Looks like they could easily pass as a Big Coyote!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I was down in Arizona last February hunting Javelina... I swear I saw one at about 120 yds... thought it was a coyote was getting down to take the shot and did a double take...

It was either the biggest coyote ever or it was a Mexican grey... the extra double take probably saved his life and me a lot of headache...
It's funny how radical enviromentalists have to have wolves everywhere and in the end they never see them or really care about them. The Wolves leave a giant hardship on communities and wildlife. The end result is the Feds kill as many as they introduce, a big expensive joke on the American people. I agree that's a coyote!
Good thing I don't calve my cows in wolf country , I'd kill every one I saw and have zero regrets about it !!!! Really ticks me off being a cattleman myself. Flood them out of their dens and kill em all !!!!
I've seen a few up here since I retired here last year. Three with collars (photo) and two without. I know a rancher in Alpine who says a wolf without a collar is a big coyote in his mind. ?


BOHNTR )))---------->
Bryan Bird with Defenders of Wildlife says wolves are as much a social and cultural issue for ranchers and rural residents as they are a scientific challenge.
"We believe that social change can only come from inside the community," Bird said. "It doesn't come from the federal government or the advocates pushing change on these people. It has to happen from within, and it has to happen organically."

Cute. What is that supposed to mean? Give up ranching and hunting and using the land and just preserve it? This is America, you loser.
>Bryan Bird with Defenders of Wildlife
>says wolves are as much
>a social and cultural issue
>for ranchers and rural residents
>as they are a scientific
>"We believe that social change can
>only come from inside the
>community," Bird said. "It doesn't
>come from the federal government
>or the advocates pushing change
>on these people. It has
>to happen from within, and
>it has to happen organically."
>Cute. What is that supposed to
>mean? Give up ranching and
>hunting and using the land
>and just preserve it? This
>is America, you loser.

Hey Eel!

It's gonna take some HELLacious Changes to take it back to what it once was!

I'm only Asking to go back in time 60 years & Start it over!:D

Well make it 75 years!

I wanna be old enough to Hunt in the 60's!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Used to work with a cement guy that decided to shoot one. Not sure Leavenworth was worth it but oh well.

The majority of you guys would have to drive down 1-15 to get close to one, and I-15 kills more Wildlife weekly than a Mexican wolf does in a year. Ain't seeing none of you not heading to Vegas to "save Wildlife".

These weren't "introduced", and they ain't "huge Canadian grey wolves".

They ain't much bigger than a coyote.

I'm sure they would take a lamb or new calf, but so would the coyotes, cats, and black bears.

Now, I'm sure I'm gonna make friends with this, but want to bet what kills more deer, a sheepherder feeding his dogs, or a Mexican wolf? Ever wonder how all those collies and white basterds survive? Alpo costs more than a .22.

But further, what's the plan? A wall? We can't keep Mexicans out, how you gonna do that with wolves?

Shoot em? How's that worked with coyote? Poison? Good luck.

The producers might a a tiny complaint(although they were compensated so I'm not sure what it is), but what is the rest of us?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Easy Hoss!

There's a Few of us that know the BIG WHITE BASTARDS Feast on their Own Flock!

I Thought a few years Back all the TransPlants had been Shot?

You're Right!

Big Coyotes!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Used to work with a cement
>guy that decided to shoot
>one. Not sure Leavenworth
>was worth it but oh
>The majority of you guys would
>have to drive down 1-15
>to get close to one,
>and I-15 kills more Wildlife
>weekly than a Mexican wolf
>does in a year.
>Ain't seeing none of you
>not heading to Vegas to
>"save Wildlife".
>These weren't "introduced", and they ain't
>"huge Canadian grey wolves".
>They ain't much bigger than a
>I'm sure they would take a
>lamb or new calf, but
>so would the coyotes, cats,
>and black bears.
>Now, I'm sure I'm gonna make
>friends with this, but want
>to bet what kills more
>deer, a sheepherder feeding his
>dogs, or a Mexican wolf?
> Ever wonder how all
>those collies and white basterds
>survive? Alpo costs more than
>a .22.
>But further, what's the plan?
>A wall? We can't
>keep Mexicans out, how you
>gonna do that with wolves?
>Shoot em? How's that worked
>with coyote? Poison?
>Good luck.
>The producers might a a tiny
>complaint(although they were compensated so
>I'm not sure what it
>is), but what is the
>rest of us?
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Actually they are quite a bit larger than a least the ones I've seen personally. Not sure which ones YOU have actually seen.? Additionally, the wolf coordinator herself (from the USF&W) told me that they have killed cattle (full grown) in Nutrioso and Alpine areas and those ranchers will be reimbursed. However, she minimized the amount of damage the ranchers have usual. The ranchers have a much different opinion on the amount of cattle/sheep lost, as one would expect. However, based on my professional experience with USF&W officials in the past, I would tend to believe what the ranchers are experiencing over the feds.

