MHC Subscription Winners!


Founder Since 1999
Not sure if you all have noticed, but we're giving away magazine subscriptions at It's easy to get involved, just share your hunting and scouting clips. I pick winners every week. So, Share Your Video Clips!!!!


You could WIN a One year Subscription to Christensen's Hunting Illustrated, Trophy Hunter Magazine, or Western Hunter Magazine. (And we're hoping others will be involved in the future)

These are 3 great magazines guys. You can never get enough "hunting" information and entertainment. Even if you guys have no video to share in order to WIN a free subscription, then get over to their websites and get a subscription. Of course, after enjoying each issue, we expect you to get back on MM here and tell everyone what you thought of each issue.

OK, enough of my blah, blah, blah..........LOL............Here are this weeks winners. I will send each of the winners a PM at Reply to me there if you are a winner with your mailing info. and we'll get a subscription setup for you or add onto your existing subscription.

Thanks all who shared clips this past week!! Keep them coming.

Western Hunter Magazine Winner
Utahs California Bighorns

Christensen's Hunting Illustrated Winner
Colorado Monster Bucks

Trophy Hunter Magazine Winner
2009 Rifle Hunt

Brian Latturner
Come on guys, share your video clips. Winning a magazine subscription is almost EASY. Odds are great! Here are this past weeks winners.

Christensen's Hunting Illustrated Winner

Trophy Hunter Magazine Winner

Western Hunter Magazine Winner

Brian Latturner
Do you guys NOT like FREE stuff!! Come on. Free magazine subscriptions to Western Hunter, Hunting Illustrated, and Trophy Hunter are being given away every week. All you have to do is share some good clips.

Here are this weeks winners:

Trophy Hunter Magazine

Christensen's Hunting Illustrated

Western Hunter Magazine

Brian Latturner
Here are this weeks magazine subscription winners. You all need to post up some clips and WIN yourself a magazine subscription. Western Hunter, Trophy Hunter, and Hunting Illustrated are three of the finest hunting publications around. I get all three. Here are some links to their sites if you want to order. You should.

Trophy Hunter Magazine
Western Hunter Magazine
Christensen's Hunting Illustrated

Here are our winning video clips from this past week. Only three clips were shared, by two guys. You all better post up some clips!!!

Christensen's Hunting Illustrated
Idaho Muleys from 2009

Trophy Hunter Magazine
Winter Herds 2007

Western Hunter Magazine
Northern Utah

Brian Latturner
Here are this weeks winners. Thanks guys!!!

For those of you NOT sharing clips, you're missing out on a chance to WIN some good hunting magazines. Get on it!!!

2010 Pahvant Bulls

TrailCam Elk 1

Archery Practice on the Mountain

Brian Latturner
Christensen's Hunting Illustrated, Trophy Hunter, and Western Hunter are 3 of the finest western big game hunting magazines on the market. Each of the following folks have won a subscription to one of the three magazines simply by sharing their clips at Pretty easy.

Thanks to:
Christensen's Hunting Illustrated
Trophy Hunter Magazine
Western Hunter Magazine

Ruby Mt. Goat

Scouting Trip 1

Playing in the Water

Brian Latturner
Here's the most recent winning video clips at These guys WIN some year magazine subscriptions!!!

We're giving away Trophy Hunter Magazine, Western Hunter Magazine, and Christensen's Hunting Ilustrated subscriptions every week. These are three of the finest mags around. You gotta' be getting them! Share your video clips and you might be getting them free!

Here are our most recent winners. Watch the clips. Do you have stuff like this?

White Buffalo
Western Hunter Magazine Winner!

Bull finding a way to cure an itch
Christensen's Hunting Illustrated Winner!

Topo Maps in Google Earth
Trophy Hunter Magazine Winner!

Brian Latturner
Nobody wants to win magazine subscriptions or what???? I know you all want free stuff...who doesn't. LOL
This past week only keegan and myself shared a video clips.
Come on guys, get on it. It's scouting season. I know you all own point and shoot cameras that take video and I know some of you are seeing bucks and bulls. Get some video for us to watch, upload it to and you could WIN.

Trophy Hunter Magazine Winner!

Brian Latturner
Good deal, we had some great stuff added to last week. Thanks and please keep sharing the clips. Fun to watch.

You all need to jump over there and check out some of the clips. Fun....

Here are the most recent winners.

WINNER of Christensen's Hunting Illustrated!

WINNER of Trophy Hunter Magazine!

WINNER of Western Hunter Magazine!

3 great magazine subscriptions. Get those cameras out boys and share some stuff with us!!! You might WIN, but whether you do or not, it's fun stuff to watch.

Brian Latturner
Keep those clips coming! Sure fun to watch them all.

Thanks a bunch to Trophy Hunter Magazine, Western Hunter Magazine, and Christensen's Hunting Illustrated for supporting this. Three great magazines that you need to be getting.

I know a lot of you guys are out in the hills. Get some video and share it with us!!! We don't care where you're hunting. You don't need to show background, just show the bucks, bulls and other fun stuff you're seeing. It's fun!!! You might win a great subscription.

Here are this weeks winning clips.

Christensen's Hunting Illustrated Winner!!!

Trophy Hunter Magazine Winner!!!

Western Hunter Magazine Winner!!!

Brian Latturner
Share your video clips guys!!!!!!
You could win Trophy Hunter Magazine, Western Hunter Magazine, or Christensen's Hunting Illustrated. Pretty easy to win too.

Here are this weeks winning clips:

Western Hunter Magazine WINNER!

Christensen's Hunting Illustrated WINNER!

Trophy Hunter Magazine WINNER!

Thanks a bunch to the folks at Trophy Hunter, Western Hunter, and Hunting Illustrated for donating a subscription each week. These are some great magazines as I'm sure you all know. So, be sure you're subscribing so you don't miss out on the big stuff that is taken each year.

Brian Latturner
Well, Bucksnort just keeps winning magazine subscriptions. He shares lots of good video. Big bulls. I can't believe you don't want to WIN. Man, if I were eligible, I would be winning every week with big buck video.....well, maybe not. But you all need to share your clips. They're fun for us guys who have to work to watch. That's what we do at work!!!

Great magazine subscriptions are up for grabs!!!!

Here are this week's winners!

Christensen's Hunting Illustrated Winner!

Western Hunter Magazine Winner!

Trophy Hunter Magazine Winner!

Brian Latturner
Only 1 winner this past week. Pretty easy to win a magazine subscription if you all would share some video clips.

Here's last weeks winner.

Western Hunter Magazine Winner!

NOTE: To be eligible to win the subscriptions, clips must be uploaded to directly. Clips transferred from YouTube are not eligible. Sorry, but the idea behind the giveaway is to encourage folks to post clips at

Brian Latturner
Here are this weeks winners. There were a lot of clips added to last week, but many of them are YouTube transfers, which aren't eligible to win subscriptions...SORRY.

Anyway, upload some stuff people!!!! Fun entertainment. It's so easy to win, a one legged, bald goat could do it!!! ??????

This week's winners:

Trophy Hunter Magazine Winner!

Western Hunter Magazine Winner!

Christensen's Hunting Illustrated Winner!

Brian Latturner
Here are last Friday's Subscription Winners. I'm a bit behind.....

Let's see more video clips guys!!!!! Am I talking to myself here? Come on!!! LOL

Christensen's Hunting Illustrated Winner!

Trophy Hunter Magazine Winner!

Western Hunter Magazine Winner!

Brian Latturner

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