Miss USA


Very Active Member
Miss Ca gets blasted after the 1 homo judge asks wether or not gay marriage should be legal in every state......She replies something to the effect that "while it may offend some....she was raised and taught that marriage should be between a man and a woman".....After the boos from the liberal hollywood crowd she obviously placed second behind Miss NC. See not everyone in Ca is an idiot :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I give her credit for standing up for what she believes. I'm sure too many of those women would say what the audience wants to hear in order to win. She's #1 in my book. By the way, where are the swimsuit pictures to go along with this post? Gotta give us something here, Hardway!!

You ask and I deliver :)


"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"judge asks wether or not gay marriage should be legal in every state......She replies..."

WTF kinda question is that?? That stinks of propaganda IMO, She was robbed!!

By the way, I'm in Kali. Town and area of 3500 people. There used to be one gay guy here, nice guy really, but he died. No Gay females, that i know of. Everybody in Kali, despite popular belief, is not Gay!

Watched on the news when the fruit loop asked her the question you should have seen the expression on his face when she answered, he didnt like it, I sure wish all these clowns would move out of cali...
Kind of a small picture, Hardway! WTF?

I agree that that is the kind of question that should not be asked. It is in the same context as "How do you feel Barack Obama will do as our President?" If you answer truthfully, you are f^cked!!

Now he's bragging that Her answer cost Her the title.What a loser. I applaud Her for standing up for what's right. Perez should never have been a judge. What qualifications does he have.
He holds the swollen poop chute award... Yeah that was a beautiful answere and she should have won because of standing up for what is right.
>He holds the swollen poop chute
>award... Yeah that was a
>beautiful answere and she should
>have won because of standing
>up for what is right.

The'll be making dumb blonde jokes about her, when a pagent judge queer as a 3 dollar bill ask you what you a question like that anyone with sense enough to poor pee out of a boot knows how to answer.

Don't give me any standing up for what she believes in stuff, she's not that deep. there are times you say what you need to say, people who don't figure that out live in a van down by the river.
> Don't give me any standing
>up for what she believes
>in stuff, she's not that
>deep. there are times you
>say what you need to
>say, people who don't
>figure that out live in
>a van down by the

Dude...........you are the most hypocritical cynic in the country. If she had given the PC answer, you would be all, "she's too stupid to think for herself"

Just exactly what is it in life, that inspires you to get out of bed each day? Has anything ever made you feel good about the world you live in?

............"she's not that deep".....like you know ANYTHING about this girl. You need counseling.
You know Dude, I am pretty dissapointed in your logic here. I will have to give a -1 on that piss poore comment. What do you know of this woman? Why can she not be "that deep"? Just wondering.
Shame on the pageant for having a queer judge and shame on them for allowing the question after he asked it.

It completely changed the course of this womans life because of one silly faggat POS!

On the other hand Miss NC won! :)

"You can recover from a tough hunt, you can't recover from quitting" - Cameron R. Hanes
H'dude, go back to the Political Forum where you're at least tolerated.

I was working from home this morning and saw an interview with that judge and the contestant. She was more articulate and explained her philosophy behind the answer she gave, and did it very well. I was actually impressed at how well she represented herself, and felt the opposite about the judge.
Amazing, she actually hold the exact same view on marriage as the majority of the country - even California and Pres. Obummer. The only thing this turd did was help reveal just how far left the liberal elite media and the hollywood truly is.
>The'll be making dumb blonde jokes
>about her, when a pagent
>judge queer as a 3
>dollar bill ask you what
>you a question like that
>anyone with sense enough to
>poor pee out of a
>boot knows how to answer.
So true, huntindude...so true!

Here's my question though...who gives a crap what Miss USA thinks about gay marriage or anything else for that matter?
Give me a break, are you telling me if you had an oh my god gay boss and he asked you a question like that you'd say what she said? a flaming ferry like that wants to hear that she's cool with it and if she's too dumb to figure that out what can I say. yes I know her devotion to god made her say it but once again, do you want to win or not?

Her only hope now is a job on FAUX News, who wants to bet she gets one? she looks the part and talks the talk,if she does I'll say she's not as dumb as she seems she actually had a plan.
>Give me a break, are you
>telling me if you had
>an oh my god
>gay boss and he asked
>you a question like that
>you'd say what she said?
>a flaming ferry like that
>wants to hear that she's
>cool with it and if
>she's too dumb to figure
>that out what can I
>say. yes I know her
>devotion to god made her
>say it but once again,
>do you want to win
>or not?
> Her only hope now is
>a job on FAUX News,
>who wants to bet she
>gets one? she looks the
>part and talks the talk,if
>she does I'll say she's
>not as dumb as she
>seems she actually had a

Hey thanks for showing us that you really will say anything except what you really believe in!
Ive always said what i felt or wanted to say. Yes, it has cost me a couple good jobs but in the end, is that what's really important? I'm a big believer in being your own person.

Good for her! She has my vote!!