There was a video from this winter that captured a pack of Mexican Gray Wolves circling a herd of elk in the deep snow west of Greer and successfully killing an adult cow elk. Guess that one must have been small for those ?coyote sized? wolves to handle. ?

BOHNTR )))---------->
It was probably sick, or weak or very old, that's what they kept trying to tell us. My observations , watching that Alpha Male cut out the nicest piece of meet in the herd, when there's a lot of Elk around it's almost always a yearling.If there's not a lot of Elk around they will kill anything they can. I have heard for years how the Mexican Wolf is barely hanging on, or that they are totally gone. Isn?t it strange that all of a sudden there's a bunch of them now.
>>Used to work with a cement
>>guy that decided to shoot
>>one. Not sure Leavenworth
>>was worth it but oh
>>The majority of you guys would
>>have to drive down 1-15
>>to get close to one,
>>and I-15 kills more Wildlife
>>weekly than a Mexican wolf
>>does in a year.
>>Ain't seeing none of you
>>not heading to Vegas to
>>"save Wildlife".
>>These weren't "introduced", and they ain't
>>"huge Canadian grey wolves".
>>They ain't much bigger than a
>>I'm sure they would take a
>>lamb or new calf, but
>>so would the coyotes, cats,
>>and black bears.
>>Now, I'm sure I'm gonna make
>>friends with this, but want
>>to bet what kills more
>>deer, a sheepherder feeding his
>>dogs, or a Mexican wolf?
>> Ever wonder how all
>>those collies and white basterds
>>survive? Alpo costs more than
>>a .22.
>>But further, what's the plan?
>>A wall? We can't
>>keep Mexicans out, how you
>>gonna do that with wolves?
>>Shoot em? How's that worked
>>with coyote? Poison?
>>Good luck.
>>The producers might a a tiny
>>complaint(although they were compensated so
>>I'm not sure what it
>>is), but what is the
>>rest of us?
>>"I don't care if the season
>>is closed. Get off your
>>butt and go hunt them"
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>Actually they are quite a bit
>larger than a least
>the ones I've seen personally.
> Not sure which ones
>YOU have actually seen.?
>Additionally, the wolf coordinator herself
>(from the USF&W) told me
>that they have killed cattle
>(full grown) in Nutrioso and
>Alpine areas and those ranchers
>will be reimbursed. However,
>she minimized the amount of
>damage the ranchers have
>usual. The ranchers have
>a much different opinion on
>the amount of cattle/sheep lost,
>as one would expect. However,
>based on my professional experience
>with USF&W officials in the
>past, I would tend to
>believe what the ranchers are
>experiencing over the feds.
>There was a video from this
>winter that captured a pack
>of Mexican Gray Wolves circling
>a herd of elk in
>the deep snow west of
>Greer and successfully killing an
>adult cow elk. Guess
>that one must have been
>small for those ?coyote sized?
>wolves to handle. ?
>BOHNTR )))---------->

Zero. About the same as 99% of the rest of the guys.

The point is simple. We will never eradicate wolves to save livestock. Ain't gonna happen for Wildlife either.

How are you gonna sell that? We have to kill the wolf that is killing elk, so we can kill that elk?

We are 10-15% of the population, you think the other 85% are going to bite into that?

We have plenty of difficulty hunting them when there is an excess, like up north, eradication has a zero percent chance, so wasting a dime, or breath preaching for it is useless.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Hey Hoss?

Can't remember if You ever Answered My Question from a While Back?

My Question was:

We Have Wolves in TARDville!

We've had Wolves here for almost ever!

Why have they not Rebounded in any/many Numbers in this State?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Hey Hoss?
>Can't remember if You ever Answered
>My Question from a While
>My Question was:
>We Have Wolves in TARDville!
>We've had Wolves here for almost
>Why have they not Rebounded in
>any/many Numbers in this State?
>Cause all the Utah army guys wearing bling jeans and Affliction gear are killing them? mtmuley
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
"I-15 kills more Wildlife weekly than a Mexican wolf does in a year."

I don't know if that's true or not, but that's not a very good argument. I hear it all the time from the druggies. Alcohol kills more people than weed, so we demand our right to use weed. Huh?
>"I-15 kills more Wildlife weekly than
>a Mexican wolf does in
>a year."
>I don't know if that's true
>or not, but that's not
>a very good argument. I
>hear it all the time
>from the druggies. Alcohol kills
>more people than weed, so
>we demand our right to
>use weed. Huh?

The point is just simply the world has changed. Its pretty disingenuous to claim we have to eradicate wolves because they kill elk, then want to have black bears. Can't want to HUNT cougar but eradicate wolves.

I read guys calling folks "wolf lovers" or "radicals", while claiming to be conservationists, yet wanting to eradicate a species. Eradicating anything is pretty radical.

