MLB needs instant re-play!



did anyone see the Detroit pitcher get hosed out of a "perfect game" in the final out of the game?

it wasn't even close. the guy was out by 2 feet. mistakes hapen, but that wasn't even close.

that ump will have alot of explaining to do....
Yea, that was pretty bad. Don't blame the manager for bitching like he did.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-10 AT 12:17PM (MST)[p]You have to feel bad for the pitcher, that will probably be his only chance at a perfect game and it won't go into the record books that way. But I have respect for Jim Joyce, he admitted he made a huge mistake, he went to the tigers locker room and apologized. He also said that he deserved everything that the tigers said to him and he doesn't blame them for saying those things or feeling the way they do, he owned up to the mistake he made.
Saw a quick story on it tonight and they said they are actually going to put a spot for him in the Hall of Fame explaining the situation. The league is going to look at using instant replay. Good hell, this is the 21st century. They sure as hell should use instant replay to get the right call. Why leave game breaking calls up to human error. I can't think of many things that piss a sports fan off more than a B.S. call that sticks.
The umpire who blew the call was actually in tears and apologized to the pitcher. But the league's not going to change it for the books.
The leauge needs to put a change to the rules so this can never happen again.
...we are humans and need to live with our human errors....don't do it MLB

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-10 AT 08:50PM (MST)[p]Come on can't be serious, are you? Help me out is there sarcasm in your post I can't tell?
I am kind of with D13er on this one. Human error has always been one facet of the game and am not sure we should remove it now just because we can.

But I see both sides...if they implement replay they better figure out a way to use it sparingly and make it quick. If mlb games get any slower my options will not watch or open a vein.
I agree with keeping the flow of the game and not slowing it down too much either but please....................I would much rather have the right call made even if they have to do a little review, than live with a terrible call. Those of you who would love to keep human error involved must be of the All-Star Wrestling mentality. :)
Well they all have steroids so why not some instant replay to go with it? IMO baseball has had problems for many years now. To many cheaters that leave a question mark with every record being broken.
ALL sports have the same kinds of problems.
Our Government has problems.
My life has problems.

Why not take the game for what it is......entertainment? In my opinion..."my opinion", baseball is the greatest game in sports.

I don't understand why anyone would ever watch, if after a great triple play, the first thing that is said is, " yeah, great play, but the guy MIGHT be on drugs".

The world we live in invites the cynical approach each and every day. The trick is, to ignore the bad chit and take the good in whatever portion is served up.

Relax, giggle at the bad stuff appreciate the good. Your life in general, will have "a more harmonious outcome".

And yes, they need the replay an extent.
I'm not harping on the ump because he apparently feels bad, but man if it was even a close play at all don't you give the pitcher the benefit of doubt in that situation anyway?

This alters history, There has only been somthing like 20 or so perfect games ever.
Tie goes to the runner.

I thought the pitcher handled it very well. Everything I saw anyways. Hell they gave him a corvette too.

>Tie goes to the runner.

Actually - no, this is not an official rule, just a sandlot adaptation / guideline. Oficially, there are no ties and the call is left to the judgement of the umpire, which is why Selig didn't intervene and overturn the call. If he does that he would take away the integrity of the game completely.

And at any rate, this was in no way even close to a tie - he was out out out, and is a call that 100% of umpires get right 99.9999% of the time.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Think about all of those on here who are asking for instant replay and a reversal of this call so the pitcher can get his perfect game and be a part of history...assume the exact same scenario, what do you think the result should have been the other night if the ump had called the guy out, the pitcher gets his perfect game and is mobbed by his team mates and the media, and history is made BUT an instant replay shows that the ump blew the call and the runner was really safe.

If those demanding instant replay in baseball as a result of this umpire error or a one-time intervention by the Commissioner to reverse the call so the guy makes the record book, would you still be asking for instant replay or a reversal to undo a "perfect" game that really wasn't perfect?
Absolutely!! I would! Good,Bad,or otherwise, I think getting the right call especially in critical points of the game is what it's all about.
Ruin the game? What? Just like replay has ruined the N.F.L.?
The N.F.L. is a much improved game by having access to instant replay. Major league ball could be improved with the same philosophy.
I hope they never put replay in MLB! Whats next?? Pretty soon we are going to want replay on balls and strikes too?? Might as well just make the calls electronically. Hell, ESPN has the K zone already which puts umpires in the spotlight enough already. Why not let the K zone dictate balls and strikes?? Do all this and there would be no reason to even have umpires out there. You could have a damn siren indicating out and safe. Human error happens and it is part of the game.. Those plays happen in hundredths of a second.. They can't get them all right. However, in this case, wish this one would have been called right, for the pitchers sake.
the thing is- they already use instant replay! but only for home run calls.

also, i dont think there would be as many P.O'd people if this was a bang-bang play. yes, mistakes happen, but this one wasn't even close!

what would be wrong with the NFL style of instant replay? each coack gets 2 challenges to use as they wish, if they are right good, if they challnge the play and get it wrong, it would be an automatic out. the play could not be overturned unless there was absolutly no doubt the play was called wrong.

the guy got hosed
If any of you Major league fans happened to watch the NBA finals tonight you would see how instant replay worked. It did work 2 out of the 3 times they reviewed the call. The 3rd call was wrong only because they can't review to see if it was a foul or not (which needs to be changed by the way). The ball definately went off of Odom but he was fouled by Rondo. The right call would have been L.A.'s ball. They need to fix their ruling so that a foul can be reviewed and the right call could have been made. Baseball could take a few lessons and help put and end to some of the human error's. It's not a perfect system but a hell of a lot better than letting the B.S. calls take presidence.
No crying in baseball and NO instant replay in baseball!!!!!! Please!!!! Ever!!!!!!

The only guy significantly personally impacted by the blown call completely accepted it and moved on seconds after it happend! Just like ANY other blown call! Why can't everyone else? LOL ;)



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