
Very Active Member
In todays paper, the Salt Lake Tribune, Mexican presidentFelipe CalderonIs quoted, in his first state of the union address,
"Mexico does not end at it's borders", and "Where there is a Mexican, there is Mexico". These comments were met with a standing ovation. My wife said it sounds as if he declared war on the U.S.A.'s borders.
No doubt, that our congressoinal leaders will turn a blind eye to this. Where is the La Migra? Bush promised more border Agent's and more money for border security, let alone a border fence.
Why not just build a masswive wall as the Chinese did to protect their country?
Go ahead now, blast me from the campfire.
I think the wall is a great idea. I believe they said it could be done for 4 billion, which is chump change compared to what the illegals cost us in medical car alone.

as long as our banks keep give 'em home loans and Company's & farmers keep hiring them you can forget about the boarder being closed...

now we have mexican truckers...Nafta..Kool
And I say, let's put all the illegal Mexicans in Mexico and the rest of the worlds illegals in the US back in their countries of origin!
Lets see where mexican nationals loyalty really stands.Let them join the military and go stand a post in the war zone on behalf of the USA. If they do a good job in time , come back and earn residency.
Here in NM it's illegal to hire a mexican without proper paper work.Big fines and now they are inforcing it in the construction business.Last summer we went to Denver for a fastpitch tournament and our team was staying at the La Quinta.It just so happened that the day we were to check in, the hotel management fired all it's house cleaning staff as they had no proof of legal ability to be employeed. We waited almost 5 extra hours to get our room , but atleast this company kept it's word on employeeing only legal citizens.

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