Meth...Almost Killed my Brother


Very Active Member
My 27yr old brother has been addicted to meth for over 8yrs. Yesterday my mom got a call from Salem hospital saying he was admitted for head trauma. The whole left side of his face was shattered and the doctor said is lucky to be alive. He is under going surgery to repair is deformed face and jaw. This was a "drug deal" gone bad from what he told us.

He also has dealed drugs and got into a lot of trouble a while back. He gets sentenced by state court August 31st, up to 10yrs. He's out on bail.

When he was in high school, he modeled for Nordstom, and other places around the US with my sister who is a actress / model in NY. I don't know how or why this crap came about, but it kills me to see my little bro.....dying a slow death.

My heart goes out to families who have had to deal with this drug.

I have a very good friend who's beautiful young daughter is addicted to drugs and it's killing the whole family. I feel sorry for you, your brother and your whole family and I hope he finds a better way someday. Drugs are truly the work of the devil.
muleyman, hang in there . Prayer sent for you and yours. I hope your little bro comes out of this ok and your family recovers. It's got to be tough , and words probably don't help much , but if a guy is willing to come on here and share a very tough situation in the family , well that says alot about you and how you feel about the members on Monster Muleys. I'll pray for your family , now and tonight.....
Hey muley, sorry for your sadness. I guess we all know people that have somehow got off on the wrong track. It must be even worse when its a close relative like that has so much potential and talent, yet somehow it gets away from them.

Keep the faith, man.
Breaks my heart for you and your parents. My son is 38 and serving 5 years for bank robbery. Same deal. Straight A student and really good looking. Just had the monkey from the word go and has basically stolen from us and tortured us for over 20 years. They will either do hard time, get sober or die. We are actually glad our son is in prison as it has him alive and sober for the first time since he was 16. You hang in there and love your brother but prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Some do get better. Just don't let him con the family out of money or any info about identity or credit because it just delays the inevitable and does not help the addict.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-07 AT 04:09PM (MST)[p]Jeremy,
Addiction runs in my family. It has claimed the life of one of my brothers, at least 3 uncles, 1 aunt and darn near did me and another brother in. I pray that your brother gets some help before it is too late. It is such a senseless waste, and hurts those around you so much.

Prayers are on the way for your brother and your family.
It is very sad to see drugs tear apart families and peoples lifes. My prayers go out to all of you. I have an uncle that has torn our family apart because of drugs. Drugs lead to stealing and stealing leads to other crimes.
I had one cousin beat it at age 45 and two other that were not so lucky. That crap is everywhere and tough to get off of. I had to start drug testing all of my employees!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-07 AT 05:38PM (MST)[p]its a hard thing to watch, just keep lifting him up to the Lord, my nephew was addicted bad also to meth, finnally he got arrested did 8 month and now he's out & straight...

it takes a long time for that carp to get out of their system
so lock up can help, it's not just the drug it's the people they hang with too..

God Bless
lost my only beautiful sister to perscription drugs. god help us all. prayers are with you & your family & brother. life sucks sometimes.

Not meth but DRUGS destroyed my marriage. My ex is a recovering addict and it's a horrible thing to be a part of. I'm truley sorry to hear about your brothers and sisters and extended family trying to cope. One day at a time my friends!!!

Meth is the worst thing to ever hit the planet.

It's POWERFULL stuff, that has wrecked many a life,
and many a family.

I join these other folks that my prayers are with you.

I've seen it turn the best of the best of folks into
something you'd never imagine.

I deal with addicts all the time. I while ago I arested a 24 year girl who had a meth problem. Most of her hair had fallen out, sores all over her body. Teeth rotting out. The state took custody of her three children because they tested positive for meth and cocaine. The most important thing in her life is the next high she will get. I've done CPR on young people who overdosed and watched them die in front of their families. Meth destroys families big time.
Drugs killed my brother in less than a year. Its very sad and hell to deal with when these things happen.

It's Bush's fault!!!
That's too bad muleyman. Our prayers are with you and him.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
My 28 year old son has the same problem. Eventually time will catch up with him also. I have tried to help him to the best of my ability, even tired the counseling sessions with AA etc to no avail. He is stealing from me and his mother he recently broke into her garage and stole her motorcycle, he stold two of my firearms, stoled a car just to feed the habit. I have no idea of his were abouts at this time. He has two active arrest warrents on him I could go on but those of you who have a loved who is hooked on meth understand.
I sincerely appreciate all the kind words and prayers. I know he is in Gods hands and I truly hope someday soon he will come to see the light and get past this.

My momma called this morning at 6:30 and said they took him in to operate. She said he cried, asking for forgiveness before they took him in.

As tears run down, I can only put my faith in the good Lord above that my brother will be saved. He is lost, very lost and doesn't know right from wrong anymore.

God Bless you all -

One more pulling for you, your brother and family.
As Ivie said, this crapp is the worst scorge to hit the earth, it's cheap, easy to make, readily available, and ab-so-lutely devastating.
I watch the methheads walk by here all day, it rips yer hart out...
I feel you pain my now ex wife started using that junk
about 2 years ago destroyed our whole family.We were married for
over 20 + years.My daughter is now pregnant with my first
grandchild and my ex has nothing to do with her only
her druggie friends sad story to miss such a great event
in my daughters life.

My prays are wtih you and your family.
meth, cocaine, booze, cigerettes or a piant can it will all kill you. I just watched my 50yrs old brother die a few weeks ago after his drug filled life consumed most of his life(he was a strong dude ... and the medication the Dr. give you to kill the pain and keep you alive work well because looks like he should have been dead 6 mos ago! 87 lbs from 190..) beleive me we all tried to help and hes even done four years in a tough prison for it! all you can do is show him how much you love him and let him know you are here for him and that your not going away!
Such sad waste of human potential. Your stories make me feel lucky to just have normal everyday problems. My prayers to all of you and loved ones with addictions it truly must tear a family apart.
I hope things get better for your bro and you /your family very soon muley. Prayers for the bro and all of yours! Keep your chin up man.
Archerman - Archery hunting addict!
Muleyman I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your little brother. Although he hasn't passed on it sounds like the little brother you once knew has been gone for quite awhile.

As for the how's, we can thank the Nazi scientists for inventing meth. As for why's I have no idea other than it's cheap, leaves users believing in a dual reality, and is easy to produce in a couple of hours.

I have grave concerns about Meth and the stranglehold it has over our entire country. Yet the federal government still lists Marajuana as the No. 1 drug, on the War on Drugs. We can thank the lobbyist in the liquor industry for that.

Meth has the highest addiction and return rate of any other drug known to man. Even if a user stays clean for years it only takes one slip and your instantly hooked again. It rots the brain's electrical impulses and leads to permanent brain damage.

The answer is easy...legalize marajuana and fast-track capital punishment for those caught producing or importing Meth.

I wish the best for you and your family, hopefully your bro can stay clean in the can. However, one day he will get out and even though his life has been a living hell, chances are he will pick up where he left off.

I'm so sorry for you and your family.
I fight with a Democrat co-worker daily on the subject of legalizing all drugs. Him being Liberal is all for it. Myself being Conservative minded am 100% against it

Sorry to here about your brothers choices in his life. Maybe this will be a wake up call for him

Pinnacle Wilderness is willing to take any struggling teen that is in need of serious help. My prayers are with all of you.

MuleyMan and everyone else I am sorry to hear of your family members that are battling this. I too have dealt with this horrific issue. I can tell you that there is hope no matter how bad it is. Try to be very optimistic and some very good things CAN come out of such a bad problem. Best Wishes to all.

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