So we can continually throw millions at the business of pro/anti wolves. The wolves didn't go anywhere. The livestock guys still take loss. We loose critters, but a bunch of lobbyists and lawyers make millions. And we as hunters take the vlack eye.

"Im a conservationist" doesn't fly if your an eradicationalist as well.

The choice isn't wolf or no wolf. The choice is pay lawyers or don't.

Wolves have quit being an animal, and are now a business. We have a lot better uses for our funds as hunters tHan pissing it away so guys like Peay and Benson can use it to promote their own interests.

Bess. I'm sure some get shot. But not all.

Better question, with all these dudes shooting wolves, why no pics? Wolves aren't protected here.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>"I-15 kills more Wildlife weekly than
>>a Mexican wolf does in
>>a year."
>>I don't know if that's true
>>or not, but that's not
>>a very good argument. I
>>hear it all the time
>>from the druggies. Alcohol kills
>>more people than weed, so
>>we demand our right to
>>use weed. Huh?
>The point is just simply the
>world has changed. Its
>pretty disingenuous to claim we
>have to eradicate wolves because
>they kill elk, then want
>to have black bears.
>Can't want to HUNT cougar
>but eradicate wolves.
>I read guys calling folks "wolf
>lovers" or "radicals", while claiming
>to be conservationists, yet wanting
>to eradicate a species.
>Eradicating anything is pretty radical.
>So we can continually throw millions
>at the business of pro/anti
>wolves. The wolves didn't
>go anywhere. The livestock
>guys still take loss.
>We loose critters, but a
>bunch of lobbyists and lawyers
>make millions. And we
>as hunters take the vlack
>"Im a conservationist" doesn't fly if
>your an eradicationalist as well.
>The choice isn't wolf or no
>wolf. The choice is
>pay lawyers or don't.
>Wolves have quit being an animal,
>and are now a business.
> We have a lot
>better uses for our funds
>as hunters tHan pissing it
>away so guys like Peay
>and Benson can use it
>to promote their own interests.
>Bess. I'm sure some get
>shot. But not all.

Of Course not all!

I'm Wondering why some Educated Biologist or Government Official that Think they know everything has never answered My Question?

>Better question, with all these dudes
>shooting wolves, why no pics?
> Wolves aren't protected here.
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>If I didn't know better, I'd
>think Hoss was a wolf

Hey Niller!

You get around!

What's your take on Why Our Wolves have never populated much?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>If I didn't know better, I'd
>think Hoss was a wolf

I'm not for the eradication of any species.

I also read a book once and it talked about ranchers grazing into dirt, and openly trying to eradicate bison, elk, and deer because they were competition.

I'm still pro grazing.

I am forever for reading history. Wolf relocation started 30 years ago(give or take). We haven't stopped it once. Haven't won anything. And we have flushed 10's of millions down the lawyer toilet.

Good negotiators never enter negotiations with nothing

"Kill them all", ain't super popular in the country. I'm outnumbered 8 to 1. I'd rather buy some more ground than buy BGF a seat in the administration.(eventually dems will control the administration, then what)

The purpose of public ground isn't to be a low price, zero risk feeding ground for livestock. Or a breeding ground for 400" elk behind every tree.

Unfortunately we all have to compromise. You hating wolves is not more valid than someone loving them. And neither of those two trust their radical counterparts, so nothing ever had agreed upon, and lawyers bill $500 an hour for it.

Follow the money, ain't hard to figure out who wants polarized sides.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>Hossblur after 30 years and they
>still have not been released
>in Utah, I would say
>that is positive.

Utah isn't a ballot initiative state. Has zero to with lobbyists, has to do with state law.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Saw one last summer near Flag with my family and even though it looked like a coyote in color it was hard to mistake it. looked giant in those woods. And those sheepdogs in that country would even have a hard time defending that one off.
It's too late now, but with the increasing human population and gradual loss of habitat, the last thing we need is a super predator population of wolves. It's nothing but a financial burden on Fish and Game. And it's cruel to the wolves. It's easy to control a population of bears or mountain lions with hounds. Wolf control is much harder and more costly. I think Idaho actually pays wolf trappers.

I'd be hard pressed to join a conservation organization today knowing that my hard earned money and effort was just going to feed wolves.

I personally don't care, as the vast majority of my hunting is in the past. I'm just glad I was in my prime in the 60's and 70's. It was fun to see 100 deer a day if you got out of camp. But I guess I never had the exciting experience of hearing a wolf howl either.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-19 AT 06:39AM (MST)[p]Hossblur was not the marijuana bill a ballot initiative or the tax increase on fuel or how about the expansion of Medicaid where they not ballot initiative's.
The wolf lover's have not pushed them into Utah because we do not have a Yellowstone in Utah.
Utah would be too much a fight the wolf lovers would use too much money and too much political clout so it is not worth it for them.
You are right hossblur we can not eradicate the wolf's but we sure can keep up the fight to hold them at bay and I think we can win that fight in the public perception at least in Utard land. Someone should have fought the wild horse act back in the 60s and 70s and we might not be in the mess we are in now with wild horses.
>It's not?
>How did Prop 2 pass????

