Missing Lake?


Long Time Member
About a week ago a great northern flight of Ducks and Geese arrived at our Lake outside town before the record setting cold spell set in. Well, these birds found plenty to eat in the great crop of underwater grasses as the lake was in it's normal lowering stage. The birds stayed on a feeding but soon, the lake froze up solid and the duck n geese got their legs caught up in the frozen water!

The next day, all them birds tried to take off at once and when they did, they took our little lake with them. We been looking all over, can't find the lake anywhere! Anybody that finds our little lake, please let us know so's we can fetch it back here! Thanks!! :)

Good deal sage!

That's alot of flyin livers you ain't gotta eat now!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Whatever dude I wanna see pics of the take off!!

Speakin of ducks...hey Sage have you ever snagged a fish duck while fishing?? I caught one on a rapala two years ago and fought it in the air, on the surface, and under water for an hour and a half...I know this has absolutely nothing to do with your lake taking off but dude it was a blast lol!!

A few years ago during a Big Fish contest on Strawberry I got both the Big Fish & the most unusual catch,caught me a bird,won't say what kinda bird,lets just say a Bird!:D

I heard a guy in another Boat say:GAWD,I'd of never believed that catch if I hadn't of seen it,then He said:Can you imagine that Fish Story?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Almost forgot!

After 45 minutes of trying to get 50 yards of Fireline unraveled off this Bird it wasn't so funny anymore,the Bird was flat PIZZED!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LMAO that's some funny stuff!! Since you didn't say what kind of bird I don't know if it was a diver or not but those suckers and hard to fight once they dive!!

We need Strawberry to freeze over so we can do some ice fishin...hopefully Joey's lake falls right in the middle with some extra fish!! :)

I'm sorry to report that your little lake is somewhere in Mexico now Joey.

Early yesterday morning just at daylight I was outside my house here in southern CA and noticed a very strange sight indeed and now after reading your post I now understand what I happened to see.

The ducks and geese were really haulin' for the border with the little lake and I noticed a few of the birds only had one foot still attached as your little lake was starting to defrost.

I'm not sure what the mexicans will do with your lake but I think it highly unlikely it will be returned.
speaking of ducks. years ago in the basin .i used to be a big time duck hunter. every fall ducks on thier way west. would stop over at are little pound.once the pound froze. no more ducks'so we came up with the idea of puting light blue plastic over the ice .put rocks on top. around the edge. the smallest breez. you had what looked like water from the air'worked so well we tried it on the duchsene river. well woulndnt you know it.a local family of beavers . seeing the plastic thought spring had come .and went for a swim. well i dont know about ducks on a string. but geting alive 45lb beaver out of plastic wrap is another story'''''''
I was thinkin Ricki Lake

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
"I'm sorry to report that your little lake is somewhere in Mexico now Joey."

Well that explains how all those big Bass got started down in Mexico! :)

Now i got worse problems than our missing lake, my TV died last night, RIP. It was a 10 year old conventional 29" Sanyo and it served me well. I'm gonna head over to Wally World in Susanville here in a bit and get me a 32" Sony flat screen. Though i sure didn't need to spend the coin, at $399., seems like a pretty good deal.

I'll do some scouting for another Lake for us while on my way and back!!


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