minus tides


Long Time Member
I think the lowest tides of the year are right now. I've been hitting Clam Beach for razor clams early in the mornings. It's been fantastic! Not the biggest clams, but plenty of them. We've been getting our limits in about an hour. It hasn't been this good in years!

I imagine the abalone pickers are doing well too. The ocean has been smooth, which makes it easier.

Still a couple days left. Get out there if you get the chance!

Sounds like Fun Eel! I don't know a thing about finding or digging clams, seen it done on TV but that's about it. Couple things,

Someone told me that you could tell that there were clams there by seeing dimples in the sand. True?

They also said that the clams could dig further down to get away almost as fast as a guy could dig down to them. Doesn't seem possible. True? Thanks!

Happy clam divin' Eel...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Oh Lord! Here we go.........

I can't wait to see the rarely observed, "Humboldt Turtle Clam".

I have NO doubt that experience and cunning will produce one any time now, what with minus tides and all!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Sage, the "show" for Razor Clams is often a hole in the sand that will change to a dimple if there is water washing over it and yes they will dig away but I have not had them out dig me but I guess if they are at the edge of your reach when you start they might lose you.

Get em good Eel!

Razor Clams are tasty!


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Fresh Clam Chowder Soup washed down with a Ice Cold Beer.

Give me a call Eel when it is dinner time...LOL but I need 3-1/2 hours notice to make it there on time.

LAST EDITED ON May-19-11 AT 10:05PM (MST)[p]Joey, I guess a dimple is the best description of how to spot a clam hole. The best way is to have someone show you. Sometimes you can actually see the neck sticking above the sand, especially if you're digging in a few inches of water. The best way to make a clam "show" is to tap the ground with the handle end of your shovel as you walk along. The vibration causes them to show.

Once you spot a "show" you take one big shovel full of sand out about 12" to the ocean side of the "show". The clams always lie with the hinge on their shell toward the ocean. Then when you reach into the hole you always grab the clam away from the sharp edge of their shell. They're called razor clams because they will slice your fingers if grab them wrong. After you get one shovel full out you quickly reach in and start digging with your hand to where you hope the clam is. It's all by feel at this point.

A clam can't out dig you but sometimes the sand is so water logged that the hole you're working keeps caving in and filling back in so that you can't gain any ground. About that time a wave comes crashing in, washes your shovel up the beach, and fills your hole back up. At that point your pride is hurt so bad that you decide the fricken clam was just a baby anyway and not worth further effort. So it's off to find another one.:) Some guys stay above the water line in the dry sand and get lots of clams, but that's no challenge. Besides, like big bucks, big clams live where only the most die hard clammers are willing to go.:)

The best way to eat razor clams is to wisk an egg or two in a cup or two of milk. Stir the clam in there and then dredge it in saltine cracker crumbs. Fry in about 1/4 inch of hot oil (rice oil works the best) until the cracker crumbs are golden. Drain on some paper towels and enjoy. I fried some up tonight and was going to post a photo but I'm out of AA batteries. Next time I'll be prepared.

nickman, sometimes those turtles will bury themselves in the sand and mimick a clam. When you reach in they got you! I heard a guy screaming down the beach from me. I assume that's what happened to him. When we left there was an extra shovel laying on the beach.


Edit: RACKMASTER, we all know you eat clams.
LAST EDITED ON May-20-11 AT 00:21AM (MST)[p]Eel, That really does sound like a lot of fun and thanks for telling us how to do it!

My Dad's Brother, him and his wife used to go several times a year. They took their small motor home and met up with other couples on the planned trips. They talked about getting clams and fixen them up, a bigger one too that they called a horse necks, but i think mostly they were there for the party! :)

Thanks again Eel, great thread!!

Edit; Bill, You too! thanks for the info!! :)

Eel you're making me hungry!

Joey the Horsenecks live a little deeper down and are big compared to Razor clams. Some people shovel for Horsenecks but we use a "Pump" which is made from a piece of 3" ABS pipe about 3 ft. long and it has a plunger inside made from an expandable plumbers plug connected to a handle and you pump it creating a dredge effect straight over the show down to the clam then you reachdown into the hole (usually the full length of your arm) and grab him. They are awesome in chowder and good fried but not as good as fried Razor clams.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
thanks for the heads up eel my father in law,brother in law and i went out yesterday and got out limits of abalone good eats for dinner last night as well as a few more meals still to come
What's the limit of Ab's these days?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
"3 a day 24 per year"

lol, Can't be! I saw on a outdoors show, "Justice" something, where 3-4 guys were getting like 60-70 ab's and going back for more! j/k

I've never had abalone but i'd wager that it's good!


Joey, I have never had it either but I hear from people who have that say it's excellent ... When my mom was little they would go to the coast while my grandpa scuba dived... They would fry them up on the beach after diving ..Doesn't get any fresher than that.. I really want to try them..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
boy you guys sure are missing out on some good eats if you ever get over my on a minus tide and dont mind getting wet and cold hit me up and i will go with you
Where do you live Nuts? We are thinking of going to Ft. Bragg this summer (me the wife and kids I will dive they will rock pick and wade) with some friends from here (Del Norte county).

We have a few Abs here but they got hammered here a few years back when a group of guys were overfishing and cleaned em out. They take so long to mature it will be a while before they come back good. I have never been where the visibility is more than a few feet and the ocean was calm.

Sage and Snort, boy are you guys missing out there is NOTHING better out of the Ocean than Abs breaded and fried! It's the one food that I am selfish and protective about LOL!


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Gotcha nuts4bucks.

I love that country along the coast down by you. I have only been through there once but have good friends who know a few places to dive down there.

Good luck on your diving>


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Could be.

Fresh dungeness crab is my #1 fav food. Hard to imagine anything better than when the crab is plenty and nice n fresh!

I love crab too Sage and Halibut, Lingcod and Razor Clams are close behind but you need to try some Abalone.

Burn another one Rack.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
>we do an Beer and AB
>dinner and I eat til
>I puke and start all
>over again!

nothing is better
>than "good AB".............to resole your boots with if there is no leather or rubber available.

You can eat just about anything, if you meat hammer the chit out of it like you have to with abalone!

Makes great bait.....stays on the hook real good!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Abalone for bait? That would be like trading gold for lead. WTF?

I found a place this winter that sold crab meat. You could buy just crab legs. $20/lb. for crab leg meat only. This guy really knows how to cook crab too! He got to know me like a brother this year!:)

Nickman with all due respect I think anyone who would use abalone for bait should be shot! Just sayin'.......

Eldo that recipe will do just fine, but I can easily eat four or five of those critters myself not two or three as the article says.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
eldorado, that sounds like a good recipe. The buttermilk thing is interesting. I might try that and report back. I'm not too hip on the tartar sauce though. The clams alone are the best.

The end of next week is another series of minus tides.

Eel not sure if you have heard but a friend told me they are killin' the Razors down in Trinidad!


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Thanks Bill. Last week the ocean was a little rough but we found a bar that had lots of bigger clams. I went one day just south of Trinidad.

Another great tide this week but I'm back to work, so the fun is over.....or I might just sneak out for a morning. You know the old saying, "time and the tide wait for no man.":)


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