It passed? Huh, so it is state law? Guess I missed that when it didn't become law.

Or when prop 5 passed years ago

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-19 AT 08:52AM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-19
>AT 06:39?AM (MST)

>Hossblur was not the marijuana bill
>a ballot initiative or the
>tax increase on fuel or
>how about the expansion of
>Medicaid where they not ballot
>The wolf lover's have not pushed
>them into Utah because we
>do not have a Yellowstone
>in Utah.
>Utah would be too much a
>fight the wolf lovers would
>use too much money and
>too much political clout so
>it is not worth it
>for them.
>You are right hossblur we can
>not eradicate the wolf's but
>we sure can keep up
>the fight to hold them
>at bay and I think
>we can win that fight
>in the public perception at
>least in Utard land. Someone
>should have fought the wild
>horse act back in the
>60s and 70s and we
>might not be in the
>mess we are in now
>with wild horses.

Hate to confuse fact and perception.

Where is the marijuana law? It passed. Is it law?

Utah Supermajority for Hunting Initiatives, Proposition 5 (1998)

We addressed this here 20 years ago. Props to $fw and THE DON for that.

You guys need to focus. The issue with wolf management isn't with wolves. It's with ESA abuse. Same issue with grizzles. Grey wolves get hunted because they aren't on ESA.

THE ISSUE is the fraudulent use of ESA to extend protections onto a recovered population via the courtroom.

But no one on the "wolves are mystical" side will negotiate with the "Kill em all" side so here we sit, paying lawyers and lobbyists. Ryan Benson thanks you for his "career".

I'm all for regulation, and managing them, but if you think your going to get statewide support for eradication, your insane.

You are correct. In the 60's or 70's, most likely. But it's 2019. States changed. Voters have changed. We sacrificed 150,000 hunters since then. That's 150k, plus their offspring that isn't engaged on Wildlife issues.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
You?re not wrong. And pretending we are going to eradicate wolves so we can have more elk to shoot doesn't help our case that hunting is conservation.

The facts of the matter are this: antihunters are making progress with their ?trophy hunting? persona they are attaching to most of modern hunting methods. Hunter?s are not helping themselves with their social media platforms.

The best defense against the ?trophy hunter? is to highlight the sustainability and ecological benefits of hunting, which are both real and significant. However, these benefits would be much easier to highlight if hunter?s themselves actually cared about conservation and not just about hunting.


I've asked the Question Many a Times!

Nobody knows?

Or Nobody wants to Answer!

Just Like when I Asked NVB about the Bundy's!

NVB told me if there Ain't an Answer!

It's Known as a 'STUPID F'N QUESTION'!

So We'll Chalk one more up!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-19 AT 05:34PM (MST)[p]Elkassassin I will give you my perception on the reason wolf's have not populated in Utah.
Because in Utah we do not like the big bad wolf eating granny and we for sure the h#$$ do not want the big bad wolf missing with Little Red Riding Hood and in Utah there is not large enough tracks of wilderness outside of the Uintas for wolves to live with out coming in contact with humans and human ownership (cows,sheep,horses,dogs) on a regular basis and when it comes to human and any other critter on gods green earth humans are Alpha.
When that wolf wandered from Wyoming to Arizona and was hanging out on the Kaibab the US Fish and Game hoped he would not migrate back north to Wyoming through Utah because they did not figure he would make it back alive and he did not make it far he died in Beaver.
Hoss you are really disingenuous what does Ballot Initiative has to do with the wolf recovery act in Wyoming an Idaho that was all about the US Fish and Game and Jellystont.
The medical marijuana ballot initiative was passed by the people of Utah and provisions where put in place by legislation in December and Governor Herbert sighed shortly after now it might not be what the legal marijuana crowd wanted but it is legal than the illegal marijuana crowd wanted and yes Medicaid expansion and redistricting initiatives passed too.
I would say most if not all on this site are not saying exterminate the wolves from earth but keep them whear they belong and yes in Utah most people fill that way on the issue hunters and none hunters alike. Yes utahns say they would like to see a wolf but they also say they would like to see little green aliens from outer space but that does not mean they want to sucked up into there spaceships.
You can make all the statements you want about no one stopping the wolf movement In the last 30 years but again I ask what elkassassin asks why are they not in Utah.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-19 AT 07:58PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-19
>AT 05:34?PM (MST)

