embarassing
Yes, BRAVO!!!!Very well done F-man....That picture of Slammy has me just rolling...ah hell the whole thing is funny, thanks!

And i would like to know if anyone that was there, has seen the rest of my Santa suit, i have to turn that thing in by Fri, or i get charged for another week.


"great pics thanks for posting"
I'm not trying to pick a fight, but I'm relly cureous how long have you guys been posting in here? How meny years? It seems like you are allways in here so you must not do much else.

Dont get me wrong this sight wouldnt be as much funner if you werent here. Your really a blast to read! keep it up.

Triple K and Kolby sure are nice folks too. What a great family. Was glad to see them in attendance.

Ransom..........YOU PLICK!!!

LMAO......I did not want that Picture of me out there were everyone could see.....Now Jenn is going to fall in love with my like she has Slammy!!!! Look at my GUNS!!!!

That is pretty damn funny. I am glad I was not there. Ha!

Where was your "Man-Crush?"
Damnit i propose we ban cameras from the next one. But I'll post a few good ones in the morning if this is still here.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

^^^^ STILL THERE ^^^^
glad ya'all liked the little photo tour from the Christmas party. I tried to offend....errr honor as many as i could, left out a lot of you guys, just ran out of time and didn't want the initial post to be to long. Kind of like the guy excepting the Oscar and his 30 seconds is running out, the music starts playing.... you gotta cut the speech off somewhere. I have at least 7-8 photos i actually used better judgment and didn't use this time. Good thing is I'm hosting a New Year's Eve Party and expect many of you will be there like it or not :)
Good job f-dude..
Funny how all the pics seem to fit...haha..
Except FLEH....He isn't even close to that sharp lookin!!!
Don't he wish though!!!!

Damn, I have not seen that "hayseed" in a long time, use to watch him almost every week on Big Time Wrestling. What was his name? It isn't LESGO54 is it?????

Good Heavens....I think I saw FLEH at the WalMart John Deere pull in Richfield after all......

Dude, what does Rick tell you...FLOSS, MAN, FLOSS!!

ROFLMAO, F, seriously funny stuff!
Thats good stuff...Thanks for the laugh..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Feleno you forgot Muzz and of course bigbullhunter at the mm party this year but i got the photographic evidence.


heres muzz showing off his new elk rifle

Dang, that first pictures sure looks like PC_the_Great aka Paul Crawford here on MM........true Budweiser Ad Man. LOL

hey glad to see you made it back from the party, i was a bit worried about you after i left but you obviously found some entertainment that kept you busy. Nice!
I'm still tryin to figure out how in just a couple of days, i made the naughty list and, became a purveyor of sexual pleasure??? It baffles the mind how quickly i went down the drain ;-)

Wildlife population control specialist
You think it baffles your mind...We were expecting such good things out of you Berry, what a disappointment you've become!

LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-08 AT 03:42PM (MST)[p]bt,

You lost weight? Can we call you Mini-Me now?;-)
Well you make fun of my gay turkey tail mount but... Have you ever bagged one? Huh? Anyone can shoot a regular turkey.. You don't see one like mine just anywhere.. Sounds to me like your jealous.. And I think you were a little miffed when I wouldn't let you play with my new gun

Also you failed to make mention of my new camo's. I thought I looked smart and attractive.
you didnt by chance bag that turkey around San Francisco did you? you camo looks like you stole it from my dads hunting closet... pre 1970. Bill Jordon would be proud
>Also you failed to make mention
>of my new camo's. I
>thought I looked smart and
> did I! I almost took you into the bathroom for some fun, but then I saw FLEH's guns and was all over (in 2 seconds I might add. FLEH needs to lay off the roids if you know what I mean. I was back to the party and drinkin' with Stanley's wife before my husband and kid even knew I was gone). I'll find you at the next monster truck rally or horse pull just better watch out, Tiger! Raaarrrrrrrr!
>you didnt by chance bag that
>turkey around San Francisco did
>you? you camo looks like
>you stole it from my
>dads hunting closet... pre 1970.
>Bill Jordon would be proud

Well Feleno I didn't want to be very specific about the location but if you promise not to tell anyone I bagged it close to Geyserville just a little north of San Francisco. Very nice up there and I have never seen so many pretty rainbow decals on cars in my life. Funny thing however.. Almost all of the women up that way were not very friendlywith me and some were downright scary looking.. But the turkey hunting is great.
Speaking of Tigers - I even snapped this pick of H-dude hanging out by the Pepsi machine, though no one could remember who invited him...


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Well you know there is something about those new camos and the effect it has on women.. I have a matching pair of bib overalls and when I put them on it drives my wife crazy. She tries to hide it but I can see that look in her eyes and that coy look on her face.. I know it must be hard on her because she always says she can't take it if I wear them when were going out and always asks me to change. I mean a woman can only take so much..
Nobody invited him.. He crashed the party. The nerve of some people. He left when I pointed my new gun at him. I wanted that tiger skin to put up next to my pretty turkey. He's lucky I didn't have ammo.
No Brian... I used to live in San Jose for many years before moving to So Cal. I used to hunt around Willits and Laytonville.

>>Also you failed to make mention
>>of my new camo's. I
>>thought I looked smart and
> did I! I almost took
>you into the bathroom for
>some fun, but then I
>saw FLEH's guns and
>was all over (in 2
>seconds I might add. FLEH
>needs to lay off the
>roids if you know what
>I mean. I was back
>to the party and drinkin'
>with Stanley's wife before my
>husband and kid even knew
>I was gone). I'll find
>you at the next monster
>truck rally or horse pull
> just better watch out,
>Tiger! Raaarrrrrrrr!

Jenn..........I am NOT a lineman playing for SUU Football team.....So I KNOW I can last more than TWO seconds!!!


Give me another try will ya!!! ;)
By the way, when IS the Christmas party this year? Me and Kilo want to go.


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
>Give me another try will ya!!!

That's what they all say. You'll do anything for another try.

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