257, my point exactly, I say what I think and how popular has that made me around here? True I have the looks to win Mr. Universe but my outspoken ways would shoot me down just like dimwit shot herself in the foot.

Anyone who doesn't give their superiors and customers the answer they want to hear when it doesn't hurt to do so won't go far. last week when the export hay buying team was here from Asia I was nice to them and grinned like a cheshire cat, if I had told them what I really thought of their offer and them personally not only would I still have an extra 800 tons of hay with no buyer they wouldn't ever be back. I can't even say what I think about the little #%@!crooks here without getting nuked so you get my drift. if I had been like bimbo I would have said the Enola Gaye should have been reloaded a thousand times, that's just the way I was brought up by my WWII vet dad and I feel that's what a good far east policy should look like. not a good idea.

A wise and rich man once said " you can't be both rich and proud " and that's a fact, it can apply to shooting your mouth off about gay marriage at a ferry judge too.
Actually dude it involves things such as character, honor, principle, integrity, values, ect. ...not that I would expect you to understand.

I don't know who your wise man is but it is possible to be proud and rich, proud and poor, or any combination in between. Not everyone sells their soul to the devil. It does offer deep or maybe, shallow insight into your ideology.

Don't assume that everyone is willing to pimp themselves out to the highest bidder. Perhaps she lost what she rightfully had coming to her for speaking her mind and teling the TRUTH. Perhaps not. One thing is for sure. She gained the respect of many with the courage to do it knowing the likely outcome.

The thing that burns perez?? His 'crowning authority' was just not enough to push his agenda. Sooner or later everyone lets their true colors shine through. I don't think she'll be ashamed of hers. Bravo and well done young lady.

You guys are too funny, anyone who has the ability to shut their mouth or answer in a politically correct manor to come out ahead is a sell out. I've got news for you, then we're all sell outs some are just more skilled at it than others. there are only two types of people who can pull that off, those who are so rich they don't have to care and those who have nothing so they have nothing to lose.

You don't tell black jokes in the ghetto and you don't tell a butt pirate you think gay marriage is wrong when he's a judge. basic survival skills in one case and basic business skill in the other.
Do WHATEVER IT TAKES!for money ,fame, power,NO THANKS! My integrity is NOT FOR SALE!She had the guts not to sale out,some people were not tought what is realy of value.She had good teachers.
"A wise and rich man once said " you can't be both rich and proud " and that's a fact..."

That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard! Do you think men like Trump, Gates or women like Oprah Winfrey aren't proud of their accomplishments that made them rich? If I had a tenth of their money I'd be damn proud that I was able to market my business to the degree of their finacial freedom.

Well, I would still like to know what gives huntinthenude the right to call this woman a "bimbo"?

If she ever posted the ignorant comments he has.....at least where he could read them, maybe I would understand.

So far, nude is just an airhead.
Easy dude....your racism is starting to bleed through. We get it dude...you're a prostitute...now get this...not everyone is. One way that most prostitues differ from you though, most won't kiss.

You also are funny. The reason it pisses you off....the liberal, homosexual agenda, was on the working end of a big frosty mug. News flash, not everyone is beholden to radicals like perez. Now had this been the other way around, you and perez would be triumphantly heralding the lady as a true brave trailblazer for standing up to the conservative movement.

Keep spewing here dude, your true character shines brightly.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-09 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]Just your typical limp wristed liberal stance as of late. They are all inclusive and open to all ideas and views---- AS long as your views are exactly like theirs. If not, your labeled a racist, biggot, etc, etc, etc. Fruit-cakes like the flamer who asked her the question are a joke. Being politically correct, i.e., lieing, does not fit everyone's m.o. Nothing wrong with having some character and not caving in to satisfy a very small minority of our population.

>Miss Kentucky had me drooling up
>a storm! Did you see
>the melons on that girl???!!!!

You make a comment like that and don't provide a picture????
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-09 AT 11:27AM (MST)[p]>>Miss Kentucky had me drooling up
>>a storm! Did you see
>>the melons on that girl???!!!!
>You make a comment like that
>and don't provide a picture????


I went to the pageant site yesterday to take a look after I saw this post!

"You can recover from a tough hunt, you can't recover from quitting" - Cameron R. Hanes
True character? if that means I think she's dimwit for shooting her mouth off blowing her chance at the pay off and I would have sold out, then yes that's my character. give me a break this gal is no hero for speaking her mind, she had the right to do it and those who determined the winner had the right to send her packing. it's a matter of self promotion over a subject that is unimportant, if it was worth being cast out of the circle she worked so hard to be in then she nailed it. that fufu crowd isn't ever going to welcome her back, and don't tell me she doesn't care you don't live on rice cakes for half your life and wear G string in public because you don't care if people like you.