>Elkassassin I will give you my
>perception on the reason wolf's
>have not populated in Utah.
>Because in Utah we do not
>like the big bad wolf
>eating granny and we for
>sure the h#$$ do not
>want the big bad wolf
>missing with Little Red Riding
>Hood and in Utah there
>is not large enough tracks
>of wilderness outside of the
>Uintas for wolves to live
>with out coming in contact
>with humans and human ownership
>(cows,sheep,horses,dogs) on a regular basis
>and when it comes to
>human and any other critter
>on gods green earth humans
>are Alpha.
>When that wolf wandered from Wyoming
>to Arizona and was hanging
>out on the Kaibab the
>US Fish and Game hoped
>he would not migrate back
>north to Wyoming through Utah
>because they did not figure
>he would make it back
>alive and he did not
>make it far he died
>in Beaver.
>Hoss you are really disingenuous what
>does Ballot Initiative has to
>do with the wolf recovery
>act in Wyoming an Idaho
>that was all about the
>US Fish and Game and
>The medical marijuana ballot initiative was
>passed by the people of
>Utah and provisions where put
>in place by legislation in
>December and Governor Herbert sighed
>shortly after now it might
>not be what the legal
>marijuana crowd wanted but it
>is legal than the illegal
>marijuana crowd wanted and yes
>Medicaid expansion and redistricting initiatives
>passed too.
>I would say most if not
>all on this site are
>not saying exterminate the wolves
>from earth but keep them
>whear they belong and yes
>in Utah most people fill
>that way on the issue
>hunters and none hunters alike.
>Yes utahns say they would
>like to see a wolf
>but they also say they
>would like to see little
>green aliens from outer space
>but that does not mean
>they want to sucked up
>into there spaceships.
>You can make all the statements
>you want about no one
>stopping the wolf movement In
>the last 30 years but
>again I ask what elkassassin
>asks why are they not
>in Utah.

Colorado is having wolf reintroduction on the ballot. You really need to keep up.

Their are wolves in the Unitas. And after they get introduces into Colorado VIA BALLOT INITIATIVE it won't take long to travel West.

Mexican wolves are in Utah. Southern Utah is part of the ref wolf recovery area. Truth is that might be what separates Utah. The Arizona director over red wolves would like a buffer between them and the grays for genetic purity.

Your just wrong on the marijuana vote. Or you don't understand ballot initiatives and whatever that vote was. What was voted on and what was signed are not the same.

If you truly believe the majority of voters don't want them, you should get an initiative today. The state is rapidly changing. I believe it would loose today, couple years from now, not a chance.

Last. If you think Ryan Benson, or Don Peay will stop them, then your the kind of dumazz that supports that $350k they take in YOUR money yearly.

If you think Romney or Lee will stop it, don't know what to tell you.

And ya, all you tuff guys that will "choot em all", it's easy to talk big knowing you ain't seen one. That new prison ain't as nice as your house, im betting you won't.

I'd rather spend the money buying Tabby.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
You can not even read what someone states with out your prejudice attitude towards anyone that disagrees with you. You are diffently a true blue Democrat.
I can clearly state the marijuana legislation is different than what was voted on and you tell me I am wrong, then you state what I just put in writing as your fact that it is different than what was voted on, unbelievable.
I did not ask a thing about Colorado and ther
ballot inicitive and you through that around like that proves your point. I got news for you hoss we already new about that.
I did not say a word about Pay and Benson so please do not state that I stated anything about them.
I would really like to see some facts about Utah being part of the Mexican wolf recovery area it might be i do not know but before i will believe someone as disingenuous as you i need facts.I have not heard a thing about Mexican wolf's being established in southern utah it is a big difference if one wonders through Utah and one that puts in roots and make it a home.
Hoss do not through the Uintas at me I had said that is the only viable track of wilderness that wolves could be established.
I think we should start calling you Sugar Ray after all the bobing,dodging and weaving you do.
I will tell you why Elkass, because Utards have seen the incredible waste of money that has been spent on trying to make this little experiment work. I will garentee there are government hunters trying to kill wolves in Idaho at this very moment. I hope you do follow the money trail Hoss and when you get to the end why don't you give us a report. In fact why don't you figure why they opened an office in San Francisco that siphoned out millions. The Elk in a lot of mountain communities now live in town or in ag areas because there tired of being chased in the mountains. This is going to be a big year for Wolves in Idaho, packs are growing and there will be a lot of pups born, there is also a new pack in our area. There is a loop hole in the ESA that allows these radical enviromentalists groups to keep sueing states on the tax payers dime. To get to Elks answer that he has been asking. In my opion, the Feds know Utah will put up a hell of a fight against introduction so the next best thing is to surround them by wolves and let them trickle into the state. I hope Utah can hold out until the ESA is totally lifted. I think it would be great to see if the hunters in Utah could keep them out of the state, that will save you all a lot of money and hardships. Now to answer the question of why wolves don't mutilply in Utah, that's easy, because there not wanted so there shot on the spot!
There is no way in Hell Utah will shoot their way out of wolves. None. See Montana, Idaho and Wyoming for proof. And in Montana, our wolves weren't introduced. They trickled in while guys puffed out their chest and claimed "we'll kill em all". Yeah, worked great. Risk it if you want, but it ain't gonna help. And after they figure out they are getting hunted, they get even tougher to find. Makes for good entertainment to read about it though. mtmuley
They didn't trickle in here they were dumped out of crates and trailers that came right out of Canada!
>They didn't trickle in here they
>were dumped out of crates
>and trailers that came right
>out of Canada!

