MM Biggest Loser 3/1/2010


Active Member
Hey Guys -

Not the best weigh-in for us. As a team we gained 26 pounds. We went from a team loss of 603 to 577. There are 12 weigh-ins to go and as a team we need to be losing 200 pounds per weigh in.

Calculate your number and make a note of it. For me I need to lose 2.5 lbs. per weigh-in from here on out. Bottom line is I am not getting it done. I am happy with my work outs, I have made some big changes to my diet. Have not lost that much weight but I feel good...just need to tweak the diet a bit, take in fewer calories, kick up the work-outs a notch and avoid the one day a week benders.

The good news is spring is in the air - saw my first robin of the year yesterday and daylight savings is next week. Longer and warmer days ahead and we should be taking advantage of that. For me losing weight is easier in warmer weather - more time to work out and my appetite decreases.

Hats off to a few guys that have gotten off to a fabulous start. All of these fellas have lost 18 or more pounds.


And Zukman is the leader in both pounds lost and percentage of body weight. He has lost 30 pounds and 11.673% of his body weight. Awesome.

Good work guys. Let us now what you have done to make such rapid gains.

A couple of guys want in and that is cool as long as you commit to 12 more weigh ins. Think about it - I don't want to add you and then delete you 2 weigh in's from now. Houndy, norkalnimrod, foreman 4x4, elkn8r, Ilarcher - if you still want in give me your current weight and goal and you will be on the next spread sheet.

Thanks guys and get your fat @sses back to work...
You guys need to start your own "fat camp" web page and quit clogging the hunting forum with these posts! Your size is starting to fall all over the hunting forums. Lose some weight you fatties! LOL/JK
>And Zukman is the leader in
>both pounds lost and percentage
>of body weight. He
>has lost 30 pounds and
>11.673% of his body weight.

Not to be picky, but isn't Broadside_Shot ahead? Look again, he has lost 35 lbs and 13.672%. Last I checked, 35 is more than 30 and 13.672 is more than 11.673.

Just saying.
Yes you are correct...35 is more than 30. Obviously a simple oversight on my part.

My apologies to Broadside_Shot - he is the current biggest loser. Zukman you better get going...maybe you guys can place a little gentelman's wager on the next weigh-in?

Well - at least I know someone is looking at this spreadsheet.
I am very happy with only loosing 30lbs. I haven't had much time to do much other than eat better, and even that is hard right now. I am working from 5am - 10pm almost everyday, 5-3 at my job and from 3-10 on my house. I also did my taxes and have to pay an extreme amount of cash so the budget is really tight and eating right aint so cheap. I do go out on Sunday mornings and I run/hike and I go out and pick up brass when I can. That's about all I get for now.
Great Job guys!
I'm pretty pleased with my results so far, this is the best I have done in a long time.
I think the biggest thing I did was give up "POP". Not only that but I realized that half the calories I took in were from drinks (Juices, pop, koolaid, ect). A lot of times we look over drinks and don't add them into our daily calories. I have been drinking the "Vitamin water" 10 calorie per serving drinks. They have a total of 25 calories in the 20oz bottle and are a great alternative to other drinks. I think this has helped me the most. I drink water at work all day and when I get home and I want something with a little flavor, I'll grab a Vitamin Water. The Orange flavor is the best, some of the other ones are kinda gross. Make sure to get the ones that have the "10" on the lid, otherwise you will be drinking 100 calories in the regualr ones.
Hope this helps some guys out.
Good luck to all!!

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