Missing Dog



This morning my Border Collie got spooked from a loud noise about 8:30 am 5/30. We had been camping from the night before so we would be leaving that day. Ace ran off down the road and I saw him with the other Black Lab that was with us. The Lab came back when I called but my dog ran off to the left. I ran back to camp and we hopped on 2 four wheelers. We search everywhere for about 3 hours. It had been snowing on and off and it was getting very cold. He responds to his name, Ace. He will also respond to whistles. He weighs 35 lbs. He has a dog tag with my number on his collar. He's black and white with spotted black on his legs. If you are in the area of Strawberry Reservoir please keep an eye out for him.
That's so sad. I sure hope you find him. I have a couple dogs and camped four days last week. They bark a lot, and are buckets at times, but their strongest point is they hang around our house and our camp.

I wish you the best in finding your dog. Bill
Me too! I don't know what I would do if I lost my pointer as he's my best buddy and one heck of a hunter!!!
One thing that works most of the time is leave a jacket or some type of clothing on the ground where you were camping. Your scent will be on it and the dog will lay on it. I lost 2 dogs one time way back in the mountains. I got one of them back 8 days later. The lab had crossed miles of mountains and made it to a nearby freeway where a friend of mine had spotted it on his way to Lake Tahoe. I went to it's last known location and there she was. She was scared as hell and it took a few seconds for her to realize who I was. She was so excited to see me and I her. She was a different dog after that. She never wandered off ever again.
Went up this morning and there he was. Safe and sound. Goodd dog.thanks for your help and concern
That's just great you found your pup. Great for you and your dog!

Here's a photo of my son's dog that I took just last week why were were out. Her name is Cambridge. She is a sweetie.


Best wishes. BB
I hate it when people take their dogs out in the mountains... Huntin with em is different than lettin em loose campin...

Harsh opinion based on some very poor representatives of the dog owning world I'm sure- but none the less.

I am glad you got your dog back- just leave em at home next time...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I see nothing wrong with taking your dog camping or on wilderness hikes. Most dogs are well behaved and rarely wonder off on their own. You do have your unfortunate incidents were a dog is lost due to unusual circumstances, but they seem to be the exception rather than the norm. They are a joy to have around the camp and add to the overall outdoor experience.

+1 eldorado! I see no problem as long as they are kept under control in the immediate area.

BB---That is one beautiful and smart looking GS!!!
First off, great to hear that your dog hung around and waited for you to return. I have no problems with people taking their dogs camping as in many cases, our animals are as much a part of our family as our kids.

I do have a question though. I shot a bull elk in northern AZ in 2009 and he was infested with regular ordinary ticks. Big greys full of juice and small females waiting to be full of juice. My bull rubbed a bald spot on both shoulders trying to get them off and had them around his anus, the bottom of his tail and in his ears.

My question is were the ticks there first or were they brought there from house pets? Has anyone else had ticks on their deer or elk? This was a first for me and I was somewhat surprised as it was late in the year, ie cold. We even found a big grey tick in an elk track in the snow while we were tracking a small herd of elk to their bedding area. Go figure!

I'm not so sure I ever killed a deer that didn't have ticks on it..Some much worse than others.. I doubt the dogs introduced them into the woods... They are called Deer ticks for a reason I think..


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Yep, and I've heard of moose being so heavily infested with them that they died. The last few years ticks have been very bad up here in the Midwest.
I can't recall ever killin a deer , elk , or bear that didn't have ticks on them . Some areas are worse than others for ticks .
Here if you shoot a deer without ticks something might be wrong with the deer. Deer ticks are on deer and anything else that has a warm blood vein. Heck in South Dakota it gets -30 and deer still have ticks on them you would think they would freeze off.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I guess I should consider myself lucky since the first animal I have taken that had ticks was the 2009 bull elk.

To get this string back on track, I still think it's great for people to take their dogs into the woods with them, but I would hope the dogs are protected from the ticks so they do not bring them home. Once a yard is infested, it's near impossible to rid the yard of the parasites.

Thanks for the education

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