And introduced in Wyoming as well. The only two places. My point is, if they are headed to Utah, shooting is useless. Between myself and friends, we spend a good amount of time hunting them. I've killed one. The guys that are routinely successful that I know are trappers. Rifle success is very low, most wolves taken by opportunistic deer and elk hunters. mtmuley
Well mt!

We've Had some forever!

Not alot!

But Some!

I Believe hawk is Right!

The Only Predator More Aggressive than a Wolf is a TARD!

And We Have Lots of them!

There's Word that when They Plant Wolves here the Book Cliffs will be one of the Places!

They'd Best Hurry & Plant them or the DWR is gonna decimate the Elk & Deer Herds before the Wolves get here!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>I will tell you why Elkass,
>because Utards have seen the
>incredible waste of money that
>has been spent on trying
>to make this little experiment
>work. I will garentee there
>are government hunters trying to
>kill wolves in Idaho at
>this very moment. I hope
>you do follow the money
>trail Hoss and when you
>get to the end why
>don't you give us a
>report. In fact why don't
>you figure why they opened
>an office in San Francisco
>that siphoned out millions. The
>Elk in a lot of
>mountain communities now live in
>town or in ag areas
>because there tired of being
>chased in the mountains. This
>is going to be a
>big year for Wolves in
>Idaho, packs are growing and
>there will be a lot
>of pups born, there is
>also a new pack in
>our area. There is a
>loop hole in the ESA
>that allows these radical enviromentalists
>groups to keep sueing states
>on the tax payers dime.
>To get to Elks answer
>that he has been asking.
>In my opion, the Feds
>know Utah will put up
>a hell of a fight
>against introduction so the next
>best thing is to surround
>them by wolves and let
>them trickle into the state.
>I hope Utah can hold
>out until the ESA is
>totally lifted. I think it
>would be great to see
>if the hunters in Utah
>could keep them out of
>the state, that will save
>you all a lot of
>money and hardships. Now to
>answer the question of why
>wolves don't mutilply in Utah,
>that's easy, because there not
>wanted so there shot on
>the spot!

The red wolf director was on Randy Newbergs podcast, my links suck but feel free to look it up yourself.

They dropped wolf in Idaho in the 90's. The only effort recent is 100% ballot initiative in Colorado.

A ballot initiative is voted on then becomes law. The marijuana vote in Utah was some sort of poll or whatever. That is exactly how the governor was able to go back in and negotiate(with the church mostly) to come up with what they did. An actual ballot initiative is different.

Wolves are currently in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Michigan, Minnesota. They didn't get there via crate, but continue to believe you can stop it.

You assume a lot. Not a dem, or a repub. Nor am I pro wolf. I am however pragmatic. You can't stuff that genie back. Hunters/livestock men lost this fight in the 90's. Seems only a few in Utah didn't notice.

I'm betting Colorado initiative passes.

Meaning Utah will have wolves North, South, east of it.

Hope you got a lot of bullets.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

There are government trappers in Utah killing wolves. And not just uintas, there are pics of them coming off Monte as well. I'm betting the Cache as well.

And you are correct, there is money funneled to Frisco. But them lawyers ain't fighting themselves. I hit Benson because he steals $350k yearly. He's a drop in the bucket.

You can keep going back in time an wishing something. But the fact is, in 2019, YOU WILL NEVER get folks to vote for eradication. All your talk about killing them is yapping. If you believe you have majority support, post your wolf shooting vids. You'd be a folk hero, right?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
And Why is Colorado Next?

Because it probably has more KALI Implants than original Colorado Residents!

I Remember back in the Day when Colorado wasn't any Different than TARDville when it came to the same kind of people!

That Ain't So anymore & hasn't been for quite some time!


I'm Not Bashing the Good People of KALI!

There was a couple Wolves Shot in this part of the State a few years Back!

The Best Cover up I've ever seen!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Simple question then, how come no packs have formed in Utah. You would no there are to many people in the woods, tracks don't lie.
Being from and living in Montana, I've seen what happens. And you Utah guys still don't believe it will. Good luck. mtmuley
>Being from and living in Montana,
>I've seen what happens. And
>you Utah guys still don't
>believe it will. Good luck.

Not Saying it won't happen mt!

It'd be the Biggest WASTE Of Money ever Spent on anything!