The statement "You can't be both proud and rich" is very true. being proud in this case means thinking you're too good to do something, say something or accept something. most people who are self made and successful are proud of what they accomplished but almost all of them had to bite their tounge and swallow their pride for years to get there. a perfect example is " the customer is always right " , that means the seller will bend over backwards to keep them happy even if the buyer is a jerk. you guys would say " if you don't like it shove it " and show how proud and noble you are. which business attitude is going to make the richer man? now you get it?
Hey whatever you guys have all the answers, but did her shooting her mouth off do more damage to the chances of gays getting married or her chances of winning her dream of being miss America? good thing she got you guys so tuned up because that's all that she's going to get out of it.

It will be funny someday if she ever asks her husband " does this outfit make me look fat ? " he can just tell the truth and say yes if he wants to because that's the way she rolls.

What a great and worth while subject, dumb blondes and fruitcakes. you can have your wish I'm done with this.
"It will be funny someday if she ever asks her husband " does this outfit make me look fat ? " he can just tell the truth and say yes if he wants to because that's the way she rolls."

What idiot is going to say "yes" to a question like that? I stand up for what I believe....as long as it doesn't keep me from getting a piece of arse every once in a while!! HaHa

"What idiot is going to say "yes" to a question like that? I stand up for what I believe....as long as it doesn't keep me from getting a piece of arse every once in a while!! HaHa"

I think you just made Hdudes point..... :) Terry
Face it, she did not sell out her values huntinperez. Your comparison to a wife asking her husband if her caboose looks big is apples to oranges. She was asked where she stood, what her opinion was, where her values lay. She said it in a very matter of fact, non-insulting manner. She further elaborated to the fact that in this country each person is entitled to their own opinion even it if differs from hers.

I know you think you're the only trust fund baby...I mean savy corporation operator on this web site, but in my place of business, the customer always being right does not mean I will bow to their values if it means turning my back on mine. I know it's a funny way to run a railroad in your world, but odd as it may be, I'm still in operation. I bet you could sell more hay to those boys you speak of if you threw in a little private time with your lady. After all, if they dig it, the customer is always right.

Dude sorta reminds me of the Nazi on 'Saving Private Ryan.' You know, the one who gets captured and in a quest to save his life begins to shout of his rendition of 'Oh Say Can You See.' Yes we see very cleary huntinperez, selling yourself is an acceptable way of life. Good luck with it.

I'm really disappointed in you guys. I had high hopes for this thread with the title "Miss USA"...... Alas, it has fizzled into a dismal politial bashing....which has widened a gaping hole in my heart only to be filled with distasteful and revealing pictures of the contestants...So I ask....

Feleno and NVB, where the hell are you guys?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-09 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]hahahahaha, nice. That guy is such a flamer. I loved his expression after the answer...he just kinda looked down and shook his head in disappointment...hilarious.

but i still want dirt pics of Ms. Kentucky dang it!
Here is my favorite contestant, I can't remember where she was from but I'm pretty sure it was somewhere that has mountains :)



Nice BFE,

Why in the wide wide world of sports was this guy judging a female beauty contest anyway? Isn't that like Ray Charles umpiring the world series?
ahhhhh, nice Beefy. Thanks for that.

wetmule, I think it's because he's so much like a chick that he was a judge. If you or I were a judge, we'd be too busy drooling to make any kind of a decision.

Chicks hate each other, and at the very least are extremely critical of each other. This fact alone qualifies him to be a a judge. Because he's a chick.
>Give me a break, are you
>telling me if you had
>an oh my god
>gay boss and he asked
>you a question like that
>you'd say what she said?
>a flaming ferry like that
>wants to hear that she's
>cool with it and if
>she's too dumb to figure
>that out what can I
>say. yes I know her
>devotion to god made her
>say it but once again,
>do you want to win
>or not?
> Her only hope now is
>a job on FAUX News,
>who wants to bet she
>gets one? she looks the
>part and talks the talk,if
>she does I'll say she's
>not as dumb as she
>seems she actually had a

what Integrity's not in your vocabulary
I didn't watch the pageant, but after all the broohaha about her answer watched it on youtube. She answered the question. Everything else is personal opinion.

Regarding those that are so infatuated with themselves that they can't conceive of a valid view of the world outside of their own,

"Don't argue with a pig. ... You'll waste your breathe and annoy the pig"
Huntindude talks about customers. Wow, I deal with a different customer on a daily basis, probably a lot more, and for a lot more than dude can even calculate. If I had a customer ask me to do something that was illegal, or against code, I would have to decline. Could it cost me work? possibly. Providing customer service, and ruining self morals are not the same thing. If being a rich man means I need to lose my morals, and my values, then I'll be poor my whole life, but I do not believe that his statement about rich and proud are even close to being accurate. They are accurate for someone who has NO other way to achieve, than to fumble on his morals. If a customer asks me if I hunt, I'm not going to tell them no if I feel like they may be an Anti, I'm going to tell them yes, and IF it costs me the work, then I'll make the decision to pull off of the job, I'm not a butt kisser, and I'll never be one. She gave her opinion, and if Dude can't accept that not everyone is a sellout, then that is his problem, not her's, mine or anyone else's.

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