Mixed feelings!


Long Time Member
So this year I have had a good year. Killed a nice 5x5 archery bull and filled our freezer back up.... All the way up. In the several years between my wife and we have managed at least 2 elk sometimes 3. Our freezer never gets below 1/2 full and we tend to give away meat every fall to friends/family in need.

This year we already gave a buck away, and our freezer is to the top. Right now my wife and I are sitting on 2 cow tags. Part of me does not want to even bother with the tags, but I also know people who could use the meat. I have plenty of other who will gladly eat some meat etc.

Do I go ahead and kill a cow even though I have no need at all for it?

I do know the family will be way better off if I do. On the other hand i am not happy with all the cows they are killing in Colorado, but realize I am part of the problem if I am just killing cows every year!

What do you think?
never kill and use the b.s,. it is for some one else,,,take what you would spend on gas. getting meat cut up ect, and just buy them some beef , youll help them and wildlife!!!! and youll fell better in the long run>>..(.just my 2 cents)
I'll be darn! elkun +1, that's a switch! lol


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
> never kill and use the b.s,. it is for some one else,,,take what you would spend on gas. getting meat cut up ect, and just buy them some beef , youll help them and wildlife!!!! and youll fell better in the long run>>..(.just my 2 cents)

You sound like a Daisy sniffin' Dicklicker..

aNd YUO kood uSe sum skoolin'!
Cow elk hunts are a blast. If you are not looking forward to it, take elkun's advice. If you are, go hunt and share the reward.

Nothing like a low pressure cow hunt.
> never kill and use the b.s,. it is for some one else,,,take what you would spend on gas. getting meat cut up ect, and just buy them some beef , youll help them and wildlife!!!! and youll fell better in the long run>>..(.just my 2 cents)

Yeh, either you kill a cow that has fed itself organically and needs to be removed from the population in order to stabilize the herd and have a great time with family doing it, all the while thinking of a family that appreciates your personal involvement OR you can let a stranger in some slaughterhouse who routinely and unemotionally kills cows that have been fed chemically treated hay along with some hormones, and who would never want to share the experience with his family, let alone the those who eat it.

Tough decision!
to stabilize the herd ,now that's a new one?? be sure and tell elkassassin that one>>>>for most of Utah!!
I'm sure no one is going to go hungry if you don't fill your cow tags. Some people, including myself, might benefit from going hungry for a few days. I harvested a cow once, it was after having my freezer empty for 1 1/2 years. Found out I hate beef, but I ate it because I was hungry. Seems like some people think that there is an unlimited supply of wildlife and will fill every tag they can. I carry my camera just as much or more than my rifle. It makes it even more memorable.


I'm not one for telling my grandson how big of turd I had to pinch off from having to eat so much meat. I want to give him the trophies that hang from my wall and tell him the unforgettable experience that came with each and every one.
Well, my wife and I both have cow tags. A buddy was supposed to hunt with us also... That makes 3 tags. As of right now my wife is not sure she wants to hunt. My buddy can not go, just leaving me.

As far as the cost go, I would be out filming mule deer, shooting rabbits, etc. No matter what. So fuel cost the same, maybe less as I tend to hike most of the day when elk hunting. Packing would be done at home.

I really enjoy elk hunting. I go out of my way to hunt elk as much as possible. Be it helping others or my own hunt. Is year I have already spend 29 days hunting for big game.

As far as unit objectives. The unit is still slightly over objective, but I also feel the objective is too low.

I know that as long as it is over they will still offer up cow tags and cows will get thinned down. So why not me?

Maybe I should switch over and just try to archery hunt and see if I can pull off a bow kill of an elk during a rifle hunt after the rut has ended?
I'm in the same boat. Freezer is full of one elk and I have a B list cow tag. With the storm I may have to go only a couple of miles to hunt. I think i will go out tomorrow morning, maybe I'll just hike, maybe I'll shoot a coyote. I might pull the trigger on a cow, it all depends.
That's not mixed feelings

A husband and wife were sitting watching a TV program about psychology and explaining the phenomenon of mixed feelings. The husband turned to his wife and said, Honey, thats a bunch of crap. I bet you can't tell me anything that will make me happy and sad at the same time.

She said: Out of all your friends, you have the biggest penis

THAT my friend, is mixed feelings

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
Well, I went and hunted. Today I let three cows walk that were within 100 yards. Just didn't feel like shooting one. I'm still glad I spent the day out hunting anyway.

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