Mixed bag 9-29-07


Very Active Member
My wife and I decided to head for the high country for a chance at some blue grouse. We first let the dogs out at around 9,000 feet of elevation and headed out into a stiff breeze and an early Southern Utah snow storm. The dogs worked through an old clear cut that has regrown into a tangle of immature quakies, but they didn't seem to interested.
After about a mile we circled back through the thick timber towards the truck. The dogs got birdy a few times in the thick pines, but nothing came to fruition.
We decided we needed to change elevation and we soon found ourselves at 10,200 feet and a stronger storm. The dogs led us out along the spine of a ridge with a steep drop off on one side and a gentle slope down the other. The dogs soon got into birds and I was able to put a large male blue grouse in the bag. The pups were able to find three more birds for us, but I was unable to seal the deal in the thick cover.
The storm was lowering in and the temperature was dropping, so we headed back down to the desert, where we were able to add a handfull of morning doves to the days pot.
It was a great day, with good company, and good dog work.

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