I Don't Know a TARD Hunter anywhere that wouldn't Shoot a Big Coyote no matter what the Law Says!

There's Places for them!

TARDville ain't one of them!

There isn't a Place in the Entire State there wouldn't be a Big Conflict!

Who knows?

When The Game Herds Are Hunted/Shot down to nothing are We gonna Spend a bunch of Money Feeding the Wolves so they Won't eat Cattle?

I Only know one Thing!

There is NO Balance in today's World!

You Can't satisfy All Types of Humans for any kind of a Balance!

But Our Government will Spend Billions Trying!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I hear ya Bess. As for me, I have to live with them. I hunt them when I can so I have the right to #####. Hope it don't happen in Utah. mtmuley
I to have to live with them MtMuley, I really do enjoy tracking them and hunting them. There is nothing harder to hunt once a pack has established a home turf and had years to adjust to their surroundings. Utah has seen the fight between the Feds and Wyo, Montana and Idaho and know the problems it brings plus the huge waste of money for the state. The Feds take out over a hundred wolves a year in Idaho, how does this whole equation ever balance out, if the government hunters ever get shut down we will have a real mess. There isn't going to be a wolf getting 10 miles into Utah because there's a bait pile and a trail camera every 100 yards from one end of the state to the other.
>I to have to live with
>them MtMuley, I really do
>enjoy tracking them and hunting
>them. There is nothing harder
>to hunt once a pack
>has established a home turf
>and had years to adjust
>to their surroundings. Utah has
>seen the fight between the
>Feds and Wyo, Montana and
>Idaho and know the problems
>it brings plus the huge
>waste of money for the
>state. The Feds take out
>over a hundred wolves a
>year in Idaho, how does
>this whole equation ever balance
>out, if the government hunters
>ever get shut down we
>will have a real mess.

There isn't going to be
>a wolf getting 10 miles
>into Utah because there's a
>bait pile and a trail
>camera every 100 yards from
>one end of the state
>to the other.


You've been to Utah!

You Forgot to mention the Continuous & Over Lapped Hunting that never stops!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>It passed? Huh, so it
>is state law? Guess I
>missed that when it didn't
>become law.
>Or when prop 5 passed years

Yes, you must have missed it when it passed and then DID become law. You miss a lot of things, though.
?A ballot initiative is voted on then becomes law. The marijuana vote in Utah was some sort of poll or whatever. That is exactly how the governor was able to go back in and negotiate(with the church mostly) to come up with what they did. An actual ballot initiative is different.? -Hoss

Goodness this guy doesn't have a clue.
I must live in an alternate universe because I know I voted against prop 2 in 2018 election cycle prop 2 was a ballot initiative for Medical Marijuana.
Hoss Red Wolfs Are in eastern United States and are basically extinct.
The Mexican Gray Wolf is the wolf we have been taking about and it has been reestablished in parts of Arizona and New Mexico. You can easily look up the Mexican Gray Wolf recovery act on this thing called the internet, I know it is kind of new technology Hoss but it has really good information. The recovery area for the Mexican Gray Wolf is south of Interstate 40 running east to west through New Mexico and Arizona.
Yes hoss wolfs have been shot throughout the state of Utah I think plenty of pepole have already pointed this out before no new info there hoss no one is saying wolfs do not come across state lines we are asking why do they not get established in Utah and in my opinion it is because we do not have the geography of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana the Uintas is the only thing that comes close to truely wilderness land in Utah and it is just a small percent of wilderness acres of any of the big tracks of wilderness in the states I mentioned.
>I must live in an alternate
>universe because I know I
>voted against prop 2 in
>2018 election cycle prop 2
>was a ballot initiative for
>Medical Marijuana.

Nope, you're living in reality.
Did someone on this site, who BTW knows everything, receive his education from the University of Berzerkly? Maybe Hoss should over to the Political Forum and match wits with NeMont and FTW. That would be entertaining.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-19 AT 07:08PM (MST)[p]Few years back the State found out there was a Lynx patrolling the Uintas. You know how they found it? Hanging roadkill in trees trapping wolves. Not a wolf, WOLVES. At the time there were 7 DISTINCT genetic lines. NOT 1, 7.

I saw the pics of the wolf killed by the trapper on Monte.

You guys keep it up. Where are your pics? 1 big deer shows up in Payson, it shuts down the state. Where are your pics of all these wolves your shooting. I hear a ton of loud talk.

Second, notdon, my friend who watched his daughter seize herself to death appreciates your no vote. But if you think what you voted on and what eventually came of it after the gov checked in with the CHURCH are the same, then perhaps "hooked on phonics"?

I heard HUNTER NATION on the radio tonight. My first thought was "who the he'll would give THE DON any more money", then I read this thread. Utah is the ponzi scheme, fraud capital of the country for a REASON. I'm sure that $350k BGF pulls will defeat the millions the pro wolf crowd pumps in. I mean look how Utah is the "Serengeti of the West" after all you fools fill $fw wallet yearly. Obviously your money creates results.

