Mike Leach


Long Time Member
Anybody else following this? I'm not a big Texas Tech fan, but holy crap, what were they thinking? The Tech admin is going to the mat and risks destroying their entire football program over some whiney baby who's dad works for ESPN? Good comedy for fans of all other Texas schools... ;-)
I see Techs point from a "cover your ass" standpoint, but at the same time I have some people in the know that have said that kid is a douche pretty boy. He pissed Leach off one day and slammed his office door and broke it. Leach told the staff to bill the door to James' dad. I think it is a huge pissin' match and Leach lost. There has been a lot of great coaches that try to teach lessons but lose their job instead. I bet we really dont know all the details. Now back to losing seasons for Tech. It is hard being a Tech fan/alumn:)
Yeah, this is a bad deal. Leach will lose his job, but still get paid handsomely by the university. Assuming the contract stands, he will still get his $800,000 bonus plus $400,000 for the next several years. That's a load of money for any college program - especially for TT. Now there's always the possibility that his firing was with cause, but to prove this it will go to court and the university will probably be out a million or more in legal fees before it's over - and rather than fight, they'll probably settle for about that much. No matter how you look at it, the university is out a load of money, recruiting is ruined for many years, the whole program tainted, and Leach is rich.
OK, We all have Million dollar contracts and we are going to resort to acting like a 16 year old over a kid that will be gone long before you? Leach or one of his Assistant Coaches should have used their heads other than putting TT on them. Dumb ass coach if you see my point. John
I dont know much about it, but, thought it was pretty low class his father going on TV, using his celebrity status to comment on it.
Sounds like a case of my baby does no wrong.
>I see Techs point from a
>"cover your ass" standpoint, but
>at the same time I
>have some people in the
>know that have said that
>kid is a douche pretty
>boy. He pissed Leach off
>one day and slammed his
>office door and broke it.
>Leach told the staff to
>bill the door to James'
>dad. I think it is
>a huge pissin' match and
>Leach lost. There has been
>a lot of great coaches
>that try to teach lessons
>but lose their job instead.
>I bet we really dont
>know all the details. Now
>back to losing seasons for
>Tech. It is hard being
>a Tech fan/alumn:)

All this time I thought I was the only Tech alum here.

I think the university made a bad initial move by not supporting Leach. If things would have continued to look bad, after the BS investigation, they could have come back and said that Leach was wrong and fired him. Instead, they made him the bad guy in the beginning and left him with no university support at all.

I don't know James, but I haven't heard anything good about him. I agree that his dad should have kept his mouth shut and kept the complaint private. I'm pretty sure that no one deserves to have Craig James give them an ethics lesson when it comes to college football.

That's more of a "Hey I'm a badger but I really like ponies and rainbows too" smile. - mtnmayhem
>>I see Techs point from a
>>"cover your ass" standpoint, but
>>at the same time I
>>have some people in the
>>know that have said that
>>kid is a douche pretty
>>boy. He pissed Leach off
>>one day and slammed his
>>office door and broke it.
>>Leach told the staff to
>>bill the door to James'
>>dad. I think it is
>>a huge pissin' match and
>>Leach lost. There has been
>>a lot of great coaches
>>that try to teach lessons
>>but lose their job instead.
>>I bet we really dont
>>know all the details. Now
>>back to losing seasons for
>>Tech. It is hard being
>>a Tech fan/alumn:)
>All this time I thought I
>was the only Tech alum
>I think the university made a
>bad initial move by not
>supporting Leach. If things
>would have continued to look
>bad, after the BS investigation,
>they could have come back
>and said that Leach was
>wrong and fired him.
>Instead, they made him the
>bad guy in the beginning
>and left him with no
>university support at all.
>I don't know James, but I
>haven't heard anything good about
>him. I agree that his
>dad should have kept his
>mouth shut and kept the
>complaint private. I'm pretty
>sure that no one deserves
>to have Craig James give
>them an ethics lesson when
>it comes to college football.
>That's more of a "Hey I'm
>a badger but I really
>like ponies and rainbows too"
>smile. - mtnmayhem

Hey, now there are 3 Tech Alums.

I was in Lubbock over the holidays and the story coming out local is way different than anything reported on the national news.
Did you see his interview on ESPN? He's pretty fiery in what he says, totally blames this on a player with a sense of entitlement, and a dad "who took more of the coaches time than all the other parents combined."

I think this is going to get worse before it gets better.
the bottom line is you don't put any-one in a dark room after they had been hurt,(I will show you) You have to wonder if he would had a seizure what the cost to TT would of been.
The coach screwed up and he now has payed the price for it.
With the Clause "with cause" is in the contract and him not signing the letter, I'm thinking he will lose in court.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
If he did indeed send him to a dark room and it was so wrong why did the trainer sit there with him and enforce it? Why wasnt the trainer let go as well? If none of the other coaches and trainers stepped up to say "hey this is wrong!" arent they all just as guilty? Not to mention any of the other players that knew what was going on. They are all adults and if what Leach did was wrong then why didnt any of them speak up and say so at the time instead of waiting till it has national attention to speak up? Seems to me this is just a big pissing match over money.
I think his mistake was suing Tech in court when he was placed on leave pending the investigation. I am an employer and when something serious is alleged I HAVE to investigate it and I HAVE to separate the one I am investigating from the situation.

It would sure tick me off if my EMPLOYEE sued me for being in a situation where I had no choice.I call that insubordination. More affidavits are coming out and more people-it is starting to look much worse for Leach.

Bottom line:No one is indispensible and arrogance will always come back to bite you....

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