Michael Vick another rich POS



I'm kind of surprised this hasn't shown up on the forum yet. Maybe it has and I missed it. Anyway, as a sportsman how do you all feel about this. Personally, I'm so sick and tired of these spoiled pr!c&s thinking they can amuse themselves at the expense of the very thing we as sportsman cherish, that being respect for all creatures. What are your thoughts?


"So let me get this straight. People who think Michael Vick is "innocent'' of any involvement with dogfighting believe that Vick could have visited the Smithfield, Va., house he owned at any time over the past six-plus years and never noticed anything slightly suspicious about the activities going on there.

They believe Vick could have overlooked the dog-breeding "rape stand'' that federal authorities discovered on the property, or the blood stains that dotted the walls of those five black-painted buildings in the backyard? They contend that Vick was oblivious to what his friends and cousin were doing with those car axles buried in the ground, and those treadmills and syringes, and that piece of bloodstained carpet?

In other words, they believe that because they want to. They also probably thought Pete Rose never bet on baseball, Barry Bonds just underwent a freak late-career growth spurt, and O.J. Simpson was definitely framed.

Even if you choose to think that Vick never stooped so low as to take part in the cruelty to animals that federal investigators detailed so thoroughly in that 18-page felony indictment, it strains credibility to profess that Vick didn't know the first thing about the business being conducted at that house on Moonlight Road. Eyewitnesses placed him at the house numerous times in recent years.

Remember, we're talking about a dogfighting ring that is alleged to have spanned seven different states up and down the East Coast. This was no small-time operation. It took some money to fund the ring, and Vick, with his NFL millions, is an obvious suspect when it comes to bankrolling.

Even Vick's most ardent supporters would have to agree that knowing what was going on and not acting to put a stop to the behavior does not equate to innocence. Not even close. If ignorance is never a defense, then what kind of excuse is silent complicity? And from this vantage point, that's going to be Vick's best-case explanation for the whole mess".





I see Nike just suspended the release of his new shoe line. this happened to a cull on the Portland Jailblazers team a while back, they fired him because of the public outcry. I hope this loser ends up washing dishes in a Dennys and sleeping in a dumpster, you know he was too stupid to save any of the money he's already made. anyone who fights dogs is a cull and should be treated as such.
Here's my little duke that lost his last fight. He's getting better though. Should do better next time, he's fighting a poodle.


BCB, the fires blew up again today ... we're freaking surrounded ... saw a mushroom cloud explode right by Cloride Canyon ... NOOOOOO!






hornhog2 called me today & said " dad, go get your trail cam, that sucker is going to get burned up" I said, "you freaking nuts kido, ain't going to try to out run a fire for a stinking $100.00 trail cam. <smile>

Hey okey,

Maybe that's a little to hard for you to look at,
but at least it show some of these people around
here that live in a dirty cloths hamper what the
heck is going on.

JB only wagers on Housecat fights anyway.

Anything can happen inside the Octegon.
Mixed Martial Cats.

Rus don't always agree with you. On this one you hit the nail squarely on the head. I hope Vick gets Federal jail time but with his money I doubt he does.
Michael was just keepin it real Dawg!

The Vick family must be so proud of him and his little bro.

Shockingly Nike pulled his upcoming line of of shoes! I got no love for pitbulls, they're just not worth the risk. We have a couple kids in the last few years killed by pitbull attacks in CA. Horrific
You can take the ######, I mean the african american out of the getto but you can't take the getto out of the african american.
Just another reason not to watch professional sports and support these clowns.

Guys like Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, Shaquille O'Neal, Donovan McNabb, are few and far between. Guys like Vick and Ron Artest are a dime a dozen.
What shotgunjim said only I would add "hip hop thug rap culture" in place of ghetto.

Dude (Vic not Hdude) is a no good rotten waste of human life. He needs a bullett as well as his brothers cousins and what ever else.
freaking DITTO !!!!!

p.s. you should'nt have put that photo up of that tore up dog. whether or not everyone knows about dog fighting or not this should not be the place to show that inhumane crap. we as hunters dispatch our quarry as quickley and humanely as we possibley can- that person did NOT. I also don't like pitbulls, but they are still animals and when/if they ever look that bad or are in pain they too should be humanely put down as quickley as possible. bottom line !

Proud White Man !!!!!
Nike is not worried about doing the right thing here

LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-07 AT 01:29PM (MST)[p]I read an article this morning how Nike says "They will support Vick through this to ensure they do not pre-judge him before do process has had it's chance" later in the article it says they stood by Kobe the same way, oh by the way they had a 260% increase in "existing" Kobe product sales during the "trial" period.
Stock prices soared.

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.
just saw a news break on espn during the fights, the NFL and the Falcons want him to take a leave of absence,,,, to bad it couldnt be permanent,,,,, he's a real piece of work ,,,,
Yeah, but it's a one year PAID leave of absence; to get his legal affairs wrapped up! If he's found guilty, I think the NFL should kick him out of the league! Any thoughts???