Funny thing is, if you TRULY believed it isn't gonna happen here, non of you would waste time commenting. The fact you do, and so loudly, kinda proves otherwise.

Last. How many wolf tags could you all of bought for what you played the Utah lottery for?

Hawkbill, My Muley at least ain't hypocrite.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Hoss I clearly stated in post 34 and you graciously reposted in post 35 that the marijuana bill the state Congress and Governor approved was different than what the voters voted on but that is the way state initiatives get passed in Utah.
This is the United States of America and I will vote however I fell is best for me. That statement
"my friend who watched his daughter seize herself to death thanks me for my no vote"
That is diffently a left wing liberal tactic. You need to go join the Me Too or We Too groups you would fit right in.
Hoss you have a friend who could of benefit from medical marijuana well I have a cousin who's kid could benefit from the practice of medical marijuana so do not give me your self righteous crap.
I would support a true proscription medical marijuana law but that is not what most of the legalization crowd wanted
They wanted to be able to get there medical marijuana for any reason including a headache just like California law.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-19 AT 09:43PM (MST)[p]Hoss After your lies about southern Utah being part of the Mexican Gray Wolf restoration area and then claiming a pod cast talking about Red Wolfs as your proof I think I will tend to not believe you on the hanging road kill to kill wolfs and that is how they discovered a Linx in the Uintas.
>AT 09:43?PM (MST)

>Hoss After your lies about southern
>Utah being part of the
>Mexican Gray Wolf restoration area
>and then claiming a pod
>cast talking about Red Wolfs
>as your proof I think
>I will tend to not
>believe you on the hanging
>road kill to kill wolfs
>and that is how they
>discovered a Linx in the


BOHNTR )))---------->
Hoss you need to slow down and take a deep breath. Your hatred towards SFW and the church are annoying. Perhaps penis envy? And your little white lies are so unbecoming.
>Hoss you need to slow down
>and take a deep breath.
>Your hatred towards SFW and
>the church are annoying. Perhaps
>penis envy? And your little
>white lies are so unbecoming.

It's interesting how some guys think.

In this thread I'm now from Berkley, a lib, member of me too, a wolf lover, anti church. Not one of you short of hawkbill and my muley really have said much other than try to out badazz the previous guy.

I am anti $fw, so at least you were 50%.

I keep saying it, SHOW ME YOUR PICS. Don't come on a website, run your mouth, puff your chest, and try to impress with your level of alpha male.

Hawkbill has talked over and over about spending an entire winter chasing dogs.

Did you? If your ACTUALLY as anti as you claim, where are your wolf kill pics?

We sit here, 15% of the population, with the loudest among us screaming "Kill them all", then act surprised when the other 85% of the population calls us oUT as not wanting to manage but eradicate.

You want to see Utah in 10yrs, go to Colorado. 25yrs, go to California.

Utah was genius for getting prop 5 when they could, $fw deserves credit. Right now we have a chance to set in stone management.

Spend 5-10 yrs trying to prove how badazz we are, and that window will be slammed shut. Wyoming, Idaho, Montana has their stuff set. There is ACTUAL PROOF that wolves are managed by the state. We can't prove that here, and screaming "Kill them all" ain't helping.

The wolf issue is used to call bullshit on hunters as conservationists. You ARE NOT a conservationist if your for eradicating a species, wolf, grizzly, etc. The ACTUAL anti hunters, see it, and use loud mouths to drive that home.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
A simple Google search shows lynx to be a fairly common occurrence in utardia. Utards trap and ship them back to colotards it looks like...

Did I accidentally click on the political forum again???
This thread has been truly amazing. Hoss literally has no clue what he's talking about.

There are many things we can disagree upon, even very passionately, and it is just due to seeing things differently. But you're making statements that are patently, objectively false.

Not even one bit of a clue. Wow!
You're beginning to figure out google and cut and paste. Congrats! Baby steps. You'll get there one day.
Hoss all your info is just proving the point that most are saying by asking the Question
Why are wolves not getting established in Utah with any considerable numbers?
We all know about the wolf killed up by Monty it was on the news and it has been on the news about the 5 wolves up by Dutch John and the wolf killed down in Beaver or how about the wolf killed by a sheep herder up in Cache you are not telling us anything new.
Keep up the good investigated work and you might come up with some info on them Red wolfs (oh sorry I miss typed) I meant them Mexican Gray Wolfs restoration area.

Hoss I am not call BS on the Lynx in the Uintas again it was all over news I was calling BS on the road kill hanging in the trees so the government trappers could kill wolves. Government trappers can not kill wolves unless they are threatening livestock or humans. They can not indescrimntly kill wolves.

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