Miss MM September!!


Long Time Member
I LOVE SEPTEMBER!! Anyways who's it gonna be fellas??

Miss Fireball...

Miss Q-Tip...

Miss Lady Shooter...

Miss TripleK...

Missta Bobcatbess...

Miss Predator...

Or will it be MM's newest chica Miss BLTSO...

Damn that C-toe must be a genetic mishap. ive seen it on more then one chic tonight on mm. Sick!

Oh and any of them will do for september. except that sick one!

<Stu Padasso Pro Staff

<Dixie Nourmous Field Staff
Ok I will go with the first one. I like the perky, well nevermind. I want #1 please

<Stu Padasso Pro Staff

<Dixie Nourmous Field Staff
LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-10 AT 03:41AM (MST)[p]Well!
I'm hoping for no more than about 6 votes around this place!

LMAO never_catches_snatch!

Edit: }>}>}>}>}>}>}>}>}>
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Sorry B Bop, this is one contest I hope you come in last! I wouldn't vote for that "cack" if it was againt the 16 inch saddle lady.

<Stu Padasso Pro Staff

<Dixie Nourmous Field Staff
Pay attention wet_boot!

I don't want your vote!

I'm looking for no more than about 6 votes from the MM Ladies!
No more,No less!

I can't vote for just one MM Lady,they're all Special to me!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Thought I was gonna get a vote from RUGSTER there for a minute!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
What a bunch of perverts. Is it any wonder you all are voting for the smallest bikini ?

My vote goes to Mrs BLTSO.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-10 AT 12:46PM (MST)[p]>What a bunch of perverts. Is
>it any wonder you all
>are voting for the smallest
>bikini ?
>My vote goes to Mrs BLTSO.

Me too! No I'm not just trying to score pts with my wife! Blondes are great but there's something about a Brunette!....

Looks like Bessies new diet plan is working..........but stuffing a sock to make it look like a "Boone & Crockett"????

Doesn't B_BOP's photo belong under that missing "15-inch bases" post???

Pred (laughing myself silly)
Do I get a vote Preddy?
Sounds like I'm gonna miss you & PleaseDear,(again)Not really hiding from you,lol!:D
Good Luck on the Hunts!
We'll hook up one of these years!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-10 AT 02:52PM (MST)[p]You get my vote Predator ;-) how you doin?? Edit...Ah crap you're Robb's wife...sorry dude lol!!

I've been tossing back and forth between voting for Predator and Q-tip all day but I just love me some leopard print so that was the deciding factor...

Fireball seems to be running away with this so far...

>lmao, i think bessy is more
>of a pisscutter than a

LMAO !!! No vote from me B-Bopper.... Nomad !@#$
>Doesn't B_BOP's photo belong under that
>missing "15-inch bases" post???
>Pred (laughing myself silly)

LMAO!! TOo funny!

I'm a bit pissed about this! Why do I have the smallest rack?? So not fair. I'm calling my surgeon now.
Even though I love ya bessy, You WILL NOT get my vote today amigo! And as far as that B&C thing slammy mentioned, that was a very loose 15" tape somebody measured with!

It's always an adventure!!!
Hold on just a Damn Minute with the Crowning!
I'm still waiting on 4-5 more votes!
Well never mind,I can't win & this is one contest I don't wanna win,for GAWDS Sake I don't want SMACKDADDY voting neither!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I wanted Lady Shooter, but apparently the votes are tallied. Can we do another month please? This time leave the Missta off though.

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