Scott G.
ya i seen that last night. but no that aint my dog bro. but i think he was on a mission. oakey
He is a POS, without a doubt, but it's not because he is rich. He was a POS before he ever signed a contract. You either are one or you aren't. I know alot of dirt poor POS's.
The funny thing is, Vick is a average QB anyway. A few years back, all the ESPN experts said it would just be a matter of time before Vick goes to the Super Bowl.

He will never make it to the Super Bowl. He is a bad person and a bad passer as well. He can run, but that is about it.

I hope they boot his ass out of the NFL. Kids need good role models in professional sports, and Vick is about as bad as it gets.
If the feds are charging him with something there is almost a 100% chance he is guilty. all the reports I hear say somewhere between a 95-99% conviction rate. 2-5 years minimum, he will see bars. When it comes to federal indictments all the money in the world isnt going to save him. Bye-bye Ookie!
I bet the falcons wish they would have held on to Matt Shaub. He is twice the quarterback of Vick. The NFL is gonna dump Vick like a bad habbit, and he will end up robbing liquor stores with his little brother for a living.
The fact these other players are saying it is no big deal is just as disturbing to me. It is the hip hop culture, which promotes this crap and as long as we tolerate the hip hop direction major sports are going, the problem will only get worse.

What shotgunjim said ... that's why I only watch Discovery - History - National Geographic!

Jesus wept!

-- "The Atlanta Falcons on Tuesday said they did not anticipate star quarterback Michael Vick's indictment on charges related to dogfighting.

Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank said the team wanted to suspend the player for four games.

1 of 3 "We had absolutely no idea that the indictment was coming on that day at that time," Falcons General Manager Rich McKay said at a news conference Tuesday afternoon at the team's Atlanta office.

After FBI and Virginia police investigators searched property Vick owns near Smithfield, Virginia, a federal grand jury indicted him and three associates July 17 on charges related to dogfighting.

"There was always that potential, but there was no timing to us that we knew of," McKay said.

"We had, clearly, no indications, no signs, no whispers ... of any of this kind of behavior," team owner Arthur Blank said.

"I never realized there was such a thing [as dogfighting]," McKay added. "I couldn't tell you that there was this situation where people went to watch dogfights. I guess I must be the only one in this room who didn't know that."

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell told Vick on Monday not to report to the Falcons' training camp until the league completes a review of the case. Goodell on Tuesday told the Falcons not to discipline Vick over the dogfighting charges until the review is completed. No time frame for the review was given.

Blank said the Falcons had been pursuing a four-game suspension, the maximum allowed under the league's collective bargaining agreement with the players union, and had gone so far as to draw up a letter to Vick.

"We needed to make some decisions before training camp opens Thursday," Blank said. Watch Blank discuss disciplining Michael Vick ?

Don't Miss
SI.com: League unsure if other players involved in dogfighting
Senate reacts to dogfighting case
Dogfighting business booming
Federal indictment (PDF)
Falcons training camp begins Thursday, the same day Vick is to appear in court for a bond hearing and arraignment in Richmond, Virginia, where the indictment was filed.

"We don't know where things will go from here," Blank said. "... We are committed to doing the right thing, both on and off the field."

Vick and the others face federal conspiracy charges alleging they bought and sponsored dogs in a fighting venture and traveled across state lines to participate in illegal activity, including gambling.

"We've been very firm with Michael as to what we expect of him both as a football player and as a leader," Blank said.

Vick has yet to comment publicly on the charges, which prosecutors say could lead to a maximum six-year prison sentence and fines of $350,000.

According to the indictment, Vick and his associates obtained the Virginia property for the purpose of staging dogfights, bought dogs and then fought them there, and in several other states, over six years.

Dogs that didn't show enough fighting spirit or lost matches were put to death by methods that included shooting, drowning, hanging and electrocution, according to the indictment. Prosecutors allege that on one occasion earlier this year, Vick participated in killing eight dogs.

Vick, 27, was a standout athlete at Virginia Tech and the first player chosen in the 2001 NFL draft. He is one of pro football's highest-profile and highest-paid players, and signed a 10-year, $130 million contract with the Falcons in 2004.

The Falcons issued a statement July 17 saying, "We are disappointed that one of our players -- and therefore the Falcons -- is being presented to the public in a negative way, and we apologize to our fans and the community for that. ... However, we are prepared to deal with it, and we will do the right thing for our club as the legal process plays out."

Vick will not forfeit any pay during his forced absence from camp, the league said." E-mail to a friend

Someone ought to let one of his pitbulls rip his ass to shreds if he thinks this is so fun. Sickening what some of these people act like.
what gets me the most is that there are other nfl players who are right now this am defending him with the "he's not guilty until he is proven guilty" crap. the fed will not usually waste taxpayers money going after a big name unless there is something to it !
he is done !
no super bowl like everyone was talking about 5 years ago or so. matt schaub is smiling right now.
still have'nt heard of rev al or jesse yet ? are they late to the party ?

Proud White Man !!!!!

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