Michael Jackson Dead???

I guess the thought of Farrah dying was taken harder by some than others.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-09 AT 04:52PM (MST)[p]Gawd I'm having a hard time not making a joke but out of respect for the dead I will wait. A little while.
Well if we can pull anything good from this, at least we can rest assured the children are safe!!

.........3.......2.......1 ;-)

Make all the jokes you want, he had some coming.

I don't want to speak to his personal life, but I would rather see a hundred current recording artists/ entertainers, drop dead, before Michael Jackson.
I'll refrain from the jokes and altered photos right now. he was a freak and a pedophile but its still sad to see someone pass. He was an amazing talent and i'll admit I had many of his cassette tapes back in the day.
I know it gets said all the time, but somewhere today a soldier lost his life and they dont get any attention. N. Korea, Iran, Afganistan, Our economy, and this is what floods every channel on the tv ? Who cares. Thriller sucked.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
born a poor black boy, died a rich white woman.......

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>I know it gets said all
>the time, but somewhere today
>a soldier lost his life
>and they dont get any
>attention. N. Korea, Iran, Afganistan,
>Our economy, and this is
>what floods every channel on
>the tv ? Who cares.
>Thriller sucked.


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-09 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-09 AT 07:59?PM (MST)

i wonder how they em-balm[sp??] someone who has lived their whole life embalmed??

i can think of 100 singer these days i'd like to see drop dead. well one of my top 5 just did :) sorry no sympathy or respect from me for someone who was a GOD DAMT PEDOPHILE!
>Well if we can pull anything
>good from this, at least
>we can rest assured the
>children are safe!!
>.........3.......2.......1 ;-)

Slam I was goint to say that,,, LOL Pooor Kids

i dont care what great things you did or created in your life. the minute you do ANYTHING inappropriate with a child, all that great $hit means NOTHING. R.I.H.P. figure that one out!

"If it moves shoot it again"

Get this straight in your head. That which promotes freedom is GOOD..that which takes away from freedom is BAD. Government, by its very nature, is evil...that is precisly why the founders insisted upon the citizens being armed and prepared to resist tyranny.
Apperently, since he was made of more than 90% plastic, rather than a burial, he will be melted down and turned into little black and white legos so now the kids can play with him.


The real reason Michael Jackson died was food poisoning he had 12 year old nuts in his stomach

Micheal Jackson is going to come back to life, once he's been recycled

Michael Jackson is rumoured to be cremated. They had better wear face masks. Plastic fumes can be lethal.

Bad news for Jacko?s family, apparently the funeral home don't take plastic!

McDonald's are to give him a comemorative burger, the McJackson, 50 yr old meat between 10 yr old buns

Micheal Jackson's last wish was 4 him 2 b melted down and made into plastic party cups so kids can get they're lips round his rim

Michael Jackson has left instructions for his body to be recycled into Lego bricks..so that young children can still play with him

Wacko Jacko ain?t never comin? backo!
>Apperently, since he was made of
>more than 90% plastic, rather
>than a burial, he will
>be melted down and turned
>into little black and white
>legos so now the kids
>can play with him.

On the money BigFly!!

Yes, yesterday was a bad day for white women who were famous during the 80's.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Running a money management firm and dealing with the brokers who call on us is quick humor and it hasn't taken long to get the jokes flying.......here is a sample that have crossed my desk and telephone lines already this morning.....

Why did michael jackson go into cardiac arrest?
Because he heard all the little boys' pants at Macy's were half-off.

They just read Michael Jackson's will publically. He wants to be cremated, and have his ashes molded into a Playstation 3 so the children of the world can continue to play with him!!

Early reports are that the Hospital does not know what to do with the body as plastic recycling is not collected until next Thursday


Greenpeace have started a campaign against his cremation because of the toxic cloud. Burial isn't an option because he isn't biodegradable.

MJ's funeral may be delayed as his family are deciding whether or not they will burn him, bury him or recycle him

The undertaker is determining what to put on michael jackson's death certificate, black or white?

Did you hear Michael Jackson is dead? Its said to be food poisoning after eating an 11 Yr Old weiner

Whats Black White and Purple? MJ after a Cardiac Arrest

Paramedics said he never regained his color...

Michael Jackson hasn't been this stiff since McCauley Culkin came to stay over for the weekend.
The guy was an amazing entertainer! Probably one of the best of our time. I remember watching him dance his solo's back when he still performed with his family all the way through his peak of stardom in the early 1980's. I guess you could say i was a fan as even though i'm a Waylon and Willie guy, the guy could move like no other and i always continued to look forward to hearing and seeing him perform.

The court of Public Opinion has him labeled and found guilty. The guy was a odd one for sure and in his later years, i don't for one second doubt that much of what has been said about him, freaking pervert, is true. That's really a shame, shame shame shame on him!

With Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson both dying the same day, for some reason the Michael Jackson song "Just Beat It" keeps playing in my mind!:)

I think the Democrats had him offed knowing it would distract the nation from their Energy Cap & Tax vote today. It worked.
Farrah Faucet died and went to Heaven, she met God and He gave her one wish. She wished for all of the children in the world to be safe. POOF Michael Jackson died!!!!!!!!
The Rev. Al Sharpton & The Rev. Jesse Jackson are involved now in the investigation.

These two dudes really are shameless when it comes to getting media attention!
what happened to the "hell has no place for child molestors" thread, was jack russels " did you see him laying pipe to those kids, if not he's inocent" jack ass comments to much?
He must be a defense attorney! Sorry Jack - innocence and guilt are only relevant in the legal system, here in the court of internet public opinion things work in a whole different way!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It's not hard to accept that he is DEAD, what's hard is that they are Idolizing a child pervert, where is the KKK when you need them

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