Miscarriage of Justice

Shoot the little bastards!!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!

How worthless has our justice system become?

Where is the justice for the victim and her family?

I'm afraid if that was my daughter I would be the one serving some time after I destroyed those pieces of $hit.
Unfortunately this is the day and age where the bleeding heart liberals will let crap like this slide since they are minors. I think if you are old enough to do an adult crime, let them be charged and sentenced like an adult would be. Sad truth is a friend of mine and my wide is a teacher on a military installation up in Alaska, last school year she had a student who was a registered sex offender and this is the 4th grade. Now my biggest worry is what is this kid witnessing at home that caused him to assult and rape a girl that was about 2-4 years younger than him? I normally hold our military up on a pedestal (since I am a vet), but my question is where was this guys commander? It is obvious that something in the system failed this service member and his family. There are more programs that deal with this stuff than when most guys was in even 10 years ago, so why didn't they do more for them? Oh well I will get off my